Only the ability to work harder than we desire can make us positive. 🤗🤗

Only the ability to work harder than we desire can make us positive.There is nothing that can not be changed. When we rise above selfishness and are ready to do something for others keeping our time in mind, we become positive. It is true that it is impossible that any work done by you does not yield results.  Everything depends on how you do the work.  We keep trying to know everyone. Who is doing what? Who brought what? We keep an eye on everyone, but what we do not know is where is our happiness? Look at others, but be loyal to yourself too. Our perspective should be positive. Staying on unwanted paths for a long time weakens the body and mind.  You can make life joyful by being rich in energy and positivity.  Always remain enthusiastic and keep yourself full of energy. This will give a new identity to your personality. Your self-confidence will increase, you will be able to climb the ladder of success in life very quickly. 

We have to make our heart big!

Nothing happens in life by escapism, unless the situation is changed.changing the place does not solve the problem. 
Remember that our biggest enemy is our bad nature. 
As soon as our nature becomes soft, we will get respect from everywhere, not contempt. 
Changing the place does not make a crow a cuckoo.  Changing the school does not change the class.changing the class depends on our ability and eligibility and the studies of the whole year etc. 
As soon as we face a difficult situation, we adopt an escapist attitude, but do not change our nature and nature.water is important, not well; the destination is important, not the path. 
Similarly, in life, not only soft speech, but also appropriate language and self- conscious behaviour are important. We are often influenced by others. If someone praises us, we become happy. If we are called intelligent, we start considering ourselves clever. On the contrary, if we are called stubborn, angry, selfish and greedy, then anxiety spreads in the mind. As long as we keep getting influenced by others, our nature can not improve, because we are not able to recognize ourselves after getting influenced by others. Just a water in a small vessel heats up faster than in a large vessel, similarly if our heart is small, then the tide of jealous, hatred and feelings of revenge rise very fast. 
Therefore, we have to make our heart big. 


  1. Hello!
    I spent so many years of my life being influenced by what others told me, that I grew up thinking that I was not interesting, intelligent, beautiful or good enough to live in the world. No longer! Fortunately, I learned about the things that you point out in your text, even though I was already a mature woman when I started to change the people in my life.
    Sometimes, when almost everyone keeps telling you how 'wrong' you are, the problem is not you, but the people you are surrounded by.

  2. People are influenced by others or by the system, becuse we were 'trained' in school to do so.
    It's difficult to escape of this habit. And we succeed to do this only if something happen in our life, that wake us. There are some authors that could change our perspective. One of them could be David R. Hawkins. Just a thought...
    All the best to you!

  3. You wrote a very interesting post. Your words are true. In my opinion, these words aren't easy, they make you think.
    I salute you!

  4. Replies
    1. Un buenisimo mensaje querido amigo, nos cambia el saber que hay que avanzar y lo logramos aprendiendo, ojalá ensanchemos el corazón para cambiar el mundo
      Un abrazo

  5. Cuanta verdad hay en tu articulo.


  6. Muito lindo e temos mesmo que assim pensar e viver: sem dar bola para o que outro9s dizem ou pensam de nós! beijos, chica

  7. Querida amiga, es cierto, mucha verdad en tu texto.
    Cariños y te dejo un beso, que tengas un hermoso día

  8. Bardzo mądre i prawdziwe. Dobry post i daje do myślenia. Warto usiąść i przemyśleć wszystko na spokojnie. Pozdrawiam serdecznie z Krakowa

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Sagge parole. Un post che fa riflettere su come ci lasciamo coinvolgere da quanto pensano gli altri, che per certi versi è inevitabile, ma dobbiamo anche fidarci di più di noi stessi. Un saluto

  12. Agradecendo e retribuindo vista ao meu blog.
    Tudo de bom.

  13. El escapismoes algo así, como la actitud del avestruz. A los problemas o impases se les pone la cara, que implica afrontarlos. Un abrazo. Carlos

