Satisfied your mind!

Our mind is filled with a lot of things. Most of us keep making our mind different with various tangled threads, from which it becomes difficult to wear a straight thread of choice. The mind is not an enemy.  All that is needed is to prevent the threads of ideas from bouncing. There is no place for idols,there is no place for thoughts either.  Layers of various thoughts accumulate in our mind. What we are hiding, what we feel, in which relationships we are entangled, which emotions we hold on to for a long time, everything remains recorded in the mind.  Gradually the mind becomes so full that there is no place left for any new thought Some important thoughts are buried very low,some important ones are entangled.    

Know the purpose of their life!!

We get entangled in the hustle and bustle of life. Our mind is completely removed from the question that what have we come to do on this earth? What is our purpose? This happens because in the midst of all the hustle and bustle, only those tasks seem important, which are visible in front. What is the purpose of our life,why have we come to this earth, are we born for a specific purpose? which comes in the mind of every human being at some point or the other, but one thing which everyone has accepted in common is that the purpose of our earth is to love each other. Love is the invisible bond that binds man to man. That's why many relationship become very close even though there is no blood. Love is paramount in those relationships of ours. But,it is not necessary that we always keep looking for the meaning of our purpose of life. He just keeps on living a purposeless and destinationaless life. So we have to understand our purpose.


  1. Lindo texto e o amor agrega sempre, faz bem! beijos, chica

  2. That so true <3 We must love one another and care for each other.

  3. Un placer pasarme por aquí y poder leerte. Un beo y feliz tarde

  4. Love is an universal language! We all should use this language forever.

  5. ¡Hola! Me gustó mucho el texto, bastante correcto lo que dices con respecto al amor.
    Besos ♥

  6. The greatest meaning of life is to feel love, not only for your neighbor; for life, for each element that makes up our powerful Universe.
    Unfortunately the fight of "evil and good" is in the human essence and will be eternal.
    That is why love is the only force for survival.
    Nice to read you.
    Love forever!; pir on top of everything !!

  7. A precious text Rejani
    Those who don't love don't live...they just exist!
    Thank you for your visit!

  8. Es un texto precioso, ¿pero donde queda el amor? por desgracia cada día el mundo es menos humano y el poco amor que queda se pierde cada día un poco más.
    Cordiales saludos.

  9. Me encantó. Muy bien escrito además.


  10. Olá Rejani!!
    Muito bom o seu texto sobre o sentido da vida, e sobre o Amor.
    Se já sabemos que o amor é a força que nos liga a todos, podemos então imaginar que o sentido da nossa existência na Terra seja o de aprender a amar. E a Grande Luz, O Espírito mais perfeito que esteve no Planeta, Educador por excelência, Guia e Modelo para nós, é Jesus . Ele nos deixou o roteiro iluminado em seu Evangelho Redentor.

    Leia O Evangelho Segundo o Espiritismo , organizado pelo mestre francês Allan Kardec. Terá suas perguntas respondidas.
    Grande abraço.

  11. Y nadie como nosotros mismos para hacer lo necesario, para usando el amor llegar a todos, Una imagen muy linda y un texto necesario. Abrazos

  12. Like someone wrote here, the greatest goal of life is to feel love
    Loved it

  13. Hermosa reflexión , te mando un beso

  14. Very wise! Love should be the journey and destination.

  15. Hermoso este tema, el amor es lo más importante en esta vida. Y muchas veces el amor no tiene nada que ver con los lazos de sangre entre las personas. A veces un buen amigo es mucho más valioso que un hermano. Un saludo en la distancia.

  16. When we love God, by knowing Him through Jesus Christ, then we see the purpose we have in life. Since I have become born again of God's Holy Spirit my life has not only become wonderful on this earth through His teaching and leading me into truth, but has become 'eternal'.

  17. We must love God and love one another. God bless.

  18. I loved reading this text. I agree with what you have said. Love is the main purpose and the most forgoten!
    Thanks for your visit.

  19. Hola, muchas gracias por pasarte por mi blog y dejarme un comentario. Vengo a devolverte el saludo y leer un poquito lo que has escrito. Puedes aportar mucho, sinceramente.

    El amor, tal vez todo no lo pueda. Quizá le ponemos demasiadas expectativas cuando la cosa es mucho más sencilla.
    Un saludo.

  20. Gostei muito do texto. E lembro o escritor Miguel Torga que disse: "sem amor nenhuns olhos são videntes"...
    Um bom fim de semana.
    Muita saúde.
    Um beijo.

  21. Beautifully written, the words are so true.

  22. If we don't have purpose our life don't have sense. Thank you for sharing great post.

  23. Love and kindness never go astray.

  24. Precious words! Thanks so much. We are all family.

  25. Fantástica postagem! Verdadeiras suas palavras.

  26. O meu propósito é aturar um amigo
    "mala" sem fazer cara feia e quando
    me perguntar se estou zangado eu
    pudesse dizer que não, que sou feio
    assim mesmo. (risos)
    Beijos e beijos, muitos.

  27. tough question, but at one point one must attempt to answer.
    great post!

