Satisfied your mind!
Our mind is filled with a lot of things.
Most of us keep making our mind different with various tangled threads, from which it becomes difficult to wear a straight thread of choice. The mind is not an enemy.
All that is needed is to prevent the threads of ideas from bouncing. There is no place for idols,there is no place for thoughts either.
Layers of various thoughts accumulate in our mind. What we are hiding, what we feel, in which relationships we are entangled, which emotions we hold on to for a long time, everything remains recorded in the mind.
Gradually the mind becomes so full that there is no place left for any new thought
Some important thoughts are buried very low,some important ones are entangled.
Hi :)
ReplyDeleteYes, you are right, our mind is filled with many things, topics, issues, memories, dreams. Some are good and nice, others, unfortunately sad and bad. There are also things in our minds that we will never forget, because they have influenced/influenced our lives, attitude towards others and the world.
My friend, I salute you!
Thank you for visiting my blog.
DeleteExcellent perception about the mind.
ReplyDeleteWell written :-D
ReplyDeletegreat post
very good
ReplyDeleteYou're right: everything remains recorded in the mind. You wrote down beautiful words!
ReplyDeleteThe mind is so complex, good reflection.
ReplyDeleteHappy week.
When we have too many thoughts rushing in our heads, I think it's a nice idea to go out into nature. It helps clear our minds and brings us peace and calmness. Your words, "the mind is not an enemy" are good ones, because we can fill our mind with lovely thoughts, and that's always a good thing.
ReplyDeleteWishing you wonderful February days.
Yes, that sounds about right.
ReplyDeleteSin pensamiento no somos más que cuerpo sin alma
At 84 yrs old, i'm just glad I still have one!
ReplyDeleteTan compleja como maravillosa, la mente.
ReplyDeleteInteresante blog.
Gracias por tu visita.
Feliz día.
Uma maravilhosa reflexão que vale a pena ser lida várias vezes!
ReplyDeleteA nossa mente é uma folha em branco prestes a ser desenhada!
Parabéns querida Rajane!
Sono d'acc0ordo con te ! Troppo spesso i pensieri pesanti occupano tutta la nostra mente, impedendo agli altri più leggeri , di emergere. Saluti
ReplyDeleteOrdenar la mente, para no caer en yerros . Tantas visas acumuladas sin clasificar, llevan a obrar sin juicio. Un abrazo. Carlos
ReplyDeleteQuerida amiga, maravillosa publicación, sin mente no somos nada
ReplyDeleteEs un placer visitarte, que tengas un bello día
Te dejo todo mi cariño y besos
So true, well written words. Thank you!
ReplyDelete♥♥♥ :)
ReplyDeleteMuito bom. Também gostei. Um beijo e bom final de semana.
ReplyDeleteEverything on point ;)
coucou très bonne réflexion - une semaine se termine nous resterons bien au chaud car ici nous avons pluie et surtout vent - bon weekend Annick50
ReplyDeleteInteresting post. Have a great weekend, cheers Diane
ReplyDeleteQuerida amiga
ReplyDeleteTe dejo todo mi cariño y besos, que tengas un hermoso fin de semana
Well written and wonderful photo ~ thanks, namaste ~
ReplyDeleteWishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores ~
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Right, ideas & emotions can overlap to the point of hindering clear thinking. I find the approach that the mind is not an enemy, but a space that we must learn to organize interesting. Greetings, dear friend. Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeletea volte è così i pensieri si aggrovigliano occupando tutto lo spazio. Ottimo post, grazie!
Un abbraccio 🥰