Satisfied your mind!

Our mind is filled with a lot of things. Most of us keep making our mind different with various tangled threads, from which it becomes difficult to wear a straight thread of choice. The mind is not an enemy.  All that is needed is to prevent the threads of ideas from bouncing. There is no place for idols,there is no place for thoughts either.  Layers of various thoughts accumulate in our mind. What we are hiding, what we feel, in which relationships we are entangled, which emotions we hold on to for a long time, everything remains recorded in the mind.  Gradually the mind becomes so full that there is no place left for any new thought Some important thoughts are buried very low,some important ones are entangled.    

We should be happy on our dreams!

We should be happy on our dreams.One should not leave them easily. Even if we have to leave,we should be ready to give many more dreams a place in our lives. It is said that the age of people is passed, in knowing what we need. In such a situation, if you know what your dream is and what you want,then it increases your speed to move towards happiness.


  1. Lindo! Temos que buscar realizar nossos sonhos, ainda que com os pés no chão! beijos, chica

  2. Beautiful! Can't wait for your next post :)

    Shoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram


  3. We should be happy on our dreams... It is like a mantra. What a beautiful inspired text, what a beautiful feeling led you to write it, what a beautiful image you have chosen to illustrate it ...

    A great Hug.

  4. Debemos luchar por esos pequeños instantes de felicidad, sean reales o soñados... saludos!

  5. Following our dreams is a goal when we are young, after a certain age, I believe we should reach the wisdom to shape our dreams to correspond as well as possible to our lives and possibilities in order to be in peace and happy with ourselves. Life is beautiful when we are happy with what we have and what we are and our main goal and dream should be that of happiness.
    Thank you for your visit on my blog, I am glad it helped me discover your blog with such interesting topics.

    1. I like what you say here! Hope to visit your blog soon.

  6. Be happy, and what you dream of will come to you. :)

  7. How nice! I think the possibility of making them come true is what makes dreams bring us happineess.


  8. Following our dreams is important, as you mentioned in your post. But we sometimes have to see what we've achieved, and smile. Congrats on such a great post!

    Enjoy the rest of this week,


  9. Molto bello il tuo post sui sogni e io sono una sognatrice. Ciao e buona serata.

  10. Linda toda a poesia no texto, meus sonhos são tantos que até penso que muitos de nós sonhamos juntos.
    Grande abraço!

  11. It's a nice text! Daylight dreams are like wishes we try to make true. It's being possitive! Many thanks for visiting my blog.

  12. Que nunca falta un sueño... Gracias por tu visita, un placer conocer tu blog.

  13. I agree and concur with the title of this post.

  14. Oh this is so true! Our dreams are what keeps us motivated, keeps us striving to reach further...and that is how we develop as human beings!
    Thank you so much for this fabulous has be a joy to read it!😊😊

    Have a lovely weekend...and stay safe, my friend 🙏🙏🙏

    Hugs xxx

  15. Sin sueños, no se avanza, no se crece, no se dan pasos. Preciosa entrada.

    Un abrazo

  16. Una bella y cierta afirmación amigo.
    Gracias por pasar por mi blog.
    Cordiales saludos y buen fin de semana.

  17. Lo mejor es vivir un sueño, cuando lo consigues te acostumbras y ya no lo valoras ni lo vives de la misma manera. Buen fin de semana

  18. Muchas gracias por tu comentario en tu blog, el tuyo también esta lleno de sueños y esperanza
    Un saludo

  19. La capacidad que tiene el ser humano para soñar, es algo que, por mucho que intenten privarnos de libertad, jamás podrán robarnos todo los que nos pueda acercar a la felicidad. ¡Benditos los sueños que nos ayudan a caminar!
    Agradezco tus letras en mi espacio, gracias a ellas he podido conocer el tuyo.

  20. La vida tiene a cada instante, momentos irrepetibles y mágicos, para cada uno de nosotros. Por eso hay que dejar a un lado los miedos, para cumplir nuestros sueños, porque conforme envejecemos nuestros sueños se desvanecen lentamente.
    Un abrazo de luz.

  21. Un placer leerte y pasarme por tu blog. No dejemos de soñar nunca. Un saludo y feliz fin de semana 💖💖💖

  22. Abans de res, moltes gràcies per visitar el meu bloc. M'ha fet molta il·lusió i el poder expressar-me en el meu idioma. Tota llengua és cultura, i així és com ho sento.
    Fer l'esforç d'aconseguir els nostres somnis, encara que ens anem d'aquest món, al menys, alguns d'ells hem de complir, perquè aquesta és la veritable felicitat.
    La reflexió és excel·lent, positiva.
    Just el que necessitem tots en aquesta època que vivim.
    De nou mil gràcies.

    Una abraçada

  23. Amem.Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe rogai por nós.Ao rezar o terço cada continha da Ave Maria se transforma em rosa pra ti mãe querida

  24. Tener sueños en la vida aumentan nuestras defensas. Es el mejor antídoto para el Covid 19.
    Tengas un buen año 2021.

