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Only the ability to work harder than we desire can make us positive. 🤗🤗

Only the ability to work harder than we desire can make us positive.There is nothing that can not be changed. When we rise above selfishness and are ready to do something for others keeping our time in mind, we become positive. It is true that it is impossible that any work done by you does not yield results.  Everything depends on how you do the work.  We keep trying to know everyone. Who is doing what? Who brought what? We keep an eye on everyone, but what we do not know is where is our happiness? Look at others, but be loyal to yourself too. Our perspective should be positive. Staying on unwanted paths for a long time weakens the body and mind.  You can make life joyful by being rich in energy and positivity.  Always remain enthusiastic and keep yourself full of energy. This will give a new identity to your personality. Your self-confidence will increase, you will be able to climb the ladder of success in life very quickly. 

You are the tree🌳🌳 of life!!

You are the tree of life. Your roots🌱, leaves🍂 and branches are everywhere. It is not necessary for your love to be accepted by someone. You are everywhere. Your love comes back to you. The diversity seen among people is at the superficial level. All are one in essence. Everyone is you. You are all. Love is God's law.                                                                 We live so that we can learn to love. And we love so that we can learn to live. There can be no greater lesson than this for humans. 

Life is like a book!!

Knowing our truth and accepting it is not our weakness. Always be ready to take responsibility for your words, your truth, even if others don't like those things. The good and bad in you are part of your own story. Living a life accepting of who you are can make you a hero to many people, In moments of  we feel that whatever happens next will be wrong. We are unable to see the situation getting better. Whereas life is like a book. Some of its pages are immersed in sadness and some are full of thrill. If we don't turn the pages, how will we know what's next? 

The ups and downs of life are not easily understood!

The ups and downs of life are not easily understood.  Sometimes the more we try to understand, the more we get confused. We keep running aimlessly and time keeps passing by. Obviously we don't like this kind of life very much. But the question is that life begins to seem so meaningless. Many times life goes through such ups and downs that we can not control. But there are some things which are in our hands.  These are the things on which working makes our life a little easier and comfortable.  We need to remember that we always have the power to take our life towards spontaneity.  How many times do we do something just to make others happy.  In life, it is also important to move forward on the path of your heart and your desires.  Listen to your inner voice, trust it. You feel yourself on the right path. 

The dream written with the date becomes a goal.when this goal is divided into small steps, it takes the form of a strategy and when you implement this strategy, dreams come true.

In the race to achieve new dream one after the other, most people forget to live those dreams.   The problem is not in dreaming big. The problem is to keep running after them and remain frustrated because of them.                     Because, the importance of even small dreams is not less. It is also important to live your dreams. We all have some big and small dreams, some of which are big.  but to turn these dreams into realityreality, one needs to be serious and also need to have a goal, a strategy and courage to implement that strategy. 

Not all wounds of the mind are visible!!

Not all wounds of the mind are visible. External wounds heal, but internal wounds take time to heal. As soon as we are hurt a little , our sadness starts deepening again. The mind is tired,it starts considering itself as a loser. Returning to work after a period of restlessness and prolonged sadness is possible, with just a little preparation. The world of the mind is as simple as it is complex . Sometimes the roots of mental health lie amidst feeling of frustration and hopelessness. Shakes too much. Whether at home or outside ,it becomes necessary  to keep distance from everyone for sometime, in order to maintain the deteriorating balance of emotions.

If asked are you happy with your life, what would be your answer??

If asked are you happy with your life, what would be your answer? For most of the people the answer is 'NO'. There is a lot in our life which we do not like and which we want to change. What is that thing that increases our distance from happiness. The biggest mantra to live the life you want is to do whatever you say. Whether it is a promise made to someone else or a promise made to oneself. In fact, when we are serious about keeping our promises,we actually start getting serious about life.This habit not only strengths relationship but also takes you closer to your dreams. Promise what you have the ability to deliver deliver. If the sailor does not know which way he is going , the direction of the wind doesn't matter.It means that you should know in which works to put your energy.

If you want to attain God,then don't run away from the world!

If you want to attain God, then don't run away from the world. God never has any relation with fugitives.   Courage is needed to accept the challenge. Agreed that in courage one has to fall, one has to get hurt, but that is the only way. You ever see, most of the children from very comfortable homes are not intelligent. because there is no challenge. Intelligent children come from homes where there is a lot of struggle. If there is a lot of protection and there  is no struggle, then the spine is broken. The more you struggle, the stronger your spine becomes. I do not ask you to run away from the world, but to wake up from the world.

Wisdom is born out of struggle!!

The day you learn to walk among thorns and walk among thorns and don't prick thorns, just understand that day that you have become worthy. Wisdom is born out of struggle.             Reward comes from accepting life's challenges.  Losing, falling, rising. Abuses will be said thousand times, you will get angry. With a thousand times of experience, you will understand that it is futile to burn yourself. Someone else is abusing, it is futile to punish oneself. A day will come when bad words will not cause anger within you.  The same day a thorn within you will become a flower. The peace you will get on that day, if you become calm here amidst the bad words, then your peace will have liveliness. 

Time is limited. But energy is more limited than that. We should spend our energy on the right people and the right things!

Make your life like a heaven, in which only those people can enter, who can take care of each other. Can hear each other and stay connected to each other. You are not the only one responsible for saving others. It is not your job to explain to others every moment, at every step. It is true that you want people to like you, but not at the cost where you start neglecting yourself. You are the maker of your own destiny and you have as much right to be loved by others as you do to others. Lead yourself toward good relationships. Spend time with people who understand you, want to be with you.  You will see things changing very soon. 

Leave the desire to get along with everyone!!🤗🤗

We try to keep everyone happy. Our desire to get the company of others increase so much that we do not care about our own happiness. But, sometimes it has to be understood that now is the time to walk away from those people who do not love you. It is possible that this is the most difficult time of your life and it is also possible that it is also the most important for you. What to do in such a situation, stop loving those people who are not ready to understand your love or stop understanding those people who do not want to change themselves. We want everyone to be with us, but it doesn't happen. Even if the people you have spent the most time with leave you, disrespect you, or cut you out of their lives, you still go out of your way to be loved by them.      So somewhere you are not respecting yourself. It is important to understand that you are not for everyone and not everyone is worthy of you.

Learn to bow down if you want to find love!!

The stream of love flows in every heartbeat 💓, anyone can drink it. But there is an obstacle in blowing down. Where the name of blowing came up, there something inside puts you in trouble. We are afraid to bow down, because we have been taught from the very beginning that it is a sign of cowardice. But we forget that nothing is achieved without blowing down. This is the mark of your being full. If you want to get more love from God in life, then you have to leave  your arrogance and learn to bow down. In ordinary life, when the ability to love comes, then only the ability  to disappear also comes.

Even closed doors open with love!❤️❤️

As long as we are in love ,we see beauty everywhere. As soon as we start getting smart, we start losing beauty. We teach people not to love, but to beware of it. Whereas this love is the key to open the closed doors of life, of meeting the devine. Every child is born with love, that's why every child seems lovely. But slowly something goes wrong somewhere. Every child looks cute. Every child is beautiful. Have you seen any ugly child? The beauty of a child does not seem to depend on its body, but on some inner potential. But as the child grows up, so will the love be lost. We help the love to be lost. We don't teach him to love, we teach him to be careful with love.