We have to make our heart big!

Nothing happens in life by escapism, unless the situation is changed.changing the place does not solve the problem.  Remember that our biggest enemy is our bad nature.  As soon as our nature becomes soft, we will get respect from everywhere, not contempt.  Changing the place does not make a crow a cuckoo.  Changing the school does not change the class.changing the class depends on our ability and eligibility and the studies of the whole year etc.  As soon as we face a difficult situation, we adopt an escapist attitude, but do not change our nature and nature.water is important, not well; the destination is important, not the path.  Similarly, in life, not only soft speech, but also appropriate language and self- conscious behaviour are important. We are often influenced by others. If someone praises us, we become happy. If we are called intelligent, we start considering ourselves clever. On the contrary, if we are called stubborn, angry, selfish and greedy, then

Jealousy is not a mere thought within us!!

Jealousy is not a mere thought within us. Over time it becomes a process of our living. All the time, there is a comparison going on in our mind. Why others have more? Why others better than us? This fever of comparison, clinging to the body,stifles the power of thinking. Our confidence weakens and only complaints from life remain. The day when comparison becomes unnecessary, even jealousy does not find a place to live within us.


  1. I've never been envious, at least not in a "mean" way. As for jealousy, it made me suffer a lot in the past... then I got over it. Changing ourselves always requires hard work, but I think the results are worth it ;)

    1. All my life I've never seen anything that works as fast as the Dr.Okosodo spell. I am from New Jersey and my name is Angela after contacting Dr.Okosodo so I started to believe the saying that every coin has two sides. When my lover abandoned me, he swore never to return to me, but thank God, through Dr. Okosodo's help, I have my lover back to me within 48 hours and I also want other people who are with the heart. party get in touch with Dr. Okosodo through these details below which are via email: ( Drokosodo647@gmail.com ) or via ( Whatsapp at +2349050443678 ), then you can see the wonders of Dr.Okosodo

  2. I totally agree with your thoughts dear friend. Jealousy and the perception of property, leads to a competition without limits and without solidarity.
    Good evening.

  3. Los celos pueden degerenar en enfermedad, y la envidia es un sentimiento oscuro.
    Un abrazo.

  4. I like the way you write. Greetings

  5. Se hai la sensazione che la persona di cui sei innamorato sia attirata sentimentalmente da un'altra persona che non sei tu, non devi essere geloso, ma, pur soffrendo, lasciarle tentare una felicità che tu non puoi darle. Un abbraccio.

  6. Jealousy is a very destructive force 🤔.

  7. é exatamente assim que devemos pensar e fazer esforços para conseguirmos melhorar a auto estima, com esta atitude tudo melhora. Bjs

  8. Is human to compare our lives to other but we'd just to learn to be grateful for everything we already have!!!

  9. Um ciúme excessivo torna-se inveja e é aí que toma conta da nossa mente. Não é bom para quem o sente. Boa reflexão.
    Uma boa semana com muita saúde.
    Um beijo.

  10. Los celos son malos consejeros e hieren, a veces heridas incurables. Mejor vivir sin ellos y dentro de la confianza. La imagen es preciosa. Besos :D

  11. Quando la gelosia diventa ossessione, possesso, la vita è un inferno e chi ci è vicino, spesso è la vittima delle nostre insicurezze.
    Post interessante. Felice giornata

  12. Creo que tenemos que ser nosotros, sin necesidad de sopesarnos con otros, porque se pierde el sentido de la entidad y la autoestima. Un abrazo. Carlos

  13. Los celos me han hecho pasarlo muy mal en el pasado, pero hay que trbajar en eliminarlos, ya que solo son perjudiciales. ¡Besos!

  14. La gelosia quando è eccessiva , a volte, può essere un sentimento distruttivo. Bisogna avere fiducia della persona che si ha a fianco. Un caro saluto.

  15. I try and give jealousy no place in my head. It doesn't help me. Ever.

  16. Hope love always vin because Jealousy is very destructive.

  17. Jealousy can affect our lives so much!

  18. Los celos hacen daño a ti y a la otra persona. Buena reflexion

  19. A volte mi è capitato di soffrire di n pò di gelosia , in genere ho cercato di essere serena con ciò che ho. Saluti.

  20. Evitemos topar con estos sujetos egocéntricos, cuya afán ese afán de ser únicos y que los demás se arracimen en torno suyo...dispuesto a su vez a todo para conseguirlo...! Sé más explícito en tu comentar, Rajani Rehana¡. Buena semana.
    Un abrazo

  21. Asumo tus palabras y estoy totalmente de acuerdo con ellas.
    Un saludo.

  22. Minulla on kokemusta todella kateellisista ja ilkeistä ihmisistä. Kuva minkä liitit tähän postaukseen on kertakaikkiaan lumoavan kaunis tätä voisi tuijottaa vaikka kuinka kauan.

