We have to make our heart big!

Nothing happens in life by escapism, unless the situation is changed.changing the place does not solve the problem.  Remember that our biggest enemy is our bad nature.  As soon as our nature becomes soft, we will get respect from everywhere, not contempt.  Changing the place does not make a crow a cuckoo.  Changing the school does not change the class.changing the class depends on our ability and eligibility and the studies of the whole year etc.  As soon as we face a difficult situation, we adopt an escapist attitude, but do not change our nature and nature.water is important, not well; the destination is important, not the path.  Similarly, in life, not only soft speech, but also appropriate language and self- conscious behaviour are important. We are often influenced by others. If someone praises us, we become happy. If we are called intelligent, we start considering ourselves clever. On the contrary, if we are called stubborn, angry, selfish and greedy, then

If you want to attain God,then don't run away from the world!

If you want to attain God, then don't run away from the world.
God never has any relation with fugitives.   Courage is needed to accept the challenge. Agreed that in courage one has to fall, one has to get hurt, but that is the only way. You ever see, most of the children from very comfortable homes are not intelligent. because there is no challenge. Intelligent children come from homes where there is a lot of struggle.
If there is a lot of protection and there  is no struggle, then the spine is broken.
The more you struggle, the stronger your spine becomes. I do not ask you to run away from the world, but to wake up from the world.


  1. amazing post and beautyful blog!

  2. Hi Rajani!
    Your words about children from rich, comfortable homes are true. The so-called "banana youth" have little knowledge. Much intelligence they don't have either. They don't know the real world! They don't know the problems of ordinary people! They have no idea about the normal world!
    Rajani I salute you!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Linda mensagem!
    Ótima semana, beijos, chica

  5. Great message and very interesting observation and conclusions about morality 👍🤔🙂

  6. Así es, abundancia destruye, escasez crea

  7. Your words were so profound I read them twice so they could sink in.

  8. Words of wisdom. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Isso mesmo, é na interação com tudo e todos, no enfrentamento dos desafios da vida que avançamos, crescemos, caminhamos para Deus.

    Um abraço. Tudo de bom.
    APON NA ARTE DA VIDA 💗 Textos para sentir e pensar & Nossos Vídeos no Youtube.

  10. Mensagem e imagem excelentes!
    Feliz semana!
    Um abraço

  11. It's true as in one does need a good challenge at times, something to strive for.

  12. Es un punto de vista muy interesante de Dios. Y tambien una reflexión de la Vida. A cada persona le toca una parte, que debe experimentar y vivir a su manera. Preferiblemente de forma positiva. Tu post invita a reflexionar sobre Dios y el sentido de la vida. Gracias.

  13. Nice message, that's life itself.
    Best regards

  14. No cabe la menor duda de que todo parte de ese yo que quiere superar lo adverso y en ese afán, se encontraran atisbos de felicidad.
    Un abrazo

  15. I find the assertion that children from very comfortable homes are not intelligent rather one-sided. And I always thought it was said that God loves "all his children".
    All the best and a good first week of June 🌻🌼🌻!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Excelente postagem ! Maravilhosa imagem.
    Continuação de boa semana

  18. Bello mensaje !!! Siempre cuando buscamos a Dios hay luchas, pero quién persevera lo encuentra. Bendiciones

  19. Eu não saberia dizer em que
    grupo pertenço, mas deve ser
    um bem legal ou eu não teria
    os amigos que tenho.
    Um beijo.

  20. Hola!
    Muy bonita reflexión. Dios no nos quieren cobardes sino fuertes y valientes. Las pruebas y desafíos nos hacen crecer, madurar y a comprender sus planes.

  21. El mundo hay que afrontarlo para superar sus escollos; nada es fácil en la vida
    Un abrazo. Carlos

  22. "Not to run away from the world but to wake up from the world", indeed.

  23. Bom dia, Rajani
    Linda postagem, encontrar Deus é uma experiência fantástica, Ele é alegria completa, um forte abraço.

  24. Running does not solve the problem.. (well sometimes you have to run to save your life.. that is another story).
    Hugs :)

  25. A very wise thought! Sometimes running from problems is a sort of cowardice.
    All the best in your world!

  26. Dios está en todas partes, nos ama a todos y tiene un plan para cada uno



  27. Dios...
    Me lleno de pensamientos al escuchar la palabra, "Dios".

    Saludos, Rajani. Gusto de estar en tu blog 🌃

  28. You're right, we shouldn't run away from the world. Sometimes we want to hide for awhile from mean spirited people, but then we should return and forgive. Also, God has a relationship with all His children.

    Wishing you wonderful June days, my friend. Your blog is special and lovely.


  29. True. The spine may become bent with the struggle, but stronger anyway.

  30. My goal as a parent is to protect my children, enrich their lives, and empower them to develop their intelligences, to pursue what is closest to their heart. Sometimes we all struggle, regardless of circumstance. Strength of character can come at many different levels, often surprising us, as does creativity.

  31. God had a relationship with Jonah and some words once he had leviathan to swallow him -- you cannot run from me so please do what I ask. :-) Thanks for dropping by my blog.

