Satisfied your mind!

Our mind is filled with a lot of things. Most of us keep making our mind different with various tangled threads, from which it becomes difficult to wear a straight thread of choice. The mind is not an enemy.  All that is needed is to prevent the threads of ideas from bouncing. There is no place for idols,there is no place for thoughts either.  Layers of various thoughts accumulate in our mind. What we are hiding, what we feel, in which relationships we are entangled, which emotions we hold on to for a long time, everything remains recorded in the mind.  Gradually the mind becomes so full that there is no place left for any new thought Some important thoughts are buried very low,some important ones are entangled.    

Not everyone gets perfect is there something are available,some don't!!

Not everyone gets perfect where. Life is there.. some things are available, some don't. We are not thankful for what we got. But those who do not get it, they often cry their sorrow and blame someone else. The life you are living, the way you are living it is made by you. Making it worse or better is hundred percent in your hands. By blaming others, you lose your own bet. After this also have nothing to do, not even to be happy.


  1. Lindo texto e verdadeiro! bjs,chica

  2. Muy cierto lo que dices,
    te quedo bello.

    Besitos dulces


  3. Such a beautiful review! I like it. This is my life motto: "The who sees nice thinks nice, The who thinks nice gets flavour from his life"

  4. Texto muito interessante de ler. Gostei
    Cumprimentos poéticos
    Pensamentos e Devaneios Poéticos

  5. Beautiful text and photo
    I like it a lot

  6. Sermos gratos por tudo o que temos é ter a capacidade de receber e dar. Gostei do texto.
    Uma boa semana com muita saúde.
    Um beijo.

  7. If not 100%, a lot is in our hands, we are the architect of our own lives!

  8. Good is easy to do, but many people are selfish.

  9. ¡Hola! Es muy cierto lo que dices, además que creo firmemente en que cada uno crea su destino.
    Besos ♥

  10. Um texto muito bonito e verdadeiro!

  11. Inteiramente de acordo! A cada dia, fazemos as nossas próprias vidas. Meu abraço, boa semana.

  12. Lovely post. All the best to your writing. Thanks for being here.

  13. Boa tarde. Obrigado por nos trazer esse texto maravilhoso.

  14. Human beings have this habit of transferring their own responsibility for their mistakes, for their actions.
    I liked the post. Kisses

  15. Muy bonitas palabras y muy ciertas. Debemos hacer todo lo posible por ser felices, siempre pidiendo a Dios que nos libre de personas malvadas que podrían cambiar nuestro destino contra nuestra voluntad. Un saludo.

  16. Some things are out of our control Our attitude is not one of those things.

  17. Lovely image. I partially agree with what you wrote. However, there are things that are out of our control, dictated by the Government, etc.

  18. I say, Let's not blame others. And let's not blame ourselves. Let's just live.

  19. Un mensaje muy profundo. Muchas gracias!
    Un abrazo.

  20. Muito bom, parabéns!

    Um abraço!

  21. Trying to appreciate what we do have is key, I think. That's harder for those who have nothing.

  22. It is important for us all to find happiness within ourselves.

  23. Agradecida pela visita. Gostei de pisar solo estrangeiro. Foi um prazer.

  24. Your blog is very interesting. Thanks for inviting me, I'm sorry my English is very bad.

  25. Not everyone gets perfect where. Life is there.. some things are available, some don't. We are not thankful for what we got. But those who do not get it, they often cry their sorrow and blame someone else. The life you are living, the way you are living it is made by you. Making it worse or better is hundred percent in your hands. By blaming others, you lose your own bet. After this also have nothing to do, not even to be happy.
    Lua Singular

  26. That's how it is. Each one creates his own destiny.
    Have a great June.
    Greetings from Spain

  27. It hurt me, too, but know your happiness completes mine.
    Lua Singular

  28. Be kind to each other, have consideration of each other. Lovely words you have written.

  29. Wow, so touching do you like poem? Your word is so meaningful.

    Thanks dear

  30. Very true, we sometimes wait too long when we have to start with ourselves.
    Best regards.

  31. so true! your happiness is in your own hands.

  32. After all, we always need to be grateful for what we have now
    Enjoy sadness and happiness while we can
    Make good memories
    Spend time with people we love

    Stay healthyyyyy

  33. Such a beautiful and intense thought
    Loved it

  34. I read one time that grateful people are the happiest people. I believe that is true.
    You sound like a thankful person, and we need more in the world. Thank you for
    your visit.


  35. Muito bacana, gostei.Thank you for sharing.

  36. Todo un placer pasarme por aquí y poder leerte. Un beso

  37. You are right -- we hold far more in our own power than we often realize. What a thought provoking post. Thanks for stopping to visit me!

  38. A wise reflection.
    Our life really depends on us.

  39. I like what you have to say and that is a lovely image to illustrate your words.

  40. Beautiful picture and post Rajani. I agree that we make our own lives, happy or sad. We have to be happy ourselves before we can make others happy.

