Satisfied your mind!

Our mind is filled with a lot of things. Most of us keep making our mind different with various tangled threads, from which it becomes difficult to wear a straight thread of choice. The mind is not an enemy.  All that is needed is to prevent the threads of ideas from bouncing. There is no place for idols,there is no place for thoughts either.  Layers of various thoughts accumulate in our mind. What we are hiding, what we feel, in which relationships we are entangled, which emotions we hold on to for a long time, everything remains recorded in the mind.  Gradually the mind becomes so full that there is no place left for any new thought Some important thoughts are buried very low,some important ones are entangled.    

Not all wounds of the mind are visible!!

Not all wounds of the mind are visible.
External wounds heal, but internal wounds take time to heal.
As soon as we are hurt a little , our sadness starts deepening again.
The mind is tired,it starts considering itself as a loser. Returning to work after a period of restlessness and prolonged sadness is possible, with just a little preparation. The world of the mind is as simple as it is complex . Sometimes the roots of mental health lie amidst feeling of frustration and hopelessness.
Shakes too much.
Whether at home or outside ,it becomes necessary  to keep distance from everyone for sometime, in order to maintain the deteriorating balance of emotions.


  1. I prefer to spend time with myself and relax doing things that please me rather than trying to please others.

  2. yes that is true :). A good pause is needed from time to time :)

  3. Well said! We need to balance our emotions , and that requires distancing from others, for a while.

  4. Interesting post, sometimes it becomes necessary to keep distance...

  5. Bela imagem! Meu sonho é ver uma estrela cadente e fazer um pedido!

    Boa semana!

    O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar cheio de posts novos e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

  6. Boa tarde
    A mente é complexa, precisamos de equilíbrio, um tempo para refletir e deixar que pensamentos de paz façam morada, um forte abraço.

  7. As feridas sempre doem, imagem linda abraços

  8. Dear Rajani, if you feel overwhelmed, depressed or frustrated, practice EMDR regularly,
    it is very good therapy. You will feel comforted.
    Love xx

  9. I agree with what you write
    It takes time and effort to be able to heal one's wounds.
    I carry my wounds inside me
    I gradually acquired the ability to control my emotional and physical reactions whenever I was exposed to images, sounds, or thoughts that reminded me of the past

    Good morning from Greece with love

  10. Wounds hurt and leave scars. But never give the person that injured you one more second of your life by fearing them.

  11. This is a nice post, thanks for sharing.

  12. Μπορεί οι πληγές να πονάνε, αλλά είναι στο χέρι μας να τις κλείσουμε, αφού το μυαλό είναι δικό μας και οι επιλογές δικές μας.
    Ας αγαπήσουμε τον εαυτό μας και να τον αγκαλιάσουμε...το έχει ανάγκη!!
    Να περνάς όμορφα με ότι κάνεις...χαιρετισμούς από Κρήτη -Ελλάδα.

  13. Obrigada pela sua partilha!
    Todos temos de ter um pouco de solidão e saber caminhar com ela!
    🌸🌷🌸 Megy Maia

  14. So true, you could be hurting inside and no one would know. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

  15. Very good and true post. Well done!

  16. in indonesia said, "sakit tapi tidak berdarah"

  17. Hello, Thank You for your articles. BTW Greetings fellow bloggers i want be your friend :)

  18. Very good and thought provoking post! Very relatable as well.

  19. É verdade, Rajani. Eu diria, mesmo, que todas elas são invisíveis; até para os nossos próprios olhos. E são as que mais dano nos causam! Meu abraço, boa semana.

  20. Tienes todísima razón pues las heridas que puedan ser sufridas por la mente muchas veces no se aprecian desde fuera, y se llevan calladamente dentro. Pero lo bueno del paso del tiempo es que la mayoría de estas heridas cicatrizan y se curan. Y lo cierto es que una persona debe intentar siempre ser plena, feliz y alegre en lo máximo posible.

  21. Life isn't always easy and at times it's not going to be goodness in the mind due to health issues or financial problems, sadness. Sometimes just praying to God helps me through my days. More peaceful days even though waiting for the hard times to be gone.

  22. An interesting read, I ask God often to give me strength and guidance to get me through the day

  23. Truth. I think that most wounds to the mind are invisible to many - which doesn't discount the pain they can cause.

  24. Great Post, very interesting. I agree

  25. Stay well. Find your own space. Keep balanced.

  26. I agree with your words. Beautiful post.

  27. so very true...i did enjoy reading this!!

  28. Wonderful imagry to go with these wise words. Thank you!

  29. Very trus, I agree with you.

  30. Ciao Rajani, è importante avere il proprio spazio per ritrovarsi e aver cura di sé, così poi si potrà star bene con gli altri. Un saluto a te!

  31. Replies
    1. Your post got me thinking. Best wishes 🙂

  32. Very wise are your words. In my opinion, the memory of bad things is very long. In my opinion, bad things can be forgiven, but never forgotten!
    My friend, I salute you!

  33. ¡¡Tienes mucha razón en lo que planteas!!
    Las heridas emocionales tardan mucho en sanar... y a veces, nunca llegan a curarse del todo....
    Quizás, alejarse del mundo sea útil por un tiempo.... pero, (y esta es una opinión personal) no creo que sea una solución definitiva.

    ¡Saludos y gracias por la visita! =)

  34. merci pour le commentaire sur mon blog
    on a été gâtés cette année avec les étoiles

  35. Toutes les blessures de l'esprit ne sont pas visibles c'est tout à fait vrai et comme les étoiles chacun peut suivre sa bonne étoile pour vivre enfin sereinement et apaisé !