  23. Concordo com você Rajani, o ciúme destrói não apenas um relacionamento, mas uma vida!
    Te mando um beijo.

  24. Los celos son algo bastante malo y bastante más habitual de lo que parece

  25. Hi
    thank you for visiting


  26. Your words are powerful and beautiful. Thank you for being an eloquent writer,
    and making a difference with only a few short verses. It's rare to do that, and
    I think that is the best way to write. With only a few short words, your message
    is sent loud and clear. : )


  27. Yeah jealousy is complicated darling
    Sincerely is not so easy

  28. Right, jealousy is no good. Of not controlled it can turn into way of life and that's even worst.

  29. A great post indeed, thanks for sharing!

  30. Well said, a trully deep thought. I guess we all know that and try to behave accordingly but in some cases where desperation overwhelmes us, we may sin into comparison or usage of the never answered question: "why?"

  31. Ni celosa ni envidiosa, creo que tengo lo suficiente y que si alguien me engaña se engaña a si mismo. Un abrazo

  32. Un articolo interessante che ho molto apprezzato. Un caro saluto,silvia

  33. Hay celos enfermizo, que no trae nada más que sufrimiento, tanto a los seres queridos, como a la propia persona....los celos generalmente, no concuce a nada bueno.

    Gracias por tu comentario y la invitación de leer esta publicación

    Te deseo todo lo mejor en los días venideros

  34. I remember being jealous at times when I was younger. When I think about what other people have in their lives I realize I have what I need. I'm grateful.and blessed by God.

  35. Comparing ourselves to others is one of the fastest ways to be miserable.

  36. It's not come from my Gosh, because I think there are a place to everyone to serve praising The Lord. Sorry, but it is my thought. Thank you by your visit on my blog. Yayá.

  37. Hi dear friend! It is always a pleasure to receive your thoughts so sensible and beneficial, it is a great work of introspection. Have a great week. 🌻

  38. I agree that jealousy is destructive but I will also add that it's quite a common emotion. And we often simply suppress it instead of acknowledging that is what we feel. You don't need to act on it.

  39. Excelente!!
    Cada uno de nosotros es irrepetible.
    Importante texto.🙏

  40. jealousy indeed eats deep and literally makes you not fruitfully. when people say we are humans to get jealous, i wonder why? you don't need to be jealous to feel motivated

    Glowyshoe's blog

  41. Jealousy is a wasted emotion. It only serves to destroy us within. Let us not compare ourselves with others.

  42. Uma boa reflexão sobre ciúmes e inveja!

    Continuação de boa semana.

  43. Love and jealousy are part of this world.
    Every man drinks from their cup

  44. Jealousy is a waste of time. I dont compare my life with others. I make my own way in this world.

  45. Jealousy is a disease for me.
    I'm glad it doesn't bother me, I can see very well that others have it better than us.
    Greetings Irma

  46. Thank you for your visit to my blog. Jealousy is such a thief of joy and love. Letting go in forgiveness brings life and love. Many blessings to you :)

  47. Nice write up, as humans is only normal to think this way that's why self control and contentment is key.

    The Style Fanatic

  48. muy dura ehh pero muy real los celos es terrible, un saludo desde mi brillo del mar

  49. "The day when comparison becomes unnecessary, even jealousy does not find a place to live within us." This thought stood out to me.It speaks volumes to my heart.

  50. Jealousy can destroy our lives and relationships.

  51. Dipende che tipo di gelosia... a volte può essere distruttiva!

  52. Amen, princesa. ¿Quieres decir que siempre estamos mirando si nuestro vecino tiene algo más que nosotros, no? Si dependemos de eso para que los celos desaparezcan de nuestro interior, es algo triste pero, Amen.

  53. Unos celos sin control es lo peor que le puede pasar a una persona.


  54. Los celos no son buenos consejeros. Un abrazo.

  55. Preciosa y ensoñadora foto.
    Celos NO ....

  56. Let us be grateful for what we have ...

    All the best Jan

  57. Infelizmente, quando damos conta dele, transforma-se numa angustiante realidade.
    Abraço amigo.
    Juvenal Nunes

  58. ...fortunately jealousy has never been an issue for me.

  59. To be jealous I guess you have to think and believe to feel jealous all day long. Imagine how exhausting that must be.

