Satisfied your mind!

Our mind is filled with a lot of things. Most of us keep making our mind different with various tangled threads, from which it becomes difficult to wear a straight thread of choice. The mind is not an enemy.  All that is needed is to prevent the threads of ideas from bouncing. There is no place for idols,there is no place for thoughts either.  Layers of various thoughts accumulate in our mind. What we are hiding, what we feel, in which relationships we are entangled, which emotions we hold on to for a long time, everything remains recorded in the mind.  Gradually the mind becomes so full that there is no place left for any new thought Some important thoughts are buried very low,some important ones are entangled.    

You will gradually open yourself, life will fill you with the same enthusiasm.

You will gradually open yourself, life will fill you with the same enthusiasm.
Generally we see the world through our eyes.
Depending on our satisfaction,we accept some completely, some partially, while some also give appreciation and encouragement.
How do we view neglect?we see the world from a particular point of view, this is also important in you.
Generally, people do not understand that they see the world from a particular point of view, whereas they do not lack anything else.
This attitude can also be mental thinking.


  1. Nice reminder to open ourselves up to new and different ways of looking at the world!

  2. My friend, I agree with you that we mainly perceive and judge the world through our eyes.
    My friend, I salute you!


  3. I have been writing my blogs on this very subject for more than eight years;-) I am inspired by the medieval philosopher, Nicolaus of Cusa. He wrote about "docta Ignorantia", the learned ignorance, from which we view ourselves, others and God. And this is also what your wonderful photo of the sun clover represents. If we Accept thist, it gives us plenty of inner peace;-)

    All the best.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well I think that really all the people see the entire world, and all, through his own personal eyes. This is ever the more usual for everybody. But the best for everyone ever is to be the most positive person, and see goods in all things.

  5. Muy cierto. Buena reflexión. Te mando un beso.

  6. This is such a nice reminder. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you a great day!

  7. Imagem muito linda e bela. Viva a natureza.

    Boa semana!

    O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

  8. Sono d'accordo con ciò che dici. Ognuno vede gli altri e il mondo, attraverso i propri occhi. Saluti.

  9. Bonsoir
    C'est un bien beau cliché !
    Je te souhaite une bonne et douce soirée

  10. Bella imagen!
    Felicidades por tu buena suerte 🍀

  11. Bueno... muchos enfoques. Tantos, como andantes hay en la Tierra.
    Pero, la vida... su poder... da obviamente, a cada uno; la oportunidad de ver su impresionante belleza y bondad.

    Saludos, Rehana. Que tengas muy buen día 🏙

  12. I hope people will awake sooner. Otherwise we''ll all be in trouble.
    Be well, Rajani. I would appreciate if, when you visit my blogs, to tell me
    something more. If you have time, of course.

  13. Ciertamente Rahani, vemos el mundo por nuestros ojos pero tambien le ponemos los limites, lo que nos gusta o no segun los del alma
    Un abrazo, la imagen preciosa abriendose a la vida

  14. Noi vediamo il mondo con i nostri occhi, è tutto soggettivo.
    Un abbraccio e a presto 😘

  15. I read on a blog that if you focus on a poppy flower in the forest, you will miss seeing the rabbits and ladybugs around it. We should not miss the beauties of life.

  16. bonsoir je passe te souhaiter une bonne fin de journée.
    ainsi qu'une bonne soirée bisous chouchou

  17. bonne fin de semaine et doux weekend

  18. Hola Rehana. Bonita imagen. Lo que vemos, por desgracia, no es la realidad.
    Está se disimula y nos quieren hacer creer lo que no es.
    Un abrazo y buen fin de semana.

  19. Beautifully said and written.

  20. We should be grateful for what we have :D

  21. I agree with your reflection.
    Beautiful image.

  22. Everyone sees the world in their own way. It's important to be able to see through someone else's eyes sometimes.

  23. bonjour , je passe te souhaiter un bon dimanche , il fait une tempete pas possible sur le havre , donc je reste bien au chaud en essayant d ameliorer mon blog, pas facile je ne suis pas une prof d internet mdr !!!! enfin j espere que tu vas bien ? et que tu n as pas de degats bisous nadine.

  24. I agree with the comment of Pani Ogrodova:
    Everyone sees the world in their own way. It's important to be able to see through someone else's eyes sometimes.
    Greetings to you!

