When we do not fulfill the promises made to ourselves, we start considering ourselves inferior and worthless.

When we do not fulfill the promises made to ourselves, we start considering ourselves inferior and worthless. On the other hand, when we fulfill the promises made to ourselves, even if those resolution are very small. then we establish a trusting relationship with ourselves.  Continuously strengthening faith in ourselves starts reflecting in every aspect of our daily life.  Understand your promises, intentions, write them down. By doing this, you will be able to achieve them. 

Thoughts have so much power that they have the ability to change lives.

Thoughts have so much power that they have the ability to change lives.
However, it depends on you what kind of thoughts you bring into your mind. 
Positive thoughts sow the seeds of positivity in our mind and make us civilized and cultured, giving the right direction to our lives.while negative thoughts weaken our energy and mislead us. 
Everything in this world starts with a thought. 
Big things become bigger as more people contribute their thoughts to them after they appear. 
If we take our mind off the bad thing and focus on love, that bad things can not exist. It will disappear. 


  1. O somos minoría los que tenemos pensamientos positivos o es que los negativos tienen mas fuerza.


  2. Well written. I agree with it :-D

  3. You wrote the truth!
    I salute you from Poland!

  4. I completely share your thoughts and beliefs, dear friend.
    Big hugs.

  5. Profunda reflexion. Te mando un beso.

  6. That's what I believe in, too. Sometimes a little thought that I think about during the day confronts me during that day. That's how effective they are!
    With love to your blog, please keep writing.

  7. True and real, that's how our thoughts are, we must know how to interpret and control them.

  8. These ideas are easy to understand. No idea why people don't practice them.
    Would be better for them.
    Have a fantastic week ahead!❤️😘

  9. Only the seeds of positivity can make us civilized and cultured. Everybody in positivy, everybody cultured. Sow ever. Congratulations.

  10. Muy buena reflexión, todo parte en nuestros pensamientos, debemos pensar en lo bueno siempre y desechar lo malo. Un abrazo

  11. Os pensamentos mudam todo nosso ser. Ter pensamentos positivos nos levam muito longe e muito mais feliz.


  12. Nicely written and so true. Have a wonderful week.

  13. I don't think it's that easy. Life is much more complex and painful.


  14. Muy buena reflexion, el poder de la mente es milagrosa.
    Cariños y besos, que tengas un feliz dia

  15. Cierto, la mente tiene un poder inmenso...

  16. Pensamentos positivos ajudam muito a deixar a vida mais leve! Espantar a negatividade de nossa mente é um esforço muito necessário.
    Abraços daqui do Brasil e obrigada pela visita ao meu blog!
    Até mais!

  17. A great text for reflection. I liked your post, Rajani.
    You haven't appeared at 'Convívo dos Poetas' since May...
    Come now, I have a Friendship celebration...
    A pleasant and happy month of August. ☘️🌼🌻

  18. Yes its true. I really like this text :) Its worth to read and think. Regards from Poland Rajani

  19. I do think we don't have to trust everthing our brain thinks. When we are in a bad place we can twist things up without realising it.

  20. .。❅*⋆⍋*∞*。

  21. Gracias por asomarte a mi blog y comparto tu pensamiento.

  22. Easier said than done!

  23. Súper.. Pero en mi caso, a veces mis pensamientos me juegan una mala pasada, porque sufro de ansiedad

  24. Olá, obrigada por sua visita em meu blog! Exercício diário pensar positivamente. Paz e Bem! Nice

  25. Hola buen sitio. Bellamente escrito. Estamos de acuerdo. 🙂

  26. Interesante. Esta bueno. Muchas veces cuesta o aparecen los otros pensamientos. Pero habría que buscar la manera de no pensar demasiado o creer que si algo anteriormente salió mal no siempre tiene que volver a ser de ese mismo modo

  27. Es importante elegir los buenos pensamientos y gestionar las emociones...Creo que es la asignatura pendiente que desde pequeños nos deberían enseñar...El mundo sería mejor si supiéramos controlar el odio, el rencor, la ira, el orgullo...etc.
    Mi abrazo entrañable y mi ánimo, amiga.

