When we do not fulfill the promises made to ourselves, we start considering ourselves inferior and worthless.

When we do not fulfill the promises made to ourselves, we start considering ourselves inferior and worthless. On the other hand, when we fulfill the promises made to ourselves, even if those resolution are very small. then we establish a trusting relationship with ourselves.  Continuously strengthening faith in ourselves starts reflecting in every aspect of our daily life.  Understand your promises, intentions, write them down. By doing this, you will be able to achieve them. 

We all have different attitudes towards life and we want to live our life accordingly.it is not necessary that everyone agrees with our viewpoint.when our thoughts are different from others,then trouble starts.

Every human has its own scale about right and wrong.but every person wants others to follow his liking. In the event of this not happening,we get distracted. But is it really possible that all should go according to us. Human nature is such that we see the evils of others quickly and we take away their goodness. But unlike this, mutual love and harmony will definitely increase.
For example,it is better to focus on one's qualities than highlighting a person's shortcomings.


  1. Es verdad. Hay una sabia reflexión en tus letras. Un saludo.

  2. Unfortunately, we see the deficiencies that we believe to be, in others, when we fail to see ours. As a general rule, it is always others who are wrong and we are right. And it is not always so. Each person thinks they are right in what they think and do.
    It is the law of life.
    I really enjoyed the release of the photo.
    Happy weekend… hug
    Poetic Thoughts and Daydreams

  3. Nice blog. Have a great weekend

  4. Muito lindo e valorizar o melhor do outro é preciso! bjs, chica

  5. Bonjour,
    Il y aurait tant à dire et à développer... Belle journée à vous,

  6. Tem razão.
    Há que olhar primeiro dentro de nós e ver os nossos próprios defeitos.

  7. This is true. You have a very nice blog. Thanks for stopping by mine. Enjoy your day.

  8. Asi somos, nos es más fácil disculparnos a nosotros ,mismos,
    tus versos nos reflejan poeta
    Un abrazo

  9. You are so right! Thanks for the educated post. Have a wonderful day.

  10. Cierto.
    Gracias por tus palabras en mi blog.

  11. Hello Rajani.
    Excellent reflection.

  12. E' un piacere soffermarmi sulle tue pagine
    Buona domenica,silvia

  13. People are different, and their thoughts differ. Greetings from Russia! Today we celebrate Victory Day.

  14. I had a wise teacher who told me when I was a teenager:

    Do not talk about your defects only about your qualities. You will see the defects even if you do not have them.

    Tienes un blog bello, Rajani

  15. Totalmente de acuerdo con tu reflexión, porque siempre se ha dicho que la libertad y derechos de uno termina donde empieza la de los demás, por lo que para el entendimiento general hay que saber escuchar con respeto la opinión de otros, y con diálogo es la única forma de llegar a un acuerdo beneficioso para todos.
    Me ha gustado mucho tu blog, así, que volveré a visitarte.
    Un cordial saludo.

  16. Hello friend, nice post. Thanks for writing this.

  17. You have a nice blog too! Thank you for coming to my blog. Greetings from Malaysia. Today, we celebrate Happy Mother's Day :)

  18. let's our imagination fly like a bird.,

    ps. greetings from Malaysia ;p

  19. Thank you for your visit to my blog. In true, people judge others too much, even when differences do not harm them. As long as there is respect, everyone is free to be as they are. I have friends from all religions and political parties. We have to respect it.
    Coisas de Feltro

  20. Muy acertada la reflexión que haces. A veces se ven mas los males en la casa del vecino que en la propia.
    Gracias por entrar en mi blog aquí estoy para corresponderte .
    Un saludo

  21. Coincido, Rajani.
    Me gustó tu texto, es equilibrado y sabio. Sigue en esa línea.


  22. Oh, and btw... I was told giving peanuts to squirrels is wrong as they´re not "nuts" - I give walnuts now, in a shell, to ours.

  23. Hups, my first comment didn´t make it? Was saying you´re so right.

  24. Your sentence is wise and true - -

    A good way into this new week! Greetigs from the Bavarian Forest!

  25. I totally agree, my friend!😊😊

    Have a super week.

    Hugs xxx

  26. Your post is so very true and I agree with it.
    Have a lovely day.

  27. I like your wise words.

  28. Totalmente de acuerdo.


  29. Bonito y interesante tu blog.


  30. Hey dear! Loved your post and allready followed your blog, i want invite you to visit and follow my blog back <3


  31. Thanks for sharing these beautiful words :)

    Shoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram

  32. Creo que la convivencia humana empieza por entender no sólo las actitudes propias, sino las de los otros. Las escuelas deben enseñar sobre la diversidad, y el comportamiento humano. Las actitudes no son iguales en todos. Somos distintos. Un abrazo. Carlos

  33. True! If only all people could see this perspective. :)

  34. Beautiful picture of nature and interesting text.

  35. A humildade é uma dádiva tão generosa!
    Um carinhoso beijinho!
    Megy Maia🌼🐱🌼

  36. Concordo pienamente con il tuo pensiero. Non dobbiamo essere presuntuosi e si deve rispettare chi ha idee diverse dalle nostre. Forse parlando ognuno imparerà qualche cosa dall’altro.
    Felice giornata, un abbraccio

  37. This is so amazing. Wow. And nice to meet you too.

  38. Thanks for yr visit to my blog. I'm sorry, but I haven't practiced English for a long time. I am retired and I am 77 years old. From what I read and understood this is a beautiful post. I will come to see you sometime. Good day.

