
Life doesn't run according to the rules of one's personality and it runs according to its natural rules.

Life does not run according to the rules of one's personality and it runs according to its natural rules.  Many times in life it happens that we do not get the thing or achievement that we want with great desire. Then we try to get  forcefully. This is a big mistake of man, because by this effort we waste our precious time as well as our energy. In this way a person fills his mind with a lot of negativity. The clearer our understanding of this fact is, the better our life  will be  that we cannot have control over every aspect of nature.  Sometimes nature🌿🍃 wants that there should be some emptiness in our life and mind so that when the right time comes, that emptiness can be filled by creating  suitable creation.  Remember that the creation of a beautiful picture is possible only on an empty canvas. 

If you lose yourself, what will you win?

The ability to live life the way you want, with the people you choose and in the circumstances you choose,  doing only the things that make you happy. when you decide on your definition of success in every area, you will immediately see what things you need to do more or less to make your life ideal.  Usually the biggest thing stopping you from moving forward in the direction of your dreams are you favorite excuses and lack of self-discipline. it's not that you don't know what to know this very well.  But what you should do, whether you feel like doing it or not, you don't do it because you don't have the discipline.  Success is possible only when you over come your natural tendency to choose the easy path.  Lasting success is only possible if you discipline yourself to work hard for a long time, because without self-discipline, hard work is directionless. 

How to control the good and bad thoughts and emotions going on in the mind?

How to control the good and bad thoughts and emotions going on in the mind?  Emotions arise from thinking, but emotions are deeper and more effective than thoughts and resolutions. To keep the mind happy and life successful, always having good feelings and good wishes towards everyone is the best management of emotions. In practical terms, no matter what feelings someone has, we should behave with good intentions towards him. His behavior or conversation should not influence , rather we should behave with him in such a way that our good conduct becomes effective on him. It is possible that his behavior may change,  because positive energy is more powerful than negativity. If we are disturbed by the unfair behavior of others and misbehave with them, then understand that our positive power has been defeated. 

It is natural for the mind to be restless!

It is natural for the mind to be restless. It is definitely difficult to change it, but not impossible.  Empowering yourself for the future involves proactive decision, goal-oriented actions and the right attitude.  When you have control over your senses, instead of becoming directionless, you move forward towards your goal.  Purpose and self-actualization in life can be the foundation of lasting happiness and well-being.  You don't need to work hard, but should work with concentration.  People who work hard will sometimes become successful, but they can not experience its happiness. 

Whatever is like, attracts like.

Whatever is like, attracts like.  Understanding the law of attraction is the foundation of living the life of your dreams.  The law of attraction is the most powerful law of this universe.  Like gravity, it is always effective and working.  You will attract whatever you focus on.  Whatever you put your energy on will come back to you. So if you focus on the good and positive things in life, you will automatically attract more good and positive things. If you keep focusing on shortcomings and negativity, the same will come back into your life.  You are always in the stage of creation.  You create your reality in every moment of every day.  You create your future with every thought you make. Either consciously or subconsciously. 

You are the tree🌳🌳 of life!!

You are the tree of life. Your roots🌱, leaves🍂 and branches are everywhere. It is not necessary for your love to be accepted by someone. You are everywhere. Your love comes back to you. The diversity seen among people is at the superficial level. All are one in essence. Everyone is you. You are all. Love is God's law.                                                                 We live so that we can learn to love. And we love so that we can learn to live. There can be no greater lesson than this for humans. 

Life is like a book!!

Knowing our truth and accepting it is not our weakness. Always be ready to take responsibility for your words, your truth, even if others don't like those things. The good and bad in you are part of your own story. Living a life accepting of who you are can make you a hero to many people, In moments of  we feel that whatever happens next will be wrong. We are unable to see the situation getting better. Whereas life is like a book. Some of its pages are immersed in sadness and some are full of thrill. If we don't turn the pages, how will we know what's next?