  28. Debemos alimentar los pensamientos positivos, todo sería más bonito y la vida mucho más espléndida, me ha gustado leerte
    Un abrazo

  29. Of course, our thoughts make a whole lot of difference.

  30. Thank you for the thought provoking post, Rajani. Working on enriching the positivity within us is a lifelong task. It is not something one can do every so often and presume that the attained growth will keep/sustain/continue. It is not a skill like swimming or bicycling, which one seldom forgets. I only happen to know this firsthand through trial and error - school of hard knocks :)

  31. Ah yes, be careful what you think! And LOVE this illustration so charming.

    Allie of

  32. So true - thanks for sharing!!!

  33. Bonsoir
    C'est tellement vrai !
    Excellente soirée

  34. pouvoir penser librement est déjà positif
    bonne soirée

  35. So true! Thank you! The image you used is beautiful!

  36. Entièrement d'accord !
    Merci de vos gentilles appréciations sur mon blog !

  37. Bonjour
    Merci pour ta gentille visite.
    Magnifique image féerique et de très belles pensées auxquelles j'adhère. Très beau blog.

  38. Bonjour
    Merci de ta visite sur mon blog
    Trés belle cette image
    Bonne journée

  39. Hello.. Thank you for your visit, kind regards

  40. bonjour merci de ta gentille visite , beau blog , que tu a , je te souhaite une belle journée amicalement

  41. Hola. Es cierto que muchas veces los pensamientos no se pueden controlar, pero yo ya estoy un punto de mi vida que intento no adelantarme a los acontemientos, ir día a día, y solucionando las cosas cuando llegan. Un abrazo grande, te espero en mi blog1

  42. Thanks for this profound words.

  43. bonjour .
    Une très jolie image .
    Je te souhaite un bon weekend .

  44. Bonour merci de ta visite sur mon blog
    vrai ce que tu dis mais pas facile quand on souffre quotidienement pourtant je positive
    jolie création amitié

  45. Un petit coucou d'amitié
    Agréable weekend

  46. BONJOUR, nous voila vendredi avec un temps gris 19 degres et du vent , mal partit pour mon barbecue demain,
    je mettrais tout le monde a l interieur pour manger plus prudent lol!!!
    oui j ai mon beau frere et belle soeur ainsi que le filleul de mon mari et son frere au barbecue ,
    donc aujourd hui un peu de travail afin de tout preparer , donc je ne pourrais pas passer te voir demain !!!!!mais dimanche je serais la bon pied bon oeil lol!!!!
    j espere que tu vas bien , moi la fatigue se fait ressentir ,
    mais voila on fatigue vite quand on vieillit lol!!!
    gros bisous et a dimanche ton amie nadine

  47. I wish more people would focus on love and peace.
    All the best and have a nice weekend, Traude

  48. Olá, tudo bem?
    Pensamentos positivos são importante, nos faz ter um ânimo diferente, apesar de que, não creio que eles sejam capazes de mudar o mundo.

  49. bjr me voila ce dimanche pour te souhaiter une agreable journee,
    hier je ne suis pas venue te voir et je m en excuse mais j avais de la famille au barbecue
    et ce fut une tres agreable journee , nous avons meme trouver un herisson qui etait venu nous voir ,
    mais lipton ne voulait pas qu il rentre dans le jardin lol!!!
    une vrai course pour l attraper et le faire repartir dans la pelouse de notre voisin ,
    tout le monde etait heureux d avoir sauver l herisson lol!!!!
    puis un bon repas et comme ca c est finit tard dans la soiree et avec cette chaleur nous etions fatigues
    donc je n ai pas venu te voir mais aujourd hui je suis la bon pied bon oeil pour prendre de tes nouvelles ?
    as tu passé un bon samedi pas trop chaud j espere? nous au havre 25 degres c est bien,
    aujour dui repos en regardant la fin des jeux olympiques gros bisous nadine

  50. Thank you for your visit, kind regards

  51. Obrigada pela sua visita,
    um bom domingo!

  52. Querida amiga, profunda reflexión, me encantó.
    Abrazos y besos, que tengas un bello día

  53. Right thoughts.Thanks for your visiting

  54. I love your positive thoughts my friend. My best regards and wishes.

  55. Lovely image! So true! Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  56. Bello y cierto, las palabras y pensamientos positivos atraen buenas cosas y los mismo al revés... Besos por ahí!!!

  57. I agree that thoughts have the power to change our lives.

  58. bjr me voila ce mercredi avec un beau soleil 24 degres c est tres agreable, j ai profité pour lessiver mes baies vitrees du rez de chaussee , elles en avaient besoin , mais voila cela me fatigue beaucoup , donc c est tranquillement que je passe te voir et prendre de tes nouvelles , comment vas tu?es ce que tu profites de ce beau temps ?gros bisous nadine

  59. Very profound, and such a beautiful image.

  60. To think positive, and really all the thoughts, are the first steps for to be happy.

  61. Querida amiga, te deseo un feliz inicio de semana, es un placer visitarte.
    Abrazos y te dejo un besito

  62. Absolutely, our thoughts shape our reality in profound ways. Focusing on positivity can truly transform our lives and the world around us.

    Invited to read my new style post: https://www.melodyjacob.com/2023/10/the-blessing-in-emergency.html

  63. Good reflection, everything starts in our thoughts.
    Greetings Irma

  64. What a lovely post, staying positive is definitely the key to getting through situations in life! Hope you have an amazing rest of the summer beauty!

    xoxo, MidoriLinea


  65. What you wrote is the truth. I wrote once this https://tinedejong.blogspot.com/2016/04/beinvloeding-van-je-gedachten.html Try to translate and learn more.

  66. Querida amiga, que tengas un feliz dia.
    Abrazos y besos

  67. Interesting and wise reflection.
    Thoughts do have immense power.

  68. Yes, I agree that bad, negative thoughts have no love in them, and can take away the positivity in your life.

  69. Je suis d'accord aussi avec ce texte.
    C'est un très beau blog, je reviendrai.

  70. Hola! Interesante, estoy totalmente de acuerdo. Bonita imagen, un abrazo

  71. I'm glad you share your thoughts with others. Your words are a refreshment for blogs readers. Best regards! 🤗

  72. Good post! Thinking positive will help us get through the adversity we face in life.

  73. Hola, totalmente de acuerdo, los pensamientos nos cambian nuestro concepto de ver y sentir la vida, ellos forman parte de nuestra mente y esta los lleva hacerlos efectivos siempre que le demos salida por propia voluntad. Un besote

  74. perché non vieni a scrivere qualcosa di sensato?

  75. Os pensamentos caminham de mãos dadas conosco!
    Um doce abracinho!

  76. Thank you for visiting my blog. Your blog is amazing, beautiful and interesting.

  77. This is very nice.
    I wish you a nice weekend.

  78. Ano, tohle je naprostá pravda, Souhlasím s každým slovem.
    A děkuji.

  79. Máte pravdu. také to tak cítím.

  80. How right you are!! Even when we go through a bad patch, thinking positively helps our peace of mind. <3

  81. I passed to check if there was any news...
    I enjoyed reading you again...
    Have a nice very happy September. 🍃🌺🍀

  82. Muy buena reflexión, nuestros pensamientos tienen un impacto profundo en nuestra mente y espíritu. Si mantenemos pensamientos positivos, nuestro estado de ánimo y actitud serán positivos, pero si nos dejamos llevar por pensamientos negativos, afectarán nuestro bienestar emocional y mental.
    Un abrazo.

  83. Coincido que los pensamientos positivos pueden transformar nuestra vida y la de quiénes nos rodean. Sin embargo, existe el riesgo de enfocarnos únicamente en lo positivo, y terminar viviendo de ilusiones... ¿?

    (Tu texto invita a la reflexión...🙂)

    ¡Te mando un abrazo!

  84. Merci de votre visite sur mon blog! “Nous sommes ce que nous pensons. Tout ce que nous sommes résulte de nos pensées. Avec nos pensées, nous bâtissons notre monde.”

  85. coucou bonjour bon mercredi
    bisou thérèse

  86. Bonsoir Mon ami(e) ❤️
    nous voilà sur ton beau monde
    Je te souhaite une belle fin de journée
    Et une agréable soirée
    Je t'envoie mille Byzz de moi*


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