Satisfied your mind!

Our mind is filled with a lot of things. Most of us keep making our mind different with various tangled threads, from which it becomes difficult to wear a straight thread of choice. The mind is not an enemy.  All that is needed is to prevent the threads of ideas from bouncing. There is no place for idols,there is no place for thoughts either.  Layers of various thoughts accumulate in our mind. What we are hiding, what we feel, in which relationships we are entangled, which emotions we hold on to for a long time, everything remains recorded in the mind.  Gradually the mind becomes so full that there is no place left for any new thought Some important thoughts are buried very low,some important ones are entangled.    

#change yourself, life will definitely change!!

We all try to do better in every area of life. Trying to get good marks in student life, trying to perform better in job and taking care of everyone at family level are all our efforts for betterment.but sometimes it seems that the amount of effort we put in is not getting the results. As many successful people as there have been in the world, they have never given up on their desire to learn during their endeavours. To gain proficiency in a task,it is necessary to become a student and learn the nuances of that task.


  1. The human being cannot let himself stay with something he has learned. To stop is to stagnate in life. No matter how much you study and/or strive to do your job well, you have to want to study more every second of your life and always do it better.
    I fully agree with what is written in this text. One must always be eternally dissatisfied.

    My best regards

  2. La vida siempre es una constante enseñanza y siempre debemos estar en predisposición de aprender, el libro se cierra con nosotros.

  3. I completely agree with everything what you wrote and think that we should never stop learning.

  4. Nunca podemos desistir do sucesso, obrigada pela visita bjs.

  5. I wholy agree with your this post Dear friend! Thanks.

  6. I do hope blogger allows me to comment this time. We can only change ourselves, and life long learning is a privilege and a joy.

  7. En la vida no nos tenemos que conformar con lo que sabemos, tenemos que seguir aprendiendo y esforzarnos para mantener nuestra mente en constante ejercicio mental.Besicos

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Me diga que língua e o país que mora.

  10. We are our own sun and our own moon. Only we can change our own universe. Loved the text

  11. Genial, Rehana. Me gusta además cómo ilustras tus textos...

    Abrazo grande.

  12. Genial reflexion te mando un beso

  13. Es verdad, tenemos que tratar de ser mejores en todo, Rajani. Un abrazo.

  14. Si cambiamos nosotros el mundo cambia, para nosotros..... en nosotros esta el poder de la transformación. Saludos. Bello texto.

  15. WOW, such a wonderfully inspiring post...fantastic truths in there...thank you so much for sharing this!😊😊

    Hope you're having a fabulous weekend, dear friend🙏🙏

    Hugs xxx

  16. Excelente texto. A vida tem estas vicissitudes.
    Obrigada, pela visita.
    Bom fim de semana!


  17. Good post
    Thanks for sharing
    Kisses ♥

  18. No age limits for keep learning!
    Actually, we learn every second of our life.
    Never reaching the end because knowlege had no limits eirher, so, let's be happy and not to worry. We can't know every thing.
    I liked your theme!

  19. A nossa vinda à Terra tem como objetivo aprender!

    Abraço, bom fim de semana

  20. Well written and very true!

  21. Very true .... it is necessary to become a student and learn the nuances of that task.

  22. Nunca dejemos de aprender!! Un beso y feliz fin de semana.

  23. 162 / 5000
    Resultados de traducción
    You never stop learning. Sometimes it is usually good to take a break to meditate and become aware, but every day you learn something.
    Greetings from Spain :)

  24. This is a certain truth! I enjoy the way you express yourself -
    and your graphics are stellar.
    Thank You!

  25. Seremos alunos durante uma vida inteira?
    Adorei o que li!
    Megy Maia💛🌻💛

  26. Hi.
    Thanks for sharing. I think the same. I love to learn.
    Good night!

  27. Lovely post! May we never stop learning! God bless you.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Interesting look at our daily life.
    The most important and transcendent effort is the exercise to be a better person every day. That must be permanent

  30. We can always learn from someone even our selves all our life.

  31. A vida é uma aprendizagem permanente, à qual devemos estar recetivos para que a nossa viagem seja sempre feita na carruagem da frente.
    Nunca é por demais lembrar.
    Abraço amigo.
    Juvenal Nunes

  32. Bonjour,

    Une réflexion si pertinente !