  32. Thanks to all of you for your kind compliments

  33. my children had a very comfortable upbringing and are both very intelligent. both own homes, have excellent paying jobs and have never asked us for a dime since leaving home!! one a pharmacist, one a web designer, both graduated from college with high honors!! i consider them to be very kind and honorable people!!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Non abbiate paura diceva in ogni occasione il nostro Papa Giovanni Paolo II e lo trovo nel tuo scritto parole molto sagge che contano e spingono a vivere con coraggio

  36. un estupendo blog , me ha gustado leerte Rajani , mis deseo
    de que tengas un feliz fin de semana , mis saludos . jr.

  37. Fantástico, gracias por compartir Rajani. Saludos desde el norte de España.

  38. Profunda reflexion t e deseo una buena semana.

  39. bello texto Rajani , un placer estar aqui , gracias por compartirlo , feliz semana
    y mis saludos . jr.

  40. I agree. Without challenge and hardship in our lives, we wouldn't grow and learn. Also, the sad and difficult times in our lives help us appreciate the happy and good times better.

  41. Uau, seu post é ótimo!

  42. Interesting post! Have a great day and happy week ahead.

  43. Rajani,
    Linda publicação
    Bjins de boa semana.

  44. Yes to growing a spine and not running from the world!

  45. That last statement, the more you struggle the more your spine becomes stronger. However, we do pray to God to even us what we can handle. Nice article.

    The Style Fanatic

  46. Nice and wise message.
    Many greetings

  47. Totalmente de acuerdo contigo rajani, la lucha no hace fuertes
    Un abrazo

  48. Thank you visiting my blog. Best regards.


    Muy buen post.


  50. Recomenzar6/23/2023 1:49 PM
    Thank you. Do you read me , or is it just that you want to know me?

  51. I agree completely. One should never run from the world, in best cases they can help reach happiness, in worst cases, they will cause experience and life lessons.

  52. Hola, me gustaria poder leerlo, pero no encuentro el traductor.

  53. Hola, me ha gustado tu reflexión, estoy de acuerdo con ella.
    Un beso.

  54. Hello, nice and true words, but unfortunately most of parents are guilty of raising weak children that are not well prepared to afford life problems.
    Kind regards

  55. It takes both courage and God to live a full life.

  56. Thank you so much for visiting 😊

  57. Muy hermosa reflexión estimada Rajani. Un saludo desde Lima Perú.

  58. Right!!! Children need to hone in life

  59. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Hope you have a great week! :)

  60. La inteligencia lo mismo esta en los ricos que en los pobres, solo hay que saber usarla.
    Un abrazo querida Rajani.

  61. I agree with you.
    The more adversity there is, the stronger you become.
    Letting go is also something that is not easy, we did it.
    Then I'm talking about the relationship with our daughter-in-law, we have broken contact and that gives a lot of peace.
    Greetings Irma

  62. Dio ci chiama ogni giorno, ma noi siamo sordi, oltre che stupidi.

  63. 😄 tanta saggezza in questo post

  64. Wake up World!
    Lovely your message, dear friend ♥♥

  65. Stop spamming my blog with comments, jerk.

  66. Hello!! this is great, thanks for sharing.



  67. Riflessioni di corsa....
    Il mondo vegetale ci insegna una grande lezione, quando una pianta è in stress cioè mancanza di acqua e poca luce,
    Che cosa fa?
    Dedica le sue energie alla parte radicale: le fa crescere.
    Le radici cercano umidità, cercano luoghi dove accaparrarsi una esistenza.
    Quando arriva il tempo migliore sviluppa la vegetazione più rigogliosa.
    Pratichiamo le nostre fragilità, e come le piante radichiamo nella fede più profonda, per sviluppare poi l'amore più grande

  68. Hello, returning your nice visit to my blog, and I loved your point of view on the theme you addressed, it provoked reflection, which I love in a text. I really liked it here, I will come again. Forgive my bad english.
    Kiss Kiss.

  69. L'intelligenza dei bambini si sviluppa meglio in ambienti familiari più avvantaggiati culturalmente, socialmente ed economicamente...purtroppo!
    Grazie della visita!

  70. Reflexões sobre a vida, viver é sempre desafio, enfrentá -los sempre é melhor!
    Muito bom seus textos!
    Abraços apertados!

  71. Gratificante leerte, Gracias por visitarme.

    Un abrazo

  72. Ótima reflexão! Obrigada!
    Um beijo

  73. Felicitaciones por otra inspirada entrada muy bien ilustrada...
    Abrazo grande. Nos seguimos leyendo...

  74. Adorei!
    Gratidão pelas suas palavras!
    💜💜💜Megy Maia

  75. Generalizations are seldom true. Children of wealthy people and children of poor people come in all shapes and sizes with a wide range of intelligence. The only difference I can see is that wealthy children have an easier time affording education.

  76. A reflexão muito boa. Viver é sempre um desafio. Fugir nunca. Mas tanto a ter uma vida confortável quanto a ter dificuldades cada um já nasce com um extinto de sobrevivência. Mas sabemos que o ambiente em que se cresce pode sim influenciar na formação de cada um. Abcs querida. Parabéns pelo cantinho

  77. Rajani,
    Bjins de boa terça feira.
    Amo vir aqui.

  78. Boa tarde de terça-feira. Rajani, Deus lhe deu inspiração nesse texto. Grande abraço carioca.

    Luiz Gomes.

  79. Me encantó llegar hasta aquí....reflexión profunda y necesaria
    Un abrazo

  80. this is the Opus Dei message.
    See you soon


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