Satisfied your mind!

Our mind is filled with a lot of things. Most of us keep making our mind different with various tangled threads, from which it becomes difficult to wear a straight thread of choice. The mind is not an enemy.  All that is needed is to prevent the threads of ideas from bouncing. There is no place for idols,there is no place for thoughts either.  Layers of various thoughts accumulate in our mind. What we are hiding, what we feel, in which relationships we are entangled, which emotions we hold on to for a long time, everything remains recorded in the mind.  Gradually the mind becomes so full that there is no place left for any new thought Some important thoughts are buried very low,some important ones are entangled.    

#covid19 (Keep both mind and heart big when there are difficult times!!

We are all connected with a common sorrow at this time. Some have their own concerns, some have their own. Every house has a different story. Nobody's grief is small or false. But, what is left of what is left of? What is there after being grieved all the time,it can not be lost. There is a lot that is in our hands. Our sadness is one, happiness is also there. If the truth is true,our courage is also there. More than we think,we can help ourselves and others. Being courageous does not mean that there is no problem or that we start making fun of him. That we can not do anything. Just know what to do if something happens. There are many people who, despite the fear, are doing all possible help to others. Encourage the dead hearts.


  1. It's just so sad to see the diferences of development in the current world. Your country has so much potential, but it lacks so much in infrastructures, such as health equipment, health profissionals.
    Our world isgetting so much more inequal.
    Loved your blog

  2. My friend Covid is a great worldwide scourge, although vaccines are already filling the disease, but it is always very painful to know of so many deaths, especially in this country.
    thank you for your visit


  3. Yea! Your words are very sensible and timely. This reality that we live in has to be overcome together. Let's hold hands and face this sad time with courage!
    Thank you for your visit!

  4. So sorry about the situation in your country. You get all my symphaty and wishes that things change for better.
    All the best

  5. Thanks for sharing these thoughts.

  6. Hope your situation in your country changes for the better.

  7. Rajani, concordo com as suas palavras e desejo o melhor para si e para o seu país.
    Obrigada pela visita ao meu blog.

  8. I'm glad to see the vaccine is being so widely used there.
    Take good care and stay healthy!

  9. I'm glad to see the vaccine is being so widely used there.
    Take good care and stay healthy!

  10. It has been a hard time. I hope you and your family Stay well.

  11. Palavras lindas e esse momento é de ajudar aos poutros que de nós precisam...abraços, chica

  12. Esperó que la situación mejore y hay que tener fe . Y dar lo mejor de uno Te mando un beso

  13. I hope all is well with you and hope to world gets rid of this virus soon.

  14. sorry about your country situation.hope you and the ones you love are well
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  15. Esperemos que este flagelo passe depressa.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

  16. Estamos ante una experiencia muy difícil, que requiere de gran solidaridad total.

  17. Thank you for your kind words.😊

  18. My elderly neighbor used to say things will get better. Peace

  19. Beautifully stated. It is terribly sad what has happened and is still happening across our globe.

  20. thanks so much for the post. Many thoughts and prayers.

  21. ¡Ojalá! Veamos pronto la luz de este maldito túnel. Todo lo mejor para ti y tu país.
    Cordiales saludos.

  22. Estamos unidos en el dolor y en las dudas de los científicos y las indecisiones políticas. Muy buena reflexión . Un abrazo

  23. Thank you for visiting my blog. I am deeply disturbed about the Covid in India (and elsewhere). We seem to be coming down now but I know it is only temporary. I hope you will stay safe.

  24. We do what we can. We're gradually venturing out, but I don't blame the people who aren't ready yet. It's been a hard year.

  25. A damn virus that has brought so much pain, suffering and death all over the world. I very much regret the difficult situation that your country is going through. I hope that soon everything will be much better.
    Thank you for your visit.
    Stay safe and have a peaceful weekend.

  26. لابد للأيام العصيبة من نهاية

    كلماتك مؤثرة.. شكراً جزيلاً

  27. Hi Rajani, Thank you for very kind post. Blessings to you and your family. John

  28. This is a beautiful piece. Thank you so much for highlighting what's happening. I wish you all the best.

  29. One death is too many - so sorry that so many have succumbed to the virus. Those that have passed on will never be forgotten by their families and friends.
    Take care, be safe.
    Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment on my blog.

