
Showing posts from 2021

Satisfied your mind!

Our mind is filled with a lot of things. Most of us keep making our mind different with various tangled threads, from which it becomes difficult to wear a straight thread of choice. The mind is not an enemy.  All that is needed is to prevent the threads of ideas from bouncing. There is no place for idols,there is no place for thoughts either.  Layers of various thoughts accumulate in our mind. What we are hiding, what we feel, in which relationships we are entangled, which emotions we hold on to for a long time, everything remains recorded in the mind.  Gradually the mind becomes so full that there is no place left for any new thought Some important thoughts are buried very low,some important ones are entangled.    

it is important to set your own limits, but it is not right to imprison yourself in too many limits!

It is important to set your own limits,but it is not right to imprison yourself in too many limits. Avoiding always socializing with others or considering entertainment as a waste of time, alienates us from others and leads us to loneliness. Many things may be really unnecessary, but finding meaning in everything was not needed. it is better that we move from a calm mind to a balance.

Jealousy is not a mere thought within us!!

Jealousy is not a mere thought within us. Over time it becomes a process of our living. All the time, there is a comparison going on in our mind. Why others have more? Why others better than us? This fever of comparison, clinging to the body,stifles the power of thinking. Our confidence weakens and only complaints from life remain. The day when comparison becomes unnecessary, even jealousy does not find a place to live within us.

Some people are so emotional that they take even the smallest things to heart!!

Some people are so emotional that they take even the smallest things to heart. Such people do not have control over their emotions. Feelings like irritability, annoyance,anger,guilt and fear surround them all the time. These feelings of theirs keep them prisoner and they are not able to live freely . So just listen to yourself and live freely.

Forgiveness makes us better!!

Whether to apologize or forgive,it is easy as well as difficult.  Admitting one's own fault and forgiving the fault of others is what makes us human. Forgiveness is neither a bargain nor a trick. Forgiveness is that surface of the mind, where both the one who accepts his mistake and the one who forgives wins. Forgiveness makes us better.

You have to make efforts to fulfill your desires!!

You have to make efforts to fulfill your desires. But it's not good to be restless to get only one thing. Balance has to be maintained. You have to move ahead by explaining your mind. Then many times even after doing everything, the hands are left is said that whatever is made for us will reach us, even if it is buried under two mountains. What is not for us, even if it is buried between your lips,is left behind.

As long as there is breath, everyone is alive!!

As long as there is breath, everyone is alive. But, when some of our dreams, our desires, our voice and style are associated with living,then our life becomes something else. Then in that life no one else,we have our own glimpse. My aim is not only to survive,I also have to be successful. And I would love to do it with some  passion, compassion, some humor and in my own style.

As long as we are afraid from within and do not know ourselves,we bow down in front of others!!

As long as we are afraid from within and do not know ourselves,we bow down in front of others and try to bow them down. Our self-confidence starts to waver only in a few challenges.We are restless, many types of They resort to lies, longing to get the support of others in right and wrong ways. Today we only bow before the truth,chase beauty and respect love.

Many times we start considering ourselves as weak!!

Many times we start considering ourselves as weak.Know how it settles in our mind that we can not do anything, while looking back in our life itself,how many times we would have faced difficult challenges well is. We have come out strong after every challenge. Recalling our achievements in moments of restlessness fills us with courage. Success in difficult times infuses confidence and enthusiasm.

In life, when many troubles start raising their heads at once, then once in a while your attitude should also be weighed!!

In life, when many troubles start raising their heads at once,then once in a while your attitude should also be weighed. Troubles seem bigger when we look at them through the wrong lens. Obstacles are also the way of our progress. Our biases keep raising our heads in the way of our thinking. We tend to look at the situation the wrong way. Life is precious, but it can be equally unstable. We may not fully understand why bad things are happening. Because of this, our understanding is limited. It is said that control over consciousness determines our standard of living. We should not focus on our troubles, just identify them,so that we can work on our problems without getting frustrated.

Thoughts and feelings play a big role in our lives!!

Thoughts and feelings play a big role in our lives. Our desicions pass through the paths of emotions. Where is everything possible on the basis of logic. Heart and mind keep talking continuously. Emotions not only affect our desicions, but also their speed. Emotions have a deep sense of their own. Ignoring this fact limits us and is often harmful. When both the heart and mind are open, the expansion flows effortlessly towards us. Emotions reside in the whole body, not just in the mind. Instead of separating body and mind,we need to unite them.

Nothing was easy. It takes a lot of effort to achieve great success. Then no matter how big the sorrow, we can overcome, because we are stronger than we think!!

Some of our inner fears, Some of our limitations,hard experiences, come out from time to time. This is also a good thing,it helps us to overcome them. We are able to see the truth within us. Enjoy the flow of our innate spiritual energy. Comfort zone for understanding ourselves in a better way than what we can become, what we have,how we experience, what we are doing and what we do etc.has to leave. We should say thank you to those who hurt us. This is how we know what is going on inside us, what are the wounds that need to be healed.

Desires must be there, but having desire alone is not enough!!