  60. Jealousy can destroy us more than the person we envy. Thanks for the great blog and God bless!

  61. Very well said. Jealousy is so destructive.

  62. Jealousy is the symptom of selfishness.
    A greeting from Spain :))

  63. There is no need to be jealous in Jesus, as if we first seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then all else will be added - including eternal life.

  64. Unfortunately jealousy could be part of our life but we must be strong enough not to allow it to ruin our lives.

  65. Jealousy is a disastrous feeling!!!

  66. No, there is no room for jealousy in our lives. It doesn't help anyone. It's why it's one of God's commandments too: "though shalt not covet".

  67. O ciúme demonstra insegurança própria e falta de confiança na outra pessoa.

    Não suporto ciúmes!!

  68. Jealousy is a waste of valuable time and energy better spent on the good. But it
    can be an easy distraction with all the world has to show off. An old saying here
    is "keep up with the Joneses", meaning want what your neighbor has and try to get
    it or better than it. Not a good way to live. Thank you for your insight and for
    visiting Precious and me. Lynn

  69. It is always good to provoke thought and consideration of the consequences of our actions or lack there of. Well written blog.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  70. Don't worry about people who are not happy for you...they are probably NOT happy for themselves either.

  71. Jealousy is destructive and unhealthy.

  72. Jealousy...an interesting and harmful emotion. I've made several key decisions based on what was best for me and my family, not based on how much more wealth or stuff I could accumulate. To be sure, from time to time I do wonder 'what if' I'd made other life decisions, but the thought doesn't consume me... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  73. Los celos pueden llegar a ser una enfermedad.

  74. Eifersucht ist auch immer ein Zeichen von Liebe. LG Romy

  75. Jealousy is a waste of time and effort and just makes you miserable.

  76. I like that. The older I get the less comparisons I make.

  77. Jealousy is a waste of energy and a curse of all evil .x

  78. Excelente reflexão!
    Bom domingo.

  79. Una bella riflessione! La gelosia è un sentimento deleterio, nuoce gravemente la salute!

  80. Great post, jealousy can be very harmful.

  81. beautiful image and wise words about jealousy!

    Hope that you had a great weekend :) We made the most of the warm sunny days after a rainy week :)

    Away From The Blue | Handbag Gift Guide

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. As they say, comparison will kill you. Deep stuff!

  83. The easiest way for me to counter thoughts of envy and jealousy is to remember that while some have more than I do, others have less. Then, I begin to think about how truly fortunate I am ....

  84. great post! Jealousy over time can completely possess oneself. :(

  85. I have not had the jealous feeling because all I have is all I want and need.

  86. As always a brilliant reflection, jealousy gets us nowhere and just keeps us from living life as best as possible.

  87. I appreciate your "fever" metaphor, very true.

    I am a fan of forgiveness (giving & receiving), yet I also appreciate the difference between forgiving & excusing. Perhaps almost everything is forgivable yet some things should not be excused.

  88. I've always been a jealous person. I still am, even at my advanced age.

  89. well written please do not beg for me to read your post on my blog I always go to everyone that visit my blog so no need to post a comment requesting it.\

  90. Please stop leaving me comments to come read you!!!!!! It doesn't make you readable

  91. Jealousy breeds competition.There's not a competitive bone in my body..I do have a bit of envy every once in awhile..Enjoy your day!!

  92. Hugs from Portugal!!


  93. great reflexion´

  94. I don’t get jealous of people who seem to have more or better things.
    Maybe I did when younger. But I’m older now and I know things are not important
    People and experiences with those you love are much more prized.

  95. Oh! que enfermedad más maliciosa, una vez que entra en tus arterias no deja vivir.
    Para nada soy celosa ni siempre lo he sido.
    Un placer leerte. Un abrazo

  96. Beautiful and powerful words thanks for sharing!!!

  97. Depends on perception thank you.

  98. Jealousy is very complicated. Because even if you didn't want to feel, you can't run away.

  99. Jealousy is an emotion. It is not contagious, but it can be harmful and it is such a wasteful emotion.

  100. Interesante reflexión muy acertada.
    Todo es en base a la duda, cuando la duda es verdaderamente eliminada de nuestro ser, todo cambia, ni la celopatia ni ninguna otra cosa tiene importancia.
    Un abrazo, un placer leerte

  101. I try not to be jealous of others, but sometimes I may want something that I see in someone else's life. I don't let it take up a big part of my thoughts and emotions.

  102. Ya wajar sih jika kita merasakan perasaan cemburu, asal jangan sampai membutakan hati. Tapi jadikan rasa cemburu itu untuk berbuat dan berjuang yang lebih baik lagi.