  28. Thanks for the beautiful post!

  29. A very interesting text, to read and reflect.
    Good weekend.

  30. "[...]Qual é o propósito da nossa vida, por que viemos a esta terra, nascemos para um propósito específico?[...] Pois, é ela que é o centro de tudo. Não necessitamos de subalternizar e desvalorizar o que ela representa.
    A nossa Vida é um Bem precioso que devemos valorizar e amar (sem egoísmos).
    O teu Post é precioso.

    SOL da Esteva

  31. Lovely image. If our purpose is to love one another, then why have there been wars throughout the millennium? Nature is survival of the fittest, kill or be killed, as demonstrated with animals and even some plants. (One example: certain vines wrap around trees and kill the trees, allowing more sunlight for the vines to grow.) Nature had checks and balances until humans came along. How many animals have gone extinct as a direct result of human actions? Humans kill animals for "sport" not for food: look at the rhinoceros and elephants. Humans are more like cancer on Earth, than anything else. Just my opinion, from what I've seen humans doing.

  32. Un texto hermoso que me gusto leer.
    Un abrazo y buen sábado.

  33. Thank you so much for your kind words ☺️

  34. True, love can bind us together, respect for each other helps also. But our human love is frail which is why there is so much hatred and killings in this world. Which is why living from the truth God of God's love for all can make that binding strong. With His love we are able to love the unlovable. My purpose is to walk in the love of God for me and others. Good thoughts.

    1. "Love one another" is an inspiring purpose statement. Thank you for the inspiration.

  35. If every human loved one another, there would be no war. That
    would be incredible.

  36. Beautiful thoughts. Love is paramount.

  37. People who "lead with Love" in their everyday . . seem to smile a lot more . . seem to find it worthwhile to take the extra step for a better outcome in all their undertakings. I totally agree with you 💙

  38. Praise the Lord that He had a purpose in mind for each of His children since before the world began! May we have the heart to follow Him and His perfect plan for our life. Thanks for the great post and God bless!

  39. It's said love makes the world go around. We must have love and consideration for all things in life.

  40. Excellent reflection. We have to find what our purpose in life is, only then we will follow the right path.
    Have a great Sunday

  41. How true is that!! Loved the reflection ❤❤

  42. Um texto muito bom, que nos leva a reflectir sobre a razão pela qual existimos à face da Terra.
    Só o amor ao próximo pode tornar-nos melhore ajudar-nos a melhorar o mundo.

    Bom final de Domingo e boa semana.

  43. Good advice! It's important to have a purpose for life and goals to work towards :)

    Hope you had a good weekend! It was a quiet one here :)

    Away From The Blue

  44. Love itself came from God who is our Father in heaven. Without being kind to other people our world would be out of balance completely. He is the only God to follow as we know He hears our prayers. Not always answered as we like but there is a reason for seasons in our life. Thanks for sharing your words of wisdom and drawing. Have a good week!

  45. Love is the invisible bond that binds man to man.

  46. Think youf or visit kg blog

  47. Unas hermosas palabras que encierran una gran verdad, el amor nos une a todos y eso es lo principal .
    Un saludo

  48. Love is the quintessence of life. Einstein said that and you highlight it in this text.
    A hug from Brazil

  49. Perguntas pertinentes, que todos nos fazemos; e no Amor encontramos as respostas! Boa semana, belo post.

  50. I loved reflection. We must always look for our purpose.

  51. Creo que es ser feliz, unidos en un mismo cielo, en la fe, la contemplación de la naturaleza que somos todos en ella. SOBRE TODO DIOS.

  52. Awesome Post!

  53. Well said. Love is the meaning of life, I think. and loving each other.

  54. HOla Rajani! Encantada de entrar en tu blog! Me ha gustado muchísimo,otro espacio precioso!
    Gracias por comentarme en mi Blog!

  55. Gracias por tu visita Rajani. Te felicito por la profundidad de tus letras. Con los años vamos descubriendo el sentido interno de las cosas. Vamos aprendiendo a aceptar, a comprender a intuir la verdad de las cosas y a amar nuestro mundo. Vamos evolucionando y transformándonos en seres de luz.
    Mi abrazo entrañable y mi ánimo.

  56. It's a question we should all consider. What is our purpose? Surely it is more than just to sleepwalk through our time on Earth.

  57. muitobem escrito muito bonito bravo bjs saude e obrigada pela sua vesita volte sempre bjs

  58. This really touched my heart, my friend. You write eloquently, and your words are wise.
    I've been wondering the same thing, as I heard recently a saying, "we are not here for
    ourselves." I think we do little things all the time to help others, and that is really something
    special, as we all need help from time to time. Thank you for this beautiful post. It made
    my day. : )


  59. Good morning, thank you for visiting my blog this morning have a great new week Kathy

  60. Lindas palabras, me ha gustado mucho. Besitos.

  61. Beautiful blog. Love is the one true purpose for us all.

  62. I think that the circumstances we go through in life guide us to our purpose. Beautiful text .

  63. Viviamo in un’epoca in cui sono molte le persone che non rispettano il prossimo e seminano odio e discriminazioni. L’esistenza sarebbe fantastica se ci fosse amore e fossimo pronti ad aiutarci, questo potrebbe essere lo scopo della vita.
    Felice estate, un abbraccio

  64. Love, ultimately, but getting there can be tricky.

  65. Wonderful post. Finding your purpose isn't always easy, but good when you do and accept it too.

  66. Life without Love is empty. Nice Post my friends!

  67. The purpose of life is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Blessings.

  68. Buen pensamiento
    un abrazo

  69. NO he podido leer tu texto pues no se inglés y no he encontrado donde leerlo en castellano. Lo siento .

    Gracias por visitar mi blog y comentar.