Desires must be there, but having desire alone is not enough. Similarly, not everything can be achieved just by having information. We have to act on our desires. You have to use your knowledge while doing the work. Till we do not work, either we talk in air or we are scared.if you keep sitting, you are afraid, you work, you are overcome by fear. People are sad about the situation, but don't do anything to improve it. At the same time, some people use their dedication and energy to make every day better.

when the mind goes away from the feeling of regret and we stop thinking that we wish we lived in the past,it becomes much easier to face the challenges of life!!

When the mind goes away from the feeling of regret and we stop thinking that we wish we lived in the past, it becomes much easier to face the challenges of life. We focus on today.teaches something. It never happens that life goes on like a beautiful story.when we understand this,then living becomes easy. Then the scope of our thinking becomes so wide that small changes in life do not affect us easily. When we are not affected by small changes,then somewhere we prepare ourselves for big changes.

If you have faith in yourself, then no task seems impossible, nor does anyone's comment affect it!!

If you have faith in yourself,then no task seems impossible,nor does anyone's comment affect it. So instill in yourself the belief that you are always ready to learn something new at any stage of life. You can fulfill your responsibility without any sarcasm, but keep in mind that confidence does not turn into pride. I know it all or i can not do any mistake, like emotions stop progress. On the contrary, think that I am ready to learn and I know that mistakes can happen while learning, for which I take full responsibility. Such expressions are a sign of confidence and understanding. But, if there is some hesitation in your mind,then start with small steps. Like sharing your problem with someone close and experienced or making small changes in your working habits. This way the hesitation will go away. Your performance will keep getting better.

#change yourself, life will definitely change!!

We all try to do better in every area of life. Trying to get good marks in student life, trying to perform better in job and taking care of everyone at family level are all our efforts for betterment.but sometimes it seems that the amount of effort we put in is not getting the results. As many successful people as there have been in the world, they have never given up on their desire to learn during their endeavours. To gain proficiency in a task,it is necessary to become a student and learn the nuances of that task.

Know the purpose of their life!!

We get entangled in the hustle and bustle of life. Our mind is completely removed from the question that what have we come to do on this earth? What is our purpose? This happens because in the midst of all the hustle and bustle, only those tasks seem important, which are visible in front. What is the purpose of our life,why have we come to this earth, are we born for a specific purpose? which comes in the mind of every human being at some point or the other, but one thing which everyone has accepted in common is that the purpose of our earth is to love each other. Love is the invisible bond that binds man to man. That's why many relationship become very close even though there is no blood. Love is paramount in those relationships of ours. But,it is not necessary that we always keep looking for the meaning of our purpose of life. He just keeps on living a purposeless and destinationaless life. So we have to understand our purpose.

Not everyone gets perfect is there something are available,some don't!!

Not everyone gets perfect where. Life is there.. some things are available, some don't. We are not thankful for what we got. But those who do not get it, they often cry their sorrow and blame someone else. The life you are living, the way you are living it is made by you. Making it worse or better is hundred percent in your hands. By blaming others, you lose your own bet. After this also have nothing to do, not even to be happy.

#covid19 (Keep both mind and heart big when there are difficult times!!

We are all connected with a common sorrow at this time. Some have their own concerns, some have their own. Every house has a different story. Nobody's grief is small or false. But, what is left of what is left of? What is there after being grieved all the time,it can not be lost. There is a lot that is in our hands. Our sadness is one, happiness is also there. If the truth is true,our courage is also there. More than we think,we can help ourselves and others. Being courageous does not mean that there is no problem or that we start making fun of him. That we can not do anything. Just know what to do if something happens. There are many people who, despite the fear, are doing all possible help to others. Encourage the dead hearts.

We all have different attitudes towards life and we want to live our life is not necessary that everyone agrees with our viewpoint.when our thoughts are different from others,then trouble starts.

Every human has its own scale about right and wrong.but every person wants others to follow his liking. In the event of this not happening,we get distracted. But is it really possible that all should go according to us. Human nature is such that we see the evils of others quickly and we take away their goodness. But unlike this, mutual love and harmony will definitely increase. For example,it is better to focus on one's qualities than highlighting a person's shortcomings.

Bitter memories do not let us be happy!

Bitter memories do not let us be happy. The more bitterness for others with in us, the deeper the layers of sadness. The joys can be found even in small things,but we lose them only in getting irritated by others. To be happy is nothing better than good health and bad memory. If you want fun in life,then it is necessary to keep doing something new. When you thrust yourself,then there is fun in life. And when you are cool,then you do amazing things.

Think big if you want more!!

When you prepare yourself to achieve a better life and happiness then everything starts to get better by itself. But to get anything, first one has to overcome the obstacles of their way of thinking. Without stumbling, if everything is found just like that,then its importance ends. But this is only one aspect of the coin, while the second aspect tells us that despite stumbling,it is very important that you love yourself and accept that you are entitled to better happiness in your life.

We should be happy on our dreams!

We should be happy on our dreams.One should not leave them easily. Even if we have to leave,we should be ready to give many more dreams a place in our lives. It is said that the age of people is passed, in knowing what we need. In such a situation, if you know what your dream is and what you want,then it increases your speed to move towards happiness.