Only the ability to work harder than we desire can make us positive. 🤗🤗
Only the ability to work harder than we desire can make us positive.There is nothing that can not be changed. When we rise above selfishness and are ready to do something for others keeping our time in mind, we become positive. It is true that it is impossible that any work done by you does not yield results. Everything depends on how you do the work. We keep trying to know everyone. Who is doing what? Who brought what? We keep an eye on everyone, but what we do not know is where is our happiness? Look at others, but be loyal to yourself too. Our perspective should be positive. Staying on unwanted paths for a long time weakens the body and mind. You can make life joyful by being rich in energy and positivity. Always remain enthusiastic and keep yourself full of energy. This will give a new identity to your personality. Your self-confidence will increase, you will be able to climb the ladder of success in life very quickly.
Hi :)
ReplyDeleteYes, you are right, our mind is filled with many things, topics, issues, memories, dreams. Some are good and nice, others, unfortunately sad and bad. There are also things in our minds that we will never forget, because they have influenced/influenced our lives, attitude towards others and the world.
My friend, I salute you!
Excellent perception about the mind.
ReplyDeleteWell written :-D
ReplyDeletegreat post
very good
ReplyDeleteYou're right: everything remains recorded in the mind. You wrote down beautiful words!
ReplyDeleteThe mind is so complex, good reflection.
ReplyDeleteHappy week.
When we have too many thoughts rushing in our heads, I think it's a nice idea to go out into nature. It helps clear our minds and brings us peace and calmness. Your words, "the mind is not an enemy" are good ones, because we can fill our mind with lovely thoughts, and that's always a good thing.
ReplyDeleteWishing you wonderful February days.
Yes, that sounds about right.
ReplyDeleteSin pensamiento no somos más que cuerpo sin alma
At 84 yrs old, i'm just glad I still have one!
ReplyDeleteTan compleja como maravillosa, la mente.
ReplyDeleteInteresante blog.
Gracias por tu visita.
Feliz día.
Uma maravilhosa reflexão que vale a pena ser lida várias vezes!
ReplyDeleteA nossa mente é uma folha em branco prestes a ser desenhada!
Parabéns querida Rajane!
Sono d'acc0ordo con te ! Troppo spesso i pensieri pesanti occupano tutta la nostra mente, impedendo agli altri più leggeri , di emergere. Saluti
ReplyDeleteOrdenar la mente, para no caer en yerros . Tantas visas acumuladas sin clasificar, llevan a obrar sin juicio. Un abrazo. Carlos
ReplyDeleteQuerida amiga, maravillosa publicación, sin mente no somos nada
ReplyDeleteEs un placer visitarte, que tengas un bello día
Te dejo todo mi cariño y besos
So true, well written words. Thank you!
ReplyDelete♥♥♥ :)
ReplyDeleteMuito bom. Também gostei. Um beijo e bom final de semana.
ReplyDeleteEverything on point ;)
coucou très bonne réflexion - une semaine se termine nous resterons bien au chaud car ici nous avons pluie et surtout vent - bon weekend Annick50
ReplyDeleteInteresting post. Have a great weekend, cheers Diane
ReplyDeleteQuerida amiga
ReplyDeleteTe dejo todo mi cariño y besos, que tengas un hermoso fin de semana
Well written and wonderful photo ~ thanks, namaste ~
ReplyDeleteWishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores ~
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Right, ideas & emotions can overlap to the point of hindering clear thinking. I find the approach that the mind is not an enemy, but a space that we must learn to organize interesting. Greetings, dear friend. Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeletea volte è così i pensieri si aggrovigliano occupando tutto lo spazio. Ottimo post, grazie!
Un abbraccio 🥰
Thank you everyone for your kind words.
ReplyDeleteVery good post!!
ReplyDeleteI nostri pensieri sono davvero tanti, basta non farsi sopraffare e affrontare tutto con un po' di buonumore! E poi come dici mente non è un nemico! Buon fine settimana Rajani
ReplyDeleteVery good post, Rajani.
Πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα ανάρτηση για το μυαλό μας.
ReplyDeleteΠράγματι το μυαλό μας είναι το άλφα και το ωμέγα των σκέψεων και των συναισθμάτων.
Να το αγαπάμε και να το γεμίζουμε με όμορφες σκέψεις!
