Satisfied your mind!

Our mind is filled with a lot of things. Most of us keep making our mind different with various tangled threads, from which it becomes difficult to wear a straight thread of choice. The mind is not an enemy.  All that is needed is to prevent the threads of ideas from bouncing. There is no place for idols,there is no place for thoughts either.  Layers of various thoughts accumulate in our mind. What we are hiding, what we feel, in which relationships we are entangled, which emotions we hold on to for a long time, everything remains recorded in the mind.  Gradually the mind becomes so full that there is no place left for any new thought Some important thoughts are buried very low,some important ones are entangled.    

Leave the desire to get along with everyone!!🤗🤗

We try to keep everyone happy. Our desire to get the company of others increase so much that we do not care about our own happiness. But, sometimes it has to be understood that now is the time to walk away from those people who do not love you. It is possible that this is the most difficult time of your life and it is also possible that it is also the most important for you. What to do in such a situation, stop loving those people who are not ready to understand your love or stop understanding those people who do not want to change themselves. We want everyone to be with us, but it doesn't happen. Even if the people you have spent the most time with leave you, disrespect you, or cut you out of their lives, you still go out of your way to be loved by them.      So somewhere you are not respecting yourself. It is important to understand that you are not for everyone and not everyone is worthy of you.


  1. eliminate negative things/people and believe me you'l live a lot better

  2. Scegliere le persone giuste, con cui condividere la nostra vita...
    Un caro saluto,silvia

  3. Fine reflection indeed.
    Many greetings

  4. need to make yourself happy first.

  5. yes, it is difficult.. indeed. but it is needed - otherwise, we end by becoming ill...

  6. A veces la culpa es nuestra por no decir NO, por estar siempre, con los años se aprende, he descubierto que siendo yo feliz lo son los que me quieren. Un abrazo

  7. It is impossible to please everyone.

  8. Standing ovation for this post. You have all the reason in the world. We're "serial pleasers" just so we're not alone.
    A big hug.

  9. Una reflexión con la que coincido totalmente, no se puede contentar a todo el mundo, y muchas veces nos olvidamos de nosotros mismos en ese intento. Besos :D

  10. Ciao Rajani, thank you very much for your comment on my blog (I think that Blogspot had a sort of bug because I got it 10 times and it went to spam. Fortunately I checked it).
    I read this post and I can perfectly relate to your words. This doesn't happen only with love or friendship but also concerning job. When you see that there's a place where you are not loved and where your bosses think you're a failure and treat you like you really were it, just remember that not everybody is for everybody. So feel free to do your best and find something else.
    I got ill because of a similar situation and it has been one of the most awful experiences of my life.
    Take care and have agreat weekend. I hope to see you again on my blogs!

  11. Il rispetto di noi stessi
    Nn è cosa facile da iniziare dalla sincerità x le
    debolezze proprie. Facile essere troppo comprensivi con noi stessi

  12. Thank you for this wise reminder!

  13. It's a long and difficult learning process, but I also think it's important to learn this and break free from people who just pull you down.
    All the best - Traude

  14. Verissimo! Me è molto difficile quando si ama veramente e profondamente staccarsi da una persona negativa con la quale si sono già vissuti oltre 60 anni.
    Un carissimo saluto

  15. Bellissimo blog!! leggi il mio post!! ;)

  16. hola
    bonitas palabras

  17. And you keep coming asking to follow your blog with trivial and stereotyped posts? Look they didn't interest me at all, I love to read more interesting thingsAnd you keep coming asking to follow your blog with trivial and stereotyped posts? Look they didn't interest me at all, I love to read more interesting things

  18. Interesting post. A necessary analysis. Ciao

  19. Ciao. Un post davvero interessante. Un saluto cordiale.

  20. Beautiful blog. Please read my post

  21. Hay personas negativas, que te bajan la moral y otras llamadas medicinas, que sacan de ti, la mejor versión. Hay que buscar las segundas y huir de las primeras.

  22. Amar a si mesmo é pré-requisito para se amar os outros, quem se desama não sabe amar.

    Um abraço. Tudo de bom.
    APON NA ARTE DA VIDA 💗 Textos para sentir e pensar & Nossos Vídeos no Youtube.