  103. Jealousy steals joy, doesn't it ...

  104. Nicely written and definitely a point to ponder.

  105. Jealousy is a wasted emotion. I think we all do struggle with it at times, but hopefully not to the point where we let it consume us. We each have our own paths to walk and being jealous of someone else's is again, wasted emotion. We can't see their struggles, which might be worse than our own. Thanks for sharing.

  106. Agree with everything on your post:)

  107. Have a great week my friend! 😘😘😘

  108. Es verdad, los celos son muy malos, la gente que los siente sufre mucho. Besos.

  109. Los celos son una mala compañía en todos los aspectos.


  110. The only way to combat jealousy/envy is to focus on the blessings God has given you. Jealousy tends to be the root of some much deeper issue...typically lack of self confidence or self-esteem. Thanks for visiting my blog!!

  111. Inveja é quando a gente se compara a outras pessoas...e sempre que fazemos isso perdemos, temos que entender que há pessoas melhores e piores que nós. Já ciúme é mais complicado, envolve falta de autoconfiança, com certeza!

    Beijos nas bochechas!

  112. Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by!!

  113. Beautiful picture and narrative to reflect on.

  114. I've once read that comparison is the thief of joy and it is sooooo true. Great post!

    Blessings to you!

  115. Jealousy is like a weed that if you don't get it out in time ends up ruining the garden.
    I agree with your words, I have returned to read my favorite blogs and to write in mine. I come to greet you and invite you to visit my blog. Kisses and we read!

  116. My life moto is never compering your first chapter with someone else 10th. Live your own life and focus on yourself.

  117. Muy cierto lo que nos compartes, la elevación de la autoestima no lleva a evitar la comparación de nuestro ser con otro, un placer el visitarte, saludos cordiales desde mi querida Guatemala

  118. Jealousy is never good for anyone.
    Greetings and good week.

  119. What a beautiful image to accompany that challenge to recognize jealousy and overcome it. Sometimes I'm jealous of my younger self, but now strive to accept (and cherish) each day. May the coming month be good to you.

  120. Jealousy will steal your love of life and turn it into a nightmare of hatred. Better to be satisfied and complete that shattered and broken.

  121. Finding a way to build up your confidence is so important. Jealousy can be a teachable moment, because it shows us what we might want to work on in our lives.

  122. Rajani Rehana....
    Que as energias do Amor, do Bem
    e da Paz cheguem até você!
    Meu carinho e gratidão sempre !
    Feliz fim de semana bjinhos 💖🙏 🌷

  123. Jealousy is harmful but it's human to feel it.

  124. Jealousy is so destructive to ourselves and others. Something to examine if you feel it and try to understand why.

    1. i agree. jealousy is bad for ourselves and it makes us unhappy

  125. Jealous is one of things that can completely destroy life and it is very important that we learn how control it.

  126. I strongly object that jealousy is not an idea, it is our worst internal decision

    Nice to visit this blog

  127. You are right dear friend, jealousy is not a good attitude

  128. Los celos son lo peor y tienes mucha razon en el texto.

    Te mando un saludo y te espero en mi blog con un nuevo post.

  129. Eifersucht und Neid sind zwei Gefühle die vieles im Leben zerstören können.
    Mit Vernunft sollte man an die Situation herangehen und versuchen beide
    nicht wachsen zu lassen, wenn es auch nicht immer einfach ist.
    Ich wünsche eine friedvolle und lichterfüllte Weihnachtszeit, bleib gesund,
    Karin Lissi

  130. Muy buen POST, es una reflexión maravillosa de los celos.

  131. Thanks for the visit. I think most people are envious from time to time; but often not in negative way. To my way of thinking being envision is different than being jealous. I can be envious of someone's situation, but not be jealous and nasty.

  132. güzel bir makale olmuş kaleminize sağlık teşekkürler.

  133. Quelle origini in noi,della coscienza di ció che siamo, costituiscono la base della stima personale. Quando sai ció che sei indiscutibilmente. Quando non hai bisogno che alcuno parli di te a te perche ti conosci bene. Davanti a questa architettura quel confronto crolla e scavi in quell'amore come per capirne i motivi e le ragioni piu recondite. Credo che la gelosia non abbia posto in tutto questo, eppure c'è nella misura in cui puo esserci. Gli occhi dovranno per questo essere concentrati dentro l'anima per carpirne le sfaccettature piu preziose e viverle e viverle ancora.