Χαιρετίσματα από την Κρήτη - Ελλάδα.
¡Excelente reflexión sobre la mente! Es importante. aprender a manejar las emociones y controlar los pensamientos.
ReplyDeleteUn saludo.
Sabía reflexión. La mente es una encrucijada. Un abrazo
ReplyDeleteMy mind is always working. Too many ideas with not enough time to pursue them.
Very interesting...sometimes I cannot turn off my brain...too many ideas to consider!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for this reflection. It is good to put our thoughts in order because it can be exhausting. I am learning to improve in that sense. It was good for me to read this reminder. Kisses.
ReplyDeleteThank you everyone for your kind words.
ReplyDeleteNice post.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing.
Nuestra mente está aún por explorar para entenderla mejor.
ReplyDeleteUn beso.
Very good reflection, an idea to think about calmly
ReplyDeleteEs inevitable que nuestra mente esté ocupada con múltiples pensamientos, hay que aprender a desconectar y relajarnos para distinguir lo importante de lo superficial.
ReplyDeleteSometimes writing a poem is a way to focus, to capture those ideas. In fact, your post today is very close to a poem. Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteGreat blog
ReplyDeleteEverything could be changed if we would live in awareness. If we can...
ReplyDeleteAll the best to you!❤️😘
Yes, I relate to this.
ReplyDeleteUna foto preciosa, me encanta. Un saludo.
ReplyDeleteYou are right - our minds just go all the time. We need to stop and smell the roses!
ReplyDeleteI love the scripture that says 'Take every thought captive and bring it into obedience to the Word of God.
ReplyDeleteVery good post. It makes you think.
ReplyDeleteGreetings and I invite you to see my new painting :)
Good post and wonderful photo :)
ReplyDeleteOnce we trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we have the mind of Christ. God bless.
ReplyDeleteJe refuse de m"appesantir sur tout ce qui encombre notre esprit, je veux voir le monde en beau, même si quelquefois un coup de gueule ne fait pas de mal, au vu des folies que l'on nous promet !
ReplyDeleteA lire :
Merci et bonne journée
ciao bel post... un caro saluto e scusami se sono passata in ritardo. ciaooo
ReplyDeleteInteresante post. Saludos desde Barcelona
ReplyDeleteSo true.
ReplyDeleteNice blog.
ReplyDeleteTämä on niin totta. Hieno blogi!
ReplyDeleteTrue, the mind is not an enemy, but it can become overwhelming when filled with tangled thoughts. Finding clarity requires awareness—understanding what we hold onto and why. Maybe the key is not to suppress thoughts but to observe them without attachment, allowing them to pass without creating unnecessary burdens...
ReplyDeleteTrue, the mind is not an enemy, but it can become overwhelming when filled with tangled thoughts. Finding clarity requires awareness—understanding what we hold onto and why. Maybe the key is not to suppress thoughts but to observe them without attachment, allowing them to pass without creating unnecessary burdens
ReplyDeleteAgree your words
DeleteThoughts and emotions are something we cannot control, but we can learn to live with them. I am currently attending cognitive-behavioral therapy, where I am learning this, as I have generalized anxiety disorder.
ReplyDeleteI loved it, greetings
ReplyDeletekeep writing and stand with your style ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm coming ')
ReplyDeleteHay que aprender a limpiar nuestra mente...porque ella es enrredosa y nos lleva a veces por caminos muy equivocados...
ReplyDeleteTe dejo un abrazo.
ReplyDeleteEverything we experience, everything we feel is recorded somewhere deep in our mind. We gather experiences all the time and I guess that's what our everyday life is all about - to gather and experience and learn and draw wise conclusions from the opportunity.
Warm regards
See you next time :)
Tuo valokuva on todella upea.
ReplyDeleteSta a noi saper districare, quel groviglio di pensieri che invadono la mente, cercando di trattenere le osservazioni più valide.
ReplyDeleteBuon fine settimana
Querida amiga, sabia reflexión, me encantó leerte.
ReplyDeleteAbrazos y te dejo un besito, que pases un feliz fin de semana
He leído tu post.
ReplyDeleteIt is important to keep your mind fresh.
You are right. Thank you for the post.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant and wise reflection.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I really feel like my mind is too full and leaves little free space, especially to let positivity and hope in. I think it's the tiredness of age.