  23. Buena entrada, Rajani.

  24. I like spirited discussion and wish more people could argue with one another while still getting along.

  25. Extraordinary reflection. The final sentence says it all "It is important to understand that you are not for everyone and not everyone is worthy of you."

  26. I agree with your words!
    I salute you from finally spring Poland!

  27. Cierto, hay personas que lastiman, pero...yo no seria capaz de quitarlos de mi vida, quiero pensar que tambien dejaran algo importante en nosotros que no ayude a crecer...
    Un abrazo

  28. Olá, realmente teu post tem muitas verdades, gostar de si e respeitar-se em primeiro lugar. Um abraço.

  29. Suele pasar cuando las personas le temen demasiado a la soledad y terminan cayendo en complacer a todos y se olvidan de si mismos.
    Muy buena reflexión Rajani, abrazos

  30. Totally agreed, although it hurts us at first to remove them from our lives but then with time we will rejoice.
    Happy week.
    Best regards.

  31. hi, good blog, congratulations

  32. Очень хороший блог. Хочу читать все Ваши посты! Со всеми ладить не получится - у всех разные взгляды, разное воспитание. Если Вам близки мои взгляды на семью, друзей, занятие цветами - добро пожаловать в мой блог!

  33. Es indudable que uno debe estar con quienes nos ofrezcan una real amistad, y sean sinceros, lejanos de un tratamiento hipócrita. UN abrazo. Carlos

  34. Inegável verdade! O importante é estar bem como você, não com os outros; estar bem consigo mesmo é o primeiro passo para ser feliz! Meu abraço, boa semana.

  35. Good words that you wrote. Even if a person doesn't like you, be kind to them anyway. A few friends are better than no friends. God bless.

  36. Hai ragione. Preferisco essere sola invece di ingannare me stessa.

  37. En total acuerdo contigo.


  38. Greate content. Please read my blogs.

  39. Hola, amiga.
    A veces, lo mejor es dejarse llevar por la vida y no luchar contra lo que te depara el destino, intentar sacar todo lo bueno que te ofrece e ignorar lo negativo.
    Gracias por tu visita a mi blog. Un abrazo

  40. I've had a lot of trouble getting away from people who didn't do me any good or trying to please others at all costs and that's really not worth it. And I really agree with what you said: It is important to understand that you are not for everyone and not everyone is worthy of you.

  41. Thanks to all of you for your kind compliments

  42. We really try to make everyone happy. And when we realize that this is impossible, life becomes easier.

  43. Above all things, be true to yourself.

  44. I think it's important to remember ourselves, our needs, our happiness regardless of whether others love us or not. Let me explain: if others love us, respect and recognize our value, it's right to think about their needs but not just theirs! We must always remember that we too are important! This is essential to be able to live a balanced relationship with others.
    Even more so if the people we surround ourselves with and to whom we direct all our energy and attention don't reciprocate! ;-)

  45. I agree with that.
    Sometimes you need to think of you in first place.

  46. Truth. The only person we have to live with is ourselves.

  47. Me encanta leerte de nuevo ♡♡

  48. Mi fa piacere leggerti sul blog ma solo per chiedermi di leggere il TUO non mi piace. Le esperienze ne ho tante da 79 anni e tutti ne abbiamo. Sinceramente saranno interessanti cool ecc. ma non fanno per me. Sinceramente non so bene inglese e le traduzioni google lasciano a desiderare. Buona vita.

  49. Rajani, your post is wise. We need to understand these thoughts. Thank you.

  50. Hello! Such a wise advice on this post!

  51. Thank you so much everyone 🙏🙏

  52. Ne gardez que le positif et les personnes bonnes et saines avec vous !

  53. Concordo plenamente com seu post!

  54. Concordo com você, seu texto é muito verdadeiro.

    Obrigada pela visita.

  55. Thank you for coming my blog .Welcome.

  56. Yes some people not worth to spend too much effort.

  57. Happiness comes from within ...

    All the best Jan

  58. What you said sounds true. We treasure the