  30. Hope all improves in India during these pandemic times. Stay safe. Appreciate your visit to my blog.

  31. i have heard so many sad stories, from here and abroad. so many people in my area have been vaccinated, i personally think it is a good thing. we are vaccinated but we are still wearing masks even though we do not have to!

  32. The world is in one boat. We only can get through this pandemic together!
    Stay healthy!

  33. yes, your words are so much needed in these hard times in your country.
    please stay safe.

  34. There are difficult times for everybody.

  35. I offer my prayers for the people of India. May countries throughout the world move quickly to provide much needed aid.

  36. Hello,

    There are sad Covid stories from around the world. It seems we must work on ending the pandemic together. Everyone should be vaccinated. Take care and stay well. Have a great week!

  37. Boa tarde. Infelizmente o número de mortos aqui no Brasil ainda é muito grande. Desejo muita saúde.

  38. Texto reflexivo sobre a situação global gerado pela pandemia.
    Tenhamos esperança de que a vacina venha ajudar-nos
    a ultrapassar esse problema.

  39. Obrigada pela visita lá no meu humilde cantinho pois infelizmente a pandemia será para beijinho e uma boa semana.

  40. Acuerdo con lo que dices
    Nos tiene que importar lo que le pasa a otros
    no solamente ver nuestra tristeza
    o nuestra situacion individual
    y ayudar a las otras personas desde el lugar que ocupamos
    Aqui mismo
    en los blogs podemos hacer el bien dejando palabras que reconforten
    a quienes pierden la esperanza. Te dejo un abrazo para vos y tu pueblo.

  41. Infelizmente, este vírus teima em persistir. É dramática a situação aí na Índia. É um País gigantesco, e a míseria é igualmente gigante. Esperemos que a comunidade internacional possa dar apoio sanitário. Como testes e vacinas.
    Faço votos, para que consigas ter a capacidade e a resiliência, para resistir a este vírus.

    Beijinhos, e muita saúde!

  42. I am sad to learn of the devastating effects this horrific virus is causing your country. I read a lot about what is going on in the world and in my own country, and yes we are all connected. I send you good thoughts with the hope that this will be gone and you can all live in peace and harmony. I wish you peace, happiness and good health.

  43. En estos momentos, es cuando se ve y siente de verdad, la empatía.
    Todos, sin excepción, estamos unidos no solo para este caso, para todo, y no deberíamos pensar que esto nos pueda separar. Nuestros corazones, energías, han de moverse juntas por el lado del amor, hacía uno mismo y hacía los demás.
    Te deseo lo mejor, y que sigas vibrando en amor.
    Gracias, por ser parte del Universo.

  44. This disease has caused so much pain and yet it has revealed some good. Even through all of the pain, suffering and death, we are thankful and amazed at those who do their best to alleviate some of the effects of COVID. I continue to keep our world, and in particular your country, in my prayers.

  45. I've been visiting India at least once a year for over twenty years, my heart breaks for the suffering my friends are having to deal with. Stay safe. x

  46. Es cuando necesitamos, ser más solidarios y fraternos. Un abrazo. Carlos

  47. Hola
    No hay que bajar los ánimos, estar siempre alerta. Seguir las indicaciones, y cuidados contra el covid.
    Un abrazo enorme y muchas gracias por visitarme.


  48. Hay que ser solidarios. Vivimos una situación de mucha tensión.
    Esperemos termine todo pronto.
    Mucho ánimo y suerte.
    Un abrazo.

  49. A ver si pronto salimos de esta pesadilla. Buen post, me ha gustado mucho. Saludos!!!

  50. Thanks for visit.
    #covid19 (Keep both mind and heart big when there are difficult times!!
    We try to do better what we do well
    To heal

  51. I’m so sorry for the way your country is suffering. I hope you and your loved ones are okay.

  52. Te mando un abrazo desde Perú♥

  53. Hola, que hermoso mensaje, creeme que está pandemia me enseñó muchas cosas pero sobretodo a valorar a la gente cuando está viva. Es muy doloroso perder a alguien.