  14. Non facciamo influenzare dagli altri, cerchiamo di ragionare col nostro cuore e la nostra testa! Saluti

  15. Lovely post, thought provoking too.

  16. È un post che fa riflettere. Dobbiamo cercare di pensare con la nostra testa e di non farci influenzare troppo dalle opinioni degli altri.
    Buona domenica 😘

  17. Hola, un texto muy bueno, de la esencia no se puede escapar.

  18. Hai proprio ragione.
    Le tue parole sono molto sagge.

  19. Pues, sólo uno sabe qué consejos escuchar. Y si no los pido, no me los den.

  20. A wise, true and excellent reflection.

  21. Hola amiga, totalmente de acuerdo contigo con tu escrito con tus letras llenas de razón.
    Gracias por tu visita a mi blog.
    Te dejo un beso y que la vida te sonría hoy y siempre.

  22. I live in the real world but escape to the land of make believe or fantasy from time to time as a way to check out and recharge myself. This would be a problem if I didn't know the difference but thankfully I do. I am lucky to have such a good life

  23. Hola,
    Gracias por la entrada.
    Besos desde Promesas de Amor, nos leemos.

  24. Hay mucha profundidad en tus reflexiones... Personalmente, me quedo con el concepto de agua y pozo como propósito de vida.

    ¡Saludos cordiales desde Chile! =)

  25. You are so right!
    I totally agree with your ideas, Rajani Rehana.

  26. Una muy buena entrada y bien cierta, los problemas no se resuelven con mudarse de lugar, los problemas hay que afrontarlos y solucionarlos. Después si decides cambiar de lugar que vayas sin mochila. Un besote.

  27. Hermosas palabras, que te llevan a la reflexión, saludos

  28. Hello, thanks to your visit to my blog and comment, I have discovered you, and tell you that I have loved reading such a beautiful text and reflection. Kisses and good day

  29. Muy cierta la reflexión, gracias por pasar.

  30. Interesting Post.

    Thanks for sharing

  31. Thank you so much kind people 🤗🤗

  32. Querida amiga, totalmente de acuerdo contigo.
    Abrazos y te dejo un beso, que tengas un precioso fin de semana

  33. This reflection emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and inner transformation over external changes. It reminds us that true growth and respect come from nurturing a gentle and self-aware nature, rather than seeking escape through changing our circumstances.

    I wish you a lovely weekend. You are invited to read my new blog post:

  34. Bonjour
    Merci pour ton gentil passage sur mon blog.
    Oui il faut agrandir notre coeur et être à l'écoute, très beau ton texte avec une ravissante fleur.
    Bon dimanche.

  35. Bonjour
    Merci pour ton passage chez moi, un texte tellement vrai.
    Je n'ai pas trouve ou m'abonné...Bon dimanche à bientôt

  36. Thank you so much kind soul authors.

  37. ¡Hola! Buenas reflexiones, muchas veces cuenta el punto de vista de la persona. Un abrazo ❤️

  38. Buen blog y buenas palabras las tuyas Rajani. Te pongo un link de tu blog en el mio. Saludos

  39. Hola: pase por aquí a leerte. Es verdad muchas veces vivimos según lo que los demás opinan o piensan y en realidad, tenemos que ser nosotros mismos. Me gustó este artículo. Adelante. Abrazos para vos. Susana de Alas de Papel

  40. Great post -- interesting topic and well-written! God bless.

  41. Kindness is the key that opens and allows us to heal hearts. Thank you for sharing such beautiful thoughts!

  42. An excellent and interesting reflection very well placed... Thanks.
    I have a meditation for Peace... 🕊️

  43. This is something I have been working on for a long time now, and am finally realizing who I really a, not just what others think of me. I have had a few harsh words thrown at me throughout my life, and they affected me a lot. I am happy to say that now I know I am not the things they said, and that when someone says horrible or negative things, it is more about them than me. Lovely post.

  44. Great text to reflect on ourselves.

  45. Ein wunderbarer Beitrag.

    Liebe Grüße
    Kerstin und Helga

  46. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! Aloha!