  25. Cierto, si lo creemos, lo creamos



  26. we create our dream and of coz...we should be happy with it!

  27. Thanks for share this motivation..

  28. I agree with you, especially it is not absurd!

  29. Linda reflexão! Tão verdade!
    Boa semana com muita saúde!

  30. ¡Hola, Rajani!
    Feliz de pasar por ti cálida casita bloguera. Hermoso post el que nos compartir. "Hagamos lo que nos hace felices"... Nunca renunciemos a nuestros sueños.
    Gracias también por tu visita a mi blog.
    Eres siempre bienvenido.
    Saludos desde Perú. 🇵🇪

  31. Muchas gracias por tu visita, me encantó tu post, los sueños siempre son importantes. Besos, nos leemos.

    1. O buscamos nosotros mismos la felicidad o nunca la encontraremos.
      Hermosa casa.

  32. Necesitamos ser felices en todos lados no solo en nuestros sueños, saludos.

  33. Lovely post!
    Thanks for sharing 😍😍

  34. Sonhar ..."o sonho comanda a vida!"


  35. That's true. Our dream, realistic, believe, make it happened

  36. An interesting reflection. We come to life to dream, we wake up when we die ...

  37. A great review indeed, thanks for sharing!

  38. Opino como tu Rajani, los sueños hay que perseguirlos allá donde estén.


  39. Hello, thanks for your visit to my blog.
    I have a phrase that characterizes me: When you stop dreaming you get older and die.

  40. Adorei seu blog, muito bonitas suas palavras, são positivas e incentivadoras! Gostei demais!

  41. Its true what you say. It depends on us to make our deams to became true. Lets work for it! Love and happyness!!

  42. Peace of mind is a state of eternal matter where we are or what we are doing, internal peace will guide us toward the great joy of life. Great post!

  43. Asi es. Debemos ir por nuestros sueños a quedarnos sentados en una silla esperando que el tiempo pase. Salir de la rutina, conocer, andar. Te mando un saludo

  44. Right now I feel lucky. Why? I found your blog thanks to a kind comment you left on mine. Your blog is wonderful and your posts are encouraging and uplifting. Thank you Rajani.

  45. Chasing our dreams should always be our aim!

  46. There is a Portuguese saying / proverb that says: "" The dream rules life ""
    It is certainly a great truth. Dreaming on the way to happiness is certainly the most beautiful dream you can have.
    I liked the blog. I was a follower
    Happy weekend
    Take care
    Poetic Thoughts and Daydreams

  47. Vim retribuir a sua visita, gostei do que li. Nesta épica tão conturbada em todo o mundo escrever é uma terapia, continue seguindo seu sonhos!


  48. Lindo texto. Obrigada pela visita.

  49. Obrigada pela visita ao meu espaço.A imagem que ilustra sua postagem nos leva a sonhar. Os sonhos devem existir para que possamos viver com esperança. Grande abraço!

  50. Hay que luchar por hacer realidad nuestros sueños aunque sean sueños imposibles siempre ser hermoso seguir soñando Saludos y cuídate. Un placer leerte y reflexionar.

  51. Muito bom conhecer seu blog.
    Vou precisar usar o Tradutor.
    Bom domingo (good Sunday).

  52. Loved it. Nothing is as ours as our dreams and they will lead us to our happiness.

  53. Nice post. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  54. Creio que nossos sonhos nos impulsionam para termos uma vida melhor, correr atrás deles e nunca desistir.
    Bonito pensar e verdadeiro , desistir jamais.
    Obrigada pela presença no meu humilde kantinho

  55. thanks for the visit to my blog.
    i guess each one has his/her dreams. the difference is whether they are followed through. :)

  56. You left a comment at Poets and Storytellers United saying it was fabulous blog and asking us to read yours. If you had read ours, you would have seen that it was a prompt requesting a specific response, with a space provided to link to your own post. We would be happy to read you if you wish to participate in our community in the way it is designed for. But, pretty as this is, it is neither a poem nor a story and certainly does not relate to the prompt given. What you have done, in the way you have done it, is spamming. If it happens again it will simply be deleted.

  57. No nos han enseñado a buscar los sueños. Los creemos imposibles, y ellos son la felicidad, por eso no hay que cejar en hacerlos posible. UN abrazo. Carlos

  58. Great post.

  59. Just stopping by again to say hello. Looking forward to your next post! Take care and stay safe! John

  60. nice review!
    I like your blog

  61. Add a like button Devi ji 😊

  62. We go out into the world in search of our dreams and ideals. We often put what is at hand in inaccessible places.

  63. Ultimamente eu só tenho tido
    pesadelo. Oh, vírus do KCT!

  64. So true.Wise words.Without dreams, life would be a little more boring.

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