  54. Olá, Rajani
    Os tempos que vivemos são, de facto, de grande dor e sofrimento.
    Penso que não há ninguém que não tenha tido algum familiar ou amigo que tenha sido infectado , ou que, na pior das hipóteses, tenha partido.
    É hora de unirmos todos os esforços e sermos solidários com quem mais precisa.
    Gostei muito deste texto.
    Obrigada pela visita ao meu blog.

    Continuação de boa semana.

  55. You are very right. There are many hearts that are united in the same boat, the same situation, the same fear and the same relief. Thank you for visiting my written dream scroll.
    Kisses :)

  56. Praying for your country as well as mine. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  57. Very sorry that this virus is rife in India. I do not do anything foolish, and try to keep self isolated, but my trust is in my Lord Jesus. I pray that this virus will soon be taken away.

  58. Obrigado pela sua visita. Vamos todos com coragem pensar positivo. Com a ajuda de Deus venceremos o bicho mau.
    Continuação de boa semana. Um abraço.

  59. Una publicación importante,cariños.

  60. Uma situação difícil para todo o Mundo. Esperança e Amor é o que não pode faltar. Gratidão por sua visita, retribuindo. Que Deus esteja conosco.

  61. Te mando un beso y espero que estes bien

  62. hola
    hay que ser consciente de lo letal que es este virus, a ver si nos vacunan a la maxima poblacion posibles

  63. You always inspire me .love your thoughts.

    Would you like to follow each other? If the answer is yes, please follow me on my blog & I'll follow you back. thank you.

  64. Olá! Belas palavras! Temos de nos ajuda uns aos outros para ultrapassar estes tempos diferentes!
    Cumprimentos e tudo de bom!

  65. Wishing you all over there all the best

  66. momento bem difícil mesmo que a humanidade está passando, que consigam vacinar a todos com muita urgência!!! bjs

  67. Eu já perdi amigo, já perdi companheiro,
    perdi parente, mas felizmente ninguém
    me perdeu a mim.
    Beijos e beijos, muitos.

  68. Saludos cordiales y buen fin de semana.

  69. There are difficult times for everybody:(

  70. Un post muy importante, todos debemos pensar en el.otro . Esperanza y fe!! Un abrazo

  71. El covid esta causando estragos y son pocos los que no perdieron un ser querido. Pero tengamos la esperanza de que se terminará pronto. Le deseo lo mejor. Muchas gracias por su visita a mi blog. Un placer conocerle. Saludos cordiales.

  72. The Covid situation has been very bad in India. I truly hope for healthier & happier days.

  73. Una publicación que despierta mucho sentimiento. La solidaridad es importante siempre, pero más en estos momentos de pandemia.
    Gracias por visitar y dejar su comentario en mi blog.

  74. This virus time is a terrible time in our world. Many have died from it, and we
    should always show compassion to the people who have had it, and to the families
    of those who didn't make it. : )


  75. Quasi-beautiful blog.

  76. Hola gracias por tu visita. Hay muchas personas y familias que lo han pasado y siguen pasándolo muy mal, pero la esperanza es sabia y no se pierde. Saludos

  77. Thank you for your blog visit. I wish health for your country. Stay safe. Wear that mask.

  78. Our purpose if life s to glorify God and to do that we have to be the defenders of TRUTH, even if that costs our own life. Perpetuating lies is serving evil and I shall never serve evil. It is our obligation to get facts correct! If we don't it's pure laziness and we become accomplices of crimes against humanity!!!!!


    Learn the truths about the dangers of these gene experiments.
    Not knowing if UNFORGIVEABLE!

    Hope you choose the way of TRUTH, else you shall be serving evil!

  79. Son muy interesantes tus reflexiones. Gracias por compartir.

    Un abrazo

  80. Me gusta mucho lo que haces con tu blog.

  81. En estos tiempos no debemos bajar la guardia porque el virus sigue hay dispuesto a atacar a cualquiera. Sea cual fuera la cepa todas atacan cuando menos te lo esperas ahora por aquí ya dicen que la que predomina es la cepa detectada primeramente en tu país y mas a los jóvenes aunque también a personas ya vacunadas.



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