  25. Beautiful post.
    Greetings Irma.

  26. Un post che fa riflettere, grazie!!!

  27. Boa tarde de terça-feira, com muita paz e saúde.

  28. Oh thanks I hope to open myself soon

  29. Me ha gustado, gracias por compartir amigo. Saludos desde el norte de España.

  30. Todo se percibe a través de la mirada, los ojos nos enseñan el mundo.

    Un abrazo.

  31. Debemos aprender a ver el mundo más allá de la subjetividad, otra apreciar lo que conviene y desechar lo que genera daño. Un abrazo. Carlos

  32. Great post.
    I like reading you.
    Happy and good days.

  33. Bonsoir ☘️
    Je passe te souhaiter
    Une bonne fin de journée
    Avec la pluie snif
    Suivie d'une douce nuit
    Sans oublié mon bisous

  34. Hello 💚,
    great post.. I agree with you, because people see the world through their own eyes.. the most important thing is goodness and respect for the world
    - best regards, I wish you good days!🤗😘

  35. Bonjour ☘️
    Aujourd'hui il y a du brouillard
    Et très froid ce matin,2° et cet après midi 10°
    Enfin ! je passe te souhaiter un bon samedi
    J'espère que tu vas bien, Moi boff
    Pas trop la forme

  36. bonjour
    en effet tout est subjectif, tout est en fonction des émotions de chacun
    bon weekend

  37. Bardzo trafnie napisane. Świat widzimy takim w jakim akurat stanie jesteśmy. Pozdrawiam :-).

  38. Te dejo un abrazo, he leido tu comentario en mi blog y allí te he comentado que me cuesta mucho dejarte mis palabras en el tuyo, espero que te lleguen mis abrazo

  39. La vida cada día nos enseña un poco más, y sobre todo la actitud de la gente y las circunstancias que nos rodean. Cada uno la ve de distintos ángulos o vértices, y unos días nos parece la mejor experiencia y otros no queremos ver a nadie.
    El estado mental y emocional de las personas varía y asi es será por la eternidad. Un besote grande.


  40. S iento decirte que solo se español. Pero tu blog es muy bueno. Un saludo.

  41. Debemos encontrar a cada paso, la belleza de la vida en esos pequeños detalles que nos motiven, como la flor y los destellos de luz que comparte tu imagen.

    Gracias por tu presencia en mi blog

  42. Bonjour rehana, merci pour mon blog.....passe une bonne journée.....gros bisous, annie

  43. Sempre conselhos positivos. Por isto, gosto de ler o seu blog. Meu abraço, boa semana!

  44. Przepięknie, pozdrawiam cieplutko.

  45. Very interesting post :)
    Best regards :)

  46. Πολύ ωραία υπενθύμιση και όμορφα γραμμένο!

  47. Exacto, cada persona ve el mundo segun sin estado y como se suele decir El refrán 'todo camaleón es según el color del cristal con qué se mira'

  48. La vita è bella e il mondo che ci circonda è fantastico, occorre ammirarlo sempre con entusiasmo e generosità di animo. Il creato ci ha consegnato un paradiso e spesso ce la mettiamo tutta per distruggerlo. Non accusiamo gli altri il mondo più bello siamo noi. Auguri per un Santo Natale pieno di serenità e gioia

  49. Ο καθένας μα βλέπει τον κόσμο με τα δικά του μάτια. Συμφωνώ πως πρέπει να έχουμε ανοικτό το μυαλό μας και να απολαμβάνουμε την ζωή μας με τα μικρά και τα όμορφα της!
    Φιλια από Κρήτη -Ελλάδα!

  50. Bonsoir
    merci de ton passage
    C'est avec une belle pensee
    amicale que je viens te souhaiter
    une agreable soiree , bisous Cathy

  51. Your post pleased me...
    I'm waiting for you, in 'A Vivenciar', a welcome, wait for a return...
    Bright and loving days.

  52. Beautiful!

    Merry Christmas,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  53. My Friend!!!
    On the occasion of these special, special days I wish you all the best! I wish you health, happiness, joy, fulfillment of dreams, many moments spent with loved ones and the Blessings of the Newborn Lord Jesus in every day of the New 2025 Year!!!