  70. Thank you for your visit to my blog. In the Bible we read that God is love. (1 John 4:16) I believe God's love shows us how to love one another. He loved us first, and showed His incredible love for us by giving us His only Son, Jesus to die for our sins.

  71. When we love we spread kindness. Kindness is contagious. It causes others to be kind. Wonderful post.

  72. Very true. Life would definitely feel purposeless without someone to love and someone to love you back!



  73. gracias a visitando mi blog. Me gusta much su blog tambien. El amor es dios y dios es el amor! Espero que yo ama el mundo como el dios. Siento mis palabras no tiene ascientes. No se como hacer con mi computadore americano.

  74. Muchas gracias por darme la oportunidad de conocerte, es un placer. Precioso escrito.

  75. Não sei porque viemo ao mundo, mas, sei que muita gente só tem sofrimento na vida. Claro que se houvesse mais amor entre os homens, mais união e mais solidariedade, não haveria tantos problemas, tantas guerras, tanta miséria, tanta fome. Mas, o ser humano quer poder, quer dinheiro e não olja a meios para atingir os fins. Sempre foi assim e não tenho esperanças que as mentalidades mudem.
    I would like to thank you for this text which leads us to an important reflection; we must think that the others deserve respect: they are human beings like us and so, must be loved and respected. Thanks and have good times, with helthy. Regards

  76. Excellent text!

    Boa semana!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

  77. Gostei muito do seu texto reflexivo!
    Uma boa semana, obrigada pela sua visita.

  78. You ask why are we here, what is our purpose.

    I have been roaming the earth hoping to find the answers to questions such as those. The journey is interesting/educational/enjoyable, but the answers are elusive and, in all likelihood, forever will be ....

    You have a fascinating blog ....

  79. I read again your text and I felt the same: your text is very good.
    All the best to you.

  80. I would not have a purpose without God.

  81. Thank you for visiting my blog.
    Loving is important.
    ... and we need many other things to survive on earth ..
    We also need to be able to give up some things. That would help the planet.

  82. I believe there is one particular moment in everyone's life (or, I hope everyone's life) when we realize our purpose. It's an odd but wonderful feeling to know. It may not be the only reason but at least one and it may not happen for a long time. But I think at some point, it happens.

  83. Lovely post and very true. Purposeful living and being alive is not necessarily the same thing. Thanks for reminding us of that again.

    Thanks for visiting my blog earlier!

  84. WOW, such an awesome post!!😊😊
    Love is a language everyone should learn from the earliest age...then maybe a lot of the world's troubles would vanish into thin air!!

    Have a super day!

    Hugs xxx

  85. Leyendo a Erich From, en una de sus obras relevantes de psicología sobre el amor como liberador, siente uno que tu texto es relevante para entender la fuerza del amor como propósito de vida. Un abrazo. Carlos

  86. A great article indeed, thanks for sharing!

  87. Rajani, I've never worried about or spent time trying to determine my purpose per se. I treat others as I would have them treat me and I love life and many people around me. Every day on earth with my family, friends and my surroundings is a good day! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  88. Es la pregunta que se han hecho las distintas generaciones. Toda vida está creada con un firme propósito, desde el primer inicio de vida hasta su final.

  89. Beautiful post Rajani and very thought provoking. We live fast lives these days, not enough time, always in a hurry and its easy to loose sight of what is actually important in our lives or what is going on around you. thanks for sharing.

  90. Sin Dios el amor es vacío...y con el amor divino nos alejamos de toda desesperación y de toda sombra....

  91. • .¸¸. • * `* •. • ஜீ☼ ۞☼ ஜீ •. • * `* • For love is the only thing I live for, I need love more than oxygen and I am willing to give as much as possible
    Sending lots of kisses and hugs, dear friend o´mine .¸¸. • ✿ஜீ ۞ ஜீ✿

  92. Que lindo e verdadeiro, tudo que falou é realmente possível, desde que o amor esteja presente, em todos os sentidos da vida terrena. Sem amor, não há vida! E não há esperança. Não sei se você conhece esta música : "Monte Castelo" de Renato Russo (a letra é linda).
    Ela é de 1989, eu era uma adolescente, essa música me acompanha há anos, e o Renato sempre escreveu músicas com histórias, que atravessam gerações.
    Caso se interesse em ouvi-la:
    Adorei seu blog, vou olhar depois os outros post

  93. Eres un filósofo y amas a la vida

  94. Hi Rajani.
    Excellent questions from the life of the story.
    All photographs are spectacular.


    A hug !!

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