  36. Todo lo que no causa dolor, queda ahí, como un mal recuerdo el latencia. Por eso emerge el dolor que no ha sanado, para cuando menos se piensa, hacerse presente sensiblemente, y debemos prepararnos para buscar sacarlo de latencia y sanarlo, para evitar su manifestación constante. Un abrazo. Carlos

  37. This is very true. Some wounds take a long time to heal.

  38. So true and something i have had to do with a few family members!!! Thanks so much for your visits!! I hope you are having a great week!!

  39. Rajani,
    Grande verdade nessa publicação
    que nos remete a muitas
    Bjins de gratidão

  40. I am not sure if a retreat is a solution. From my perspective we have to find a way
    to keep calm our mind even in a noisy space. This is quite difficult, but there are masters
    who can teach us. The mind is fabulous and we have to take care of it, by any means!
    Thank you for the post. All the best to you!

  41. Todo lo que nos ocasiona
    dolor, jamas se borra, siempre
    nos queda, un placer visitarte.

    Besitos dulces


  42. I love your post, I agree with you. All the best.

  43. Muchas gracias Rajani por tu nueva entrega compartida.
    La psiquis o mente humana es compleja. El mundo de las emociones que también la conforman, mucho más. Saber controlarlas o manejarlas es vital para mantenerse saludable. Ellas pueden destruir un vínculo o deteriorar a la misma persona.
    Lo que jamás debe hacerse es juzgar al otro por sus actitudes. Siempre hay una raíz o causa de cómo actúa determinada persona.
    En pocas palabras has logrado llevar a la reflexión un asunto humano vital.
    Te saludo con estima.:)

  44. Estoy de acuerdo con lo que dice Kostas ante todo tu bien estar, se consecuente con nuestras decisiones, lo que nos causa dolor nunca se olvida pero hay que aprender a vivir con ello, sin que afecte al trascurso de tu vida

  45. Siempre me ha gustado contemplar estrellas fugaces y siempre que puedo me desplazo para reunir las condiciones adecuadas y poder verlas. Momento en que me siento feliz.
    Saludos cordiales.

  46. É verdade amiga. Nem todas as feridas são visíveis. Mas apesar disso, são muitas vezes as mais dolorosas.
    Bom fim de semana.

    Mário Margaride

  47. Our mind is weaker than our body, let's take care of it...

  48. Realmente, somos um todo psicossomático, em que tudo se interliga e influencia. O nosso bem estar depende de um equilíbrio que nem sempre dominamos.
    Abraço amigo.
    Juvenal Nunes

  49. I like your post. Congratulations. Great! 🌹

  50. Muy buena tu publicación, sin dudas las heridas del alma tardan en sanar, pero la vida y los años me enseñaron que estar bien conmigo misma es fundamental para sanar.

  51. Nice write-up/post. I am reminded of the lyrics of the song, "Hard to say I'm sorry" - "Everybody needs a little time away....". Here's a link to a YouTube link to the song, if you like to listen to it.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  52. Interesante texto, hay que sanar las heridas es necesario . La imagen es hermosa. Beso

  53. balance of emotions...that's a main point

  54. Find your own space,take care !

  55. Halo, saya dari blog yang beberapa waktu lalu Anda kunjungi.

    Mohon maaf ya baru bisa kesini, tulisan yang bagus. Memang luka itu sulit sembuh kalau soal urusan hati. Semoga kita semua bisa dengan mudah menyembuhkan Luka apa pun.

    Terima Kasih telah berbagi

  56. La soledad con uno mismo es necesaria. Escuchar nuestro interior es sanador.

    Mil besitos y feliz semana.

  57. True. Thank you for visiting my blog.

  58. Light and midnight, the meteors blog.

  59. I just lost my husband so I am sad. I really needed to read your post today. I will focus on the positive and take on the day now. Thank you.

  60. bonjour
    merci pour le commentaire sur mon blog
    bonne semaine

  61. Agreed! Very well said. Thanks for stopping over at my blog!

  62. Hola. Gracias por compartir tu reflexión. Saludos.

  63. Most of the wounds of the mind are invisible. But the blood from them is all too visible in terrible actions and harsh words.

  64. Contundente y coherente reflexión.
    La mente es inquieta, y a veces no vemos lo que nos quiere decir.

  65. Una reflexión muy acertada. En ocasiones, las heridas de la mente tardan en sanar y necesitamos un tiempo para alejarnos de todo y, simplemente, pensar.
    Un saludo!

  66. El equilibrio emocional es la clave para poder llevar una vida más saludable.
    Saludos, Rajani!

  67. Totally agree, there are wounds of that type that never heal.
    Best regards.

  68. That is good advice. We do need to step away from the chaos of the world. It does the body and mind good. Thanks for the gentle reminder. ; )


  69. bel artcle qui me parle bien !! depuis des mois je suis enfermée dans ma peine à l'écart du monde car impossible de parler, d'expliquer mon ressenti...j'ai mal...Mais seule ! Merci pour le passage sur mon blog !

  70. Gostei dessa sua postagem!
    Bom fim de semana.

  71. Según mi ver quien se aleja de Dios y su infinita bondad es que se empieza a llenar su mente y corazón de ideas infecundas que solo tristeza llena y mucho más...

  72. What a wonderful words ! It's like a miracle to watch the life like a children , to be Young in the Head.


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