I loved reading it, thank you.
Hello!! Great post, thanks for sharing it with us.
Very nice great blog... ✔🎁💕🌹😊
ReplyDeleteso true <3
ReplyDeleteGreat blog
ReplyDelete¡Qué bella foto!
Un bes💕
Nice blog...
ReplyDeleteIt is necessary to stay in the moment and trust the flow. This way the mind relaxes.
ReplyDeleteThank you everyone for visiting my blog. 🙏🏻
ReplyDeleteBonne fin de journée biiiz
ReplyDeleteBonjour Miss...Magnifiques pensées!!! Merci pour votre passage sur mon blog et vos gentils mots!
ReplyDeleteBonne journée et de gros bisous**
les mystères du cerveau, du corps humain
ReplyDeletebonne journée
I need it!
ReplyDeleteKisses and God bless u
So true x
ReplyDeleteClearing those layers is important to make space for new thoughts and growth. A great reminder to pause and reflect.
Hi! I like the things in my head. Most of them are interesting!
ReplyDeleteAll the best, Traude
Great blog
ReplyDeleteEscribes con mucha calidad, Rajani.
Interesting post!
ReplyDeleteHave a nice weekend!
Wowww, una reflexion,
ReplyDeleteinteresante y hermosa
mi amiga, un gusto visitarte.
Besitos dulces
It looks very similar to a canola flower.
ReplyDeleteThanks Rehana!
Thank you everyone! Much appreciated!
ReplyDeleteVery lovely photo. You need a way to calm the mind but the rush of thoughts is what makes life interesting. The fact we can learn something new every day or broaden our world view, understand or empathise...that's the beauty of our mind!
ReplyDeleteAn interesting and intriguing analysis. The mind is the soil in which what we plant during the day, week, months and years grows. Over time, the mind creates a web of interconnections that will have meaning if we allow it to 😉
ReplyDeleteLa mente lo puede todo. Gracias por tus excelentes palabras. Besos
ReplyDeleteI am a bit late to visit your blog. Nice to meet you
ReplyDeleteQuerida amiga, siempre es lindo volver y leerte otra vez.
ReplyDeleteTe dejo todo mi cariño y besos
Great Post!
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Excellent proposal for reflection...
ReplyDeleteI invite you to collaborate in my tribute to Women.
Bellissimo post,concordo in tutto.Iscriviti al mio blog Olga.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful flower and weather. Thank you for your words.. ✔🍀😊
ReplyDeleteVery interesting post :)
ReplyDeleteBest regards :)
Excelente Reflexão. Realmente, a mente está cheia de memórias, sonhos, alegrias e pesadelos...
SOL da Esteva
Querida amiga, que pases un feliz fin de semana, con mucho amor, sé feliz.
ReplyDeleteNo me olvido del amigo que dejo huellas en mi.
♥️Abrazos y te dejo besitos♥️
ReplyDeleteThat's very true.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog.
ReplyDeletepassando para desejar um feliz fim de semana bjs saude e obrigada por a sua vesita
ReplyDeleteĖ por isso que praticas de controle mental como o recitar de mantras ajudam a amenizar esse dilema.
ReplyDeleteReceba minhas saudações,
Beautiful post.
ReplyDeleteGreetings Irma
Querida amiga, en nuestra mente vamos acumulando muchos pensamientos, debemos procurar quedarnos con los mas bellos y desechar lo que no merece la pena. Libera todo aquello que no te haga feliz. Veras la vida de otra manera.
ReplyDeleteUn brazo y feliz semana.
Gracias por tu huella
La mente es un armario donde todo lo guardamos
ReplyDeleteDa kann ich dir nur zustimmen. LG Romy
ReplyDeleteGreat blog too.
ReplyDeleteHaving too much on your mind is also a problem. Managing too many tasks and thinking about too many responsibilities cannot go well forever. You have to let go sometimes and see and experience new things. Clear your head and air it out, so to speak. Recharge your batteries.
ReplyDeleteHello! Great post.
ReplyDeleteLove the honesty and emotions in it ✌🏻
ReplyDeleteEs cierto que nuestro cerebro parece una cebolla con varias capas
ReplyDeleteThank you
ReplyDeleteÓtimo post!