  39. Es cierto, deberíamos escuchar más a los demás y no intentar cambiar su punto de vista. Todos tenemos el nuestro. Si todos pensásemos igual, sería aburrido. En las discrepancias (creo) está el enriquecimiento . Un placer la visita. Saludos.

  40. Boa noite, Rajani
    Ótima postagem, valorizar as qualidades do próximo é muito importante, abraços.

  41. Buen fin de semana
    Un abrazo

  42. Hola linda
    Que bella reflexión y tan inspiradora, ha sido un placer leerte, gracias bella

  43. We are all different and we are all imperfect. Respect each others views and we will live in peace. Interesting picture to ponder at

  44. Hermosa reflexion te mando un beso

  45. En esta tierra mía hay un dicho que se refiere a ver siempre en los demás los defectos e ignorar los propios, el dicho dice así: SIEMPRE SE VE LA PAJA EN EL OJO AJENO.
    Agradecida por tu visita.

  46. Gracias por tu visita. La tolerancia y la empatía son necesarias para comprender a los demás.
    Buena filosofía de vida, amigo.
    Mi abrazo y feliz semana.

  47. Gracias por tu visita, hermosa foto y buena reflexión.
    Un saludo.

  48. Sí, completamente de acuerdo.

  49. Your words are so true. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  50. Good to read your words.

    All the best Jan

  51. Así se comienza a ser persona, con pensamientos como el tuyo. Unamos todo lo mejor de nosotros ,no miremos la parte que no coincide y si lo hacemos, que sea para mejorarla.
    Saludos y gracias por entrar en mi blog

  52. Thanks for visiting us. Love your attitude!

  53. Thanks for stopping by.

  54. awww, very nice!! i would like to think i see the good in everyone!!

  55. Beautiful post. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  56. Interessante questo tuo blog. Complimenti.

  57. Tienes razón, buen post.

  58. Thanks for coming by my blog... nice one here too!

  59. Wow! You got so many comments. I see both sides of everyone including myself.

  60. This is so very true. Thank you for sharing this and thank you for visiting my blog.

  61. Hi,
    You are so right. Have a great day!

  62. So true. Have a wonderful week.

  63. A bondade é fruto de almas puras!
    Tão difícil de encontrar!
    Um beijinho recheado de luz!
    Megy Maia🌻🌼🌻

  64. Hermosa reflexión, te mando un beso♥

  65. Well said. Your last sentence should be read by every person in the world. I should even carry it with me as an occasional reminder for times I catch myself doing just that.

  66. I like that we are all different. I can disagree with you on some things and agree on others. That does not make either of us bad or good just human. The differences are what make life interesting.

  67. I agree. :-) Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  68. Diversity is what makes life interesting.

  69. such a thoughtful post.
    i agree with much you said. :)

  70. Hello Rajani, You are correct. Humans are evolving along with the entire Universe. Slowly we are learning that love leads us forward while hate holds us back. As we move forward we find greater peace and happiness in our lives. Your posts are beautiful and I look forward to more. Kind regards to you from Seattle. John

  71. very good, I like your writing

  72. beautiful photo, congrats
    have a great day :)

  73. Differing opinions can definitely be problematic, especially when it reaches the point where one side won't listen to the other. Unfortunately this is what is happening and is the root cause of many of the world's problems today.

  74. Each human being has his own nature. Definitely that makes us detach ourselves from the rest and life is more interesting to live.

  75. Thank you for your visit and your very wise words. Love that picture too xx

  76. Lovely blog! Thank you for your visit-I enjoyed your lovely writing and beautiful pictures! ♥ Sue Kment

  77. Great post individuals are unique

  78. Hi. Well said.
    Did you mean this post?

  79. Very good words to live by. - Love the photo.

  80. "Human nature is such that we see the evils of others quickly" It is in our survival pack. But, of course, we should evaluate the scope of what scares us. And if they don't deserve the time we devote to them, all the better to enjoy the positive things we find in others.
    Hugs Rajani

  81. Muy bueno. Refleja al ser humano en general. Un abrazo

  82. These are such wise words. You have a lovely blog. I really like this photo a lot.
    It reminds me of when I go to the creek in the mountains where I live, and the birds
    all start to show up - hundreds of them. It's an incredible sight, and the photo
    you shared reminded me of of that. Thanks for sharing.


  83. Each one is unique.
    You have a lovely Blog.

  84. Human nature is such that we see the evils of others quickly and we take away their goodness. Thats why God tell us to remove the bolder our of our own eye instead of trying to remove the speck out of someone else. Pride always see evil in others first so we will see ourselves better. That is as old as time and in all cultures, in all people no matter their gender, background, race, country born in, it's a heart issue.

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