  33. La vida siempre te enseña y nunca aprendes todo , y eso es bueno porque nos hace crecer como seres humanos , todos aprendemos de todos , hasta la persona que creemos que no puede enseñarnos anda , siempre tiene una respuesta o una pregunta que nos sorprende. Gracias por tu visita y te deseo un feliz domingo.

  34. I always encouraged my students to become life-long learners. Thank you for sharing this great thought!

  35. A great review indeed, thanks for sharing!

  36. El mejor éxito debiera ser lograr ser mejores seres humanos...ahí se falla demasiado...

  37. I like the last line of your post. Still we are evolving too. Time passes. What we might have found easy might not be as easy as you think a decade from now. Throw in some body pains from all sorts of places, you might find your self learning new things about yourself. Oh, one might's time to retire..but can you really when you still have decades to go.

  38. This is a great message, we can always continue to learn!

  39. Nunca nos cansaremos de aprender, mesmo sabendo que a aprendizagem se faz ao longo da vida inteira. Gostei do texto.
    Uma boa semana com muita saúde.
    Um beijo.

  40. The joy seems to be in doing a task that is slightly beyond you, and steadily moving toward that goal.

  41. Learning lasts a lifetime.
    Nice text.

  42. i think we have never stopped learning . there's always change.
    good post!

  43. What a beautiful photo and such good advice in your post :)

    Hope your week is off to a good start :) We went to a theme park yesterday with the kids, so much fun!

    Away From The Blue

  44. Buenos textos y buenas fotos. Felicidades

  45. Sorry Rajani Rehana, I delete your comments in my blog O Pacto Português, because I misjudged them. I though it was publicity and spam, and I am sick of it.
    Thank you for your comments and regards

  46. You seem yo be a good student! Hugs

  47. I loved your post, Rajani.
    Have a nice day.

  48. That's right, I think life is a constant learning, here's a popular saying that says " no day you'll go to bed without learning something new . "
    Best regards.

  49. Nice text!
    Thank you for your visit.
    Best regards.

  50. Hi Rijana!
    Great post. I think I have to stop learning when I die because life must be a continuous learning and try not to make the same mistakes again.
    Thanks for your kind visit.

  51. Yes, it's important to be students, and hopefully we don't stop learning until
    we leave this world. I really like the way you write because your verses are
    not that long and detailed, and you tell a beautiful story with just a few words,
    getting the message across to your readers. Well done.


  52. Olá Rajani Rehana adorei seu blogger ,grata pela visita !
    Te desejo muita luz ,paz e amor 🙏

  53. As long as we have breath, we will continue to learn.

  54. Absolutely Rajani, love the image to go with your words ✨

  55. Y aprender y aprender... Y dejar mejor el lugar donde estuvimos haciendo nuestro trabajo. Gracias por estas palabras inspiradoras. Saludos!

  56. Belíssima imagem a emoldurar palavras muito sábias e adaptadas ao contexto actual!

    Muito obrigada pela visita ao Barlavento e gentil comentário!


  57. We learn all our lives about..., and about... Sometimes I wonder: do we learn to enjoy every moment?
    All the best!

  58. Hello, I liked your text, we really have to be creative, and always look for good news.Obrigado.

  59. Hola cómo estás, que bueno que pasaste a mi blog, estaremos leyendonos y estando de visita por aquí, muchos saludos.

  60. Gracias por pasarte Rajani, me gustó conocer tu blog. Nos leemos. Un saludo.

  61. Knowledge is always perfectible.

  62. Belo post, parabéns!
    Uma boa quinta feira.

  63. It's tiring to be human, when we have to be nice to everyone

  64. A really inspiring pix. It really catches the eye and says so much in one pix. I like that the girl in shadow is standing at the tip of a rock and releasing balloons to a red sky. We will always "fall down". What is important is picking ourselves up and starting again.

  65. Grandes verdades en tus palabras. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  66. We can never give up on ourselves nor stop believing in our abilities.
    Thank you for your visit!

  67. Até à morte somos aprendizes da vida.

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