    Those origins in us, of the awareness of what we are, form the basis of personal esteem. When you know what you are unquestionably. When you don't need anyone to talk to you because you know yourself well. In front of this architecture that confrontation collapses and you dig into that love as if to understand the reasons and the most hidden reasons. I believe that jealousy has no place in all of this, yet it exists to the extent that it can be. The eyes must therefore be concentrated inside the soul to grasp its most precious facets and live and live them again.

    Thanks for your visit on my blog.
    The next time it would be fine if you left more than few words.


  134. This is a great post! So true.

  135. Love the post. Very interesting.

  136. Los celos indican inseguridad.
    Si en una relación de pareja, perduran, con el tiempo se romperá esa relación.

  137. No hay que confundir celos con envidia. Los celos se tienen en relación con la pareja, la envidia a veces no implica relación.
    Un abrazo.

  138. Good thoughts here. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  139. All my life I've never seen anything that works as fast as the Dr.Okosodo spell. I am from New Jersey and my name is Angela after contacting Dr.Okosodo so I started to believe the saying that every coin has two sides. When my lover abandoned me, he swore never to return to me, but thank God, through Dr. Okosodo's help, I have my lover back to me within 48 hours and I also want other people who are with the heart. party get in touch with Dr. Okosodo through these details below which are via email: ( Drokosodo647@gmail.com ) or via ( Whatsapp at +2349050443678 ), then you can see the wonders of Dr.Okosodo

  140. Jealousy is not good at all,
    it brings nothing but loneliness.
    Nice thoughts you've shared.


  141. Your words made me dizzy..I don't know if you gave me a solution.

  142. Hi. It's unfair to compare our worst with someone else's best. I see my kids do this all the time. It's a lesson I've needed to reteach myself over and again.

    While others look successful, they have dark corners that haunt them where they think you are better than they are, because all they see is your best to their worst.

    ((Hugs))--hang in there!

    ♥.•*¨Elizabeth Mueller¨*•.♥

  143. I hope you are well.


  144. A veces los celos te ayuda para saber que la otra persona te importa.
    Claro está mientras no sean enfermizos :)

    Un abrazo ♥

  145. Ahhhhh, here we go! I thought maybe I could not find a place to put my comment, but here I am. What a picture to ponder on for sure!!! Only thing is I just cannot see myself sitting in such a position or place.... definitely not THAT place! Anyway, as far as having a lover... my lover is my husband, but although we were together for ten (10) years prior to our wedding only because I told him I didn't want to marry him until my last child was married or moved out. I felt that my children were mine and I'll bring them up. So that was a long time ago and I have started fresh with my so to speak new husband 22 yrs. ago. We have had our ups and downs, but we've managed to keep a float so to speak. I wish you the same if not better. It's a wonderful picture, and you could make soooooooo many stories out of it too! Me? I'm not much of a writer, but anyway happy holidays and good luck with your story!

  146. Envy is part of the human condition and sadly affects us all. It takes experience and maturity to overcome it.

  147. Jealousy and envy are modern day problems stoked by Social Media and advertising. I'm afraid the younger generation are the main victims of the drive to make money by global sellers and big business.

  148. One of the best decision i ever made was contacting Dr Otonokpo to help me get my lover back, I was life filled with happiness after i contacted Dr Otonokpo because he didn't just bring my lover back to me he also made our love for each other more unique and superb. If you need to spice your relationship with more love and attention contact Dr Otonokpo on his Email Address otonokpotemple@gmail.com, call/whatsapp him via his contact +2348114129781 and be happy just like i am, thanks Dr Otonokpo for your great work.

  149. Yo jamás he sentido celos, ni envidia de nada, me gusta mucho tu texto y tu foto. Un saludo.

  150. I've never been envious, Rajani. I'm thankful to what I have.

  151. Jealousy is a poison that destroys everything in and around us. Even love cannot resist it.
    Thank you for visiting me on my blog.

  152. Thanks for your recent comment on my blog. I agree that jealousy is dangerous - it leads to negative self-talk.

  153. Hi Rajani!
    Self esteem is everything! This must be worked on from early childhood. Some people don't mature, don't see themselves and get into the paranoia of living for the sake of others.
    Good weekend!

  154. Tenho medo do ciume!
    Ciúme possessivo é doença. Ninguém merece viver ao lado de alguém que tenha crise de ciúmes.

    Uma boa tarde de domingo

  155. Aspirations to improve ourselves and/or our situation are good, whatever the stimulus. But jealousy can eat the very soul and impede our happiness. Thank you for sharing!

  156. Jesously can be dangerous, I also feel it is linked to desire. Jesously is caused by the desire to have something that someone else has, so in order not to have Jesously we need to cancel out desire.

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