  41. "expect nothing - you will never be disappointed"!!

  42. Belo texto, para refletir.
    Verdadeiras suas palavras.

  43. Thank you for your kind words ☺️

  44. True words beautifully written. Thanks for sharing.

  45. У нас есть такое выражение "Что имеем — не храним, потерявши — плачем. Того, что имеет, человек не ценит. Обладание, владение чем-то воспринимается как данность. Лишь с потерей приходит понимание важности утраченного.
    Например, о былом здоровье вспоминают с появлением болезней...

  46. Wundervolle Gedanken und ein schönes Bild, die die Zeit jetzt braucht,
    herzliche Grüße, Karin Lissi

  47. En primer lugar muchas garcias por visitar mi blog , me gusta mucho lo que escribes y la foto es preciosa

  48. grazie per aver visitato il mio blog!

  49. Cierto! Esta en nuestras manos.
    Buena reflexión 😍

  50. Dicen que la perfección no existe,l aunque hay que procurar alcanzarla.
    La vida es un viaje y un aprendizaje y cada día avanzamos en ese camino a conseguir ser mejor persona....el mundo tampoco es perfecto y por eso hay que trabajar mucho para lograr avanzar en esa perfección....el mal y el bien están ahí en un combate constante.

    Muy interesante tu blog.

  51. Totalmente de acuerdo. Muchas gracias por tú comentario en mi blog.😊

  52. Buena reflexion te mando un beso

  53. How real it is! A very wise text :)

  54. Disfruté con el texto, real como la actualidad. Abrazo

  55. I believe in a power bigger than us (God, Mother Nature , The Universe), but we are not to hide behind this power and do nothing. We have to help ourselves, the best way we can.

  56. Perfection is a state of mind
    Great reflection

  57. Muy buena reflexion. Si estamos aca es por algo. Por nuestra decision. Ya no somos niños. Un abrazo

  58. Blaming the others is not the best way...
    Interesting text.
    Thanks for your visit and comment on my blog.
    Have a good week.

  59. Para bien o para mal, nosotros somos los conductores de nuestra vida, todo lo que hacemos durante el trayecto es opción de cada uno de nosotros, culpar a otros no nos serviria de nada, debemos encontrar el camino de la felicidad que no está lejos, depende de ti y de mi, de cada uno de nosotros
    Me ha gustado mucho, gracias por haberme invitado a leerlo
    De cualquier forma hubiese llegado ya que intento seguirte
    Un abrazo

  60. Estou de acordo com o seu texto, as nossas vidas são, quase sempre, o resultado das nossas escolhas.

  61. Obrigado pelo carinho da visita e pelo registro por lá. Bela e sábia reflexão.

  62. Life is now, time is now. Things are as they are. We are not going to seek perfection, we are going to adapt to people, to things. Everyone needs everyone. Thank you for your visit. I'm following your blog.

  63. Um bom texto com palavras sábias que nos fazem refletir, é fácil culpar os outros mas não é a melhor forma ....
    A imagem é linda.
    Tenha uma excelente semana

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. * • ̩̩͙ ✩ • ̩̩͙ * ˚˚ * • ̩̩͙ ✩ • ̩̩͙ * ˚Vamos a vivir con amor y seguridad,
    muchos besos y abrazos * • ̩̩͙ ✩ • ̩̩͙ * ˚˚ * • ̩̩͙ ✩ • ̩̩͙ * ˚

  66. Muy lindo texto. Te mando un abrazo♥

  67. Great post, your message is so true. Have a happy day and great week ahead.

  68. First, I love the picture for this post. Second, you are so correct. We play the rudder for our life. Our attitude can make life good or bad. Thankfully, God has given us the gift of being able to chose our attitude toward what ever our life brings us. thank you for visiting my blog.

  69. The picture is so good to see. Yes we need to be thankful for what we have. God helps us in our lives. We need to be helpful and kind to other people. Thanks for commenting on my blog post! Hugs and blessings!

  70. I certainly agree with you!
    Happy to visit for the first time!

  71. True to a point Rajani, not easy to achieve for so many around the world ✨

  72. Thank you for the beautiful post. May we thank God for all our blessings, and remember that even when we feel disappointed, He has something better in store for us. God bless you.

  73. Thankfulness and contentment sets my heart free!

  74. Perfeitamente de acordo. Em grande parte, a vida depende do que nós fazemos dela.

    Continuação de boa semana.

  75. What we accomplish in life depends on where we start which is to say, "how wisely we chose our parents and the location and date of our birth". Only after that are we on our own. People are not poor because it is their fault necessarily. nor are they rich because they deserve to be.

  76. Totalmente de acuerdo con tus palabras. Opino lo mismo 😊

  77. Obrigada pela visita no meu blogue, tanks!

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