  54. Il mondo attraverso i nostri occhi ma sempre con rispetto per gli altri....un augurio di buon Natale, un abbraccio

  55. Tengas una buen día por ahi.
    Gracias por compartir.

    ┊┊┊ ◢▇▇▇▇▇◣┊┊┊
    ┊ ◢▇▇▇▇▇▇▇◣┊
    ┊┊┊┊┊┊ ▉┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊
    *´•¸.•´*¨`*•• ☆ ••*`¨*`•.¸•´*
    ┊┊┊☆ MERRY☆┊┊┊
    *´•¸.•´*¨`*•• ☆ ••*`¨*`•.¸•´*

  56. Merry Christmas🎄🎄 all of you

  57. He pasado por aquí! Las experiencias forman las actitudes venideras limando errores y aprendiendo a perdonarse!! Saludos!

  58. Merry Christmas and Happy 2025

  59. Passing by to wish you happy holidays and an incredible 2025 full of God's blessings.
    Thank you for being part of my virtual friends in 2024 - I made a post with my super reading list this year. I count on your comment, huh?!
    Kisses and God bless u

  60. Amiga, coincido contigo, bello post.
    Te dejo todo mi cariño y besos.
    Te deseo una Feliz Navidad junto a tus seres queridos con amor, paz y felicdad

  61. Pasaba por aquí para desearte felices fiestas
    cuidate mucho

  62. The one who looks beautiful sees the beautiful 🥰"I accept all the beauties in my life." is the affirmation I like.

  63. Lovely photo!
    Take care and enjoy this last weekend of 2024.
    I wish you all the best in 2025, Happy New Year!

  64. I think we never see the full picture of anything with our eyes. No two persons see a thing exactly the same and that is the beauty and misery of life.

  65. It's true. It is with great pleasure that I wish you all the best in the coming 2025! May joy, happiness and warmth always be in your home.

  66. ❤Dear friend Rajani, your thoughts and reflections are very interesting. Beautiful post. All the best to you.❤

  67. Such a fabulous and uplifting post, and a Happy New Year ! ♥

  68. È proprio vero quello che scrivi.
    Ti faccio i miei auguri di buon anno nuovo

  69. Happy New Year. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  70. Querida Amiga
    (¯`•.•´¯) (¯`•.•´¯)★Que Dios
    *`•.¸(¯`•.•´¯)¸.•´★Te bendiga
    ♥ º° ♥`•.¸.•´ ♥ º° ♥ `•.¸.•´` ★
    (¯`•.•´¯) (¯`•.•´¯)★★Te
    *`•.¸(¯`•.•´¯)¸.•´ Deseo un
    ♥ º° ♥`•.¸.•´ ♥ º° ♥★…★
    ♥` ♥ º°♥Noemi ♥` ♥ º°♥★
    ♥` ♥Paz y mucho Amor♥` ♥

  71. 🌟
    Have a great New Year.
    Hugs of good friendship.

  72. passando para desejar um lindo e feliz fim de ano e um feliz 2025 bjs saude

  73. My good friend, I wish you a good and blessed New Year 2025!!! I wish you health, happiness, joy, dreams come true, many beautiful moments with your loved ones!!!

  74. Desejo que no próximo ano possamos nos encontrar muitas vezes pelos lindos caminhos da blogosfera. Que os nossos encontros sejam um hino à ternura e à amizade. Que a amizade construída seja alicerçada no respeito, no carinho e no amor fraternal. Um Feliz Ano Novo pra você e sua família.

  75. Well said. Wishing you a very happy New Year x

  76. Happy New Year dear Rajani. All the best for you.

  77. Feliz año nuevo. Te mando un beso.

  78. Happy New Year✨✨ all of author!

  79. Just stopping by to wish you and yours a Happy New Year!

  80. Dear Rajani, It was a pleasure following Myexperience in 2024. Looking forward to another in 2025. Happy New Year to you and yours! John

  81. Hay que acoger la vida juntando el pensamiento propio y el del otro. Un abrazo. Carlos

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Happy New Year 2025, that Will be good, with lots of happiness, LOVE, and success for you.

  84. Buon anno 2025 🌺🥀🌹🌺🥰

  85. Bonjour rehana ❤️
    Ciel très nuageux☁️7°
    je passe te souhaiter
    Un bon mercredi
    J'espère que tu vas bien
    Moi kiné cet après midi
    Byzz ton amie*

  86. ¡Gracias por esta hermosa reflexión querida Rajani! ❤️
    Sin duda, la autoconciencia es clave para mejorar nuestras relaciones y nuestra comprensión del mundo.
    ¡Te mando un gran abrazo. Que tengas un año lleno de bendiciones! ✨️💫


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