  47. What an interesting post. I like the ideas of making out hearts big and showing more kindness out in the world. :)

  48. Well said and encouraging words. We need more kindness in the world.

  49. Pase por si tenías otro post, veo que no, y te dejo mis mejores deseos, que la salud el amor y la paz te acompañe, hoy y siempre. ♥️🙏🙅


  50. "A water in a small vessel heats up faster than in a large vessel" A very nice analogy. Like a summary of the text. I liked it very much. Congratulations

  51. These are steps that require courage and awareness. Good advice, short and clear. Thanks for your sharing

  52. Very timely words;
    Changing places certainly doesn't solve anything.
    Solving problems with patience and wisdom changes
    your life.
    I loved your text.
    Have a good week.

  53. Querida amiga, que tengas un hermoso y feliz día
    Cariños y besos

  54. Questo è un post molto interessante Ci fa riflettere.grazie.

  55. Interesting thoughts
    All the best

  56. Lindas as flores!!
    Uma cor púrpura belíssima!!
    Lindo o seu texto Rajani!
    Tenha um maravilhoso final de semana!! :)))))

  57. Gran reflexión! Te aplaudo 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  58. Mirarnos dentro.Nosotros mismos somos el problema. Un abrazo

  59. Very interesting and accurate your article, very much agree
    Best regards

  60. You write always also good blogs.

  61. We are easily influenced by the opinions of others, and that vulnerability prevents us from recognizing our authentic essence. Only when we take control of our nature and stop running away, we can grow and be respected for who we are deep inside.

    Have a great week, bisous.

  62. What a beautiful reminder. Especially at this time when people throw words like it means nothing.

  63. Me sumo a los comentarios favorables . Para leer tu texto tego que traducirlo. Gracias por tu visita al blog de Josefa.

  64. Ahora sí he podido leer tan interesante escrito. Me ha encantado. Todos estamos influenciados por las personas que nos han tratado. yo por mis abuelas y mi madre.Puramente machistas. Como casi todas las de esa época, y aunque reacioné. aun quedan residuos. Un abrazo.

  65. Excellent article, thanks for your visit and footprint

  66. Merci pour ta visite
    Superbe ton blog

  67. Querida amiga, que tengas un precioso día lleno de felicidad
    Abrazos y besitos

  68. El mayor regalo que te pueden hacer en la vida es creer en ti, mismo. Es algo que siempre te va a dar fuerza y confianza, y te impulsa para querer mejorar.
    Bonita entrada.

  69. Pero porque se cambian las letras?

  70. I totally agree! Change, happiness, willingness and courage come from inside of us. The surroundings can influence until a certain point but it is up to us to decide if we are going to run or stay and face whatever is coming.

  71. हेलो रजनी 🙂 खुद से या अपनी समस्याओं से दूर भागना कभी भी अच्छा समाधान नहीं है। चुनौतियों का सामना करने की क्षमता परिपक्वता को दर्शाती है। आप अपने बारे में बहुत सी बातें सीख सकते हैं और अपने दिल और दिमाग में होने वाले परिवर्तनों पर सचेत प्रभाव डाल सकते हैं। यह आसान नहीं है, लेकिन प्रयास के लायक है...

  72. Voila qui est de toute beauté , quiétude et bien être ! merci !

  73. Yes, that is true. Creativity helps keep us expanded.

  74. It is pretty difficult to escape the noise all around us. Yes we have to take care of our soul.. our heart :)

  75. Bonjour il faut être gentil mais dans une certaine limite pour ne pas se faire manger très bel article
    en effet il faut agrandir son coeur
    très bon dimanche et merci pour ta visite
    bisous d'une petitefleur

  76. Interesting post. Inspiring too.

  77. Replies
    1. Bonjour
      Joli post Il faut être gentil c'est mieux
      En ce lundi ensoleillé je passe te souhaiter une bonne journée.
      Bonne nouvelle semaine
      bisous Brigitte

  78. hello 🤍,
    a wonderful post, true about our life .. makes you think..
    - best regards, I wish you good days and beautiful moments 😊🍀🌞

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Klik dobry:)
    Trudno byc człowiekiem z wielkim sercem. Tacy szlachetni ludzie często są zgniatani przez szubrawców.
    Pozdrawiam serdecznie.

  81. bonjour superbe post , bravo , je vais m'abonné chez toi, bonne journée a bientôt

  82. A beleza das flores e da vida está nos olhos de quem as vê!!
    Linda reflexão!!

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. one day someone asked his Yoda-like life master for opinion and advice:
    - I must leave this town, I want live in the middle of the wood...
    - why?...
    - I don't feel good here... the people look at me badly... even the walls of houses look at me badly...
    - okay, maybe it's good idea... maybe you need some rest... but it's quite possible, that there in the middle of the wood, after some time, the trees will begin look at you badly...
    - why?... how it's possible?...
    - maybe nobody looks at you badly, only your mind looks at you badly...
    best regards :)

  85. ˖˵˵˵˵˵˵ଘ( ꈍᴗꈍ)⋆🌷

  86. Très intéressant, merci et bonne fin de journée !

  87. I think I mostly agree with your opinion. I really like the last sentence. Best regards ✨️

  88. Buena reflexión, estoy de acuerdo.
    Saludos y gracias por tu visita.

  89. Omg, this is so lovely post. Thank you. Best! Best regard Vivi

  90. Que tengas un precioso fin de semana Rajani

  91. Very nicely written. It's so nice to read <3
    Greetings and I invite you to see my new painting :)

  92. Le piccole azioni quotidiane possono contribuire a costruire un mondo più empatico e accogliente.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Każdą zmianę trzeba zacząć od siebie... :)

  94. Yes, let's not be influenced by other people's comments and lose ourselves.
    Good luck to you !

  95. Nice blog and great post. Have a good weekend.

  96. This is such a powerful and thought-provoking message! I completely agree that true change comes from within, not from escaping or changing our external circumstances. It's a reminder that we need to work on our own nature, cultivating patience, self-awareness, and resilience. When we master our own thoughts and actions, respect and peace naturally follow. Thank you for sharing these deep insights on the importance of personal growth and not letting external praise or criticism define us..

  97. Una bonita reflexión¡¡¡¡¡

  98. A verdade sobre a mudança interna e a importância de expandir nosso coração realmente ressoou em mim. Obrigado por compartilhar essas palavras tão sábias e necessárias.

  99. Agree with you, we need to learn in life...

  100. It's a very good post. I was very inspired. Thank you. I live in Turkey and there are difficult times. As a people, our morale is low. Your article came up very much💖

  101. This is a very interesting post.





  103. Olá
    Uma excelente reflexão
    Gostei muito.

  104. Interesting post and yes, change is hard...

  105. Un monde d'amour de respect et d'écoute aiderait tant de gens a se valoriser

  106. bonjour et bonne et agréable journée
    je te souhaite un bon weekend avec du soleil j'espère pour toi aussi car ici en lorraine soleil
    ma fille est bien arrivée à LONDRES

  107. Superbe bonne soirée
    Bisous d'une petitefleur

  108. Pensar que existe la posibilidad del buen equilibrio....
    Quién lo desee puede conseguirlo. Es... (tomo también como ejemplo, el pozo) como un pozo lleno de agua pura y cristalina para todo aquel que la desee.
    Y lo mejor... que es gratis. Sólo hay que querer beber de ella. Entonces... todo será increíblemente distinto :)

    Un gusto, Rehana 🏙

  109. I stopped when I read these words you wrote: "Nothing happens in life by escapism, unless the situation is changed, changing the place does not solve the problem." I agree that escapism is not the answer to the places/situations/events that trouble us. It only delays finding a solution.

    Changing my attitude in such situations has often helped me through them. Being grateful for what I do have has helped, too. And reminding myself that I don't have to be a victim in it, but that I have choices -- sometimes I don't like the choices available, but they are still choices, which could open the door to something new, something better. It's a place to start. If we cannot tolerate what we're experiencing then we must look for ways to make some changes. It's not always the big changes that make the difference. I have come to see that small changes can begin to shift things for us, can help us get to a new path. Thank you, Rehana, for your post.

    1. I completely agree with all the things written in the post and I completely agree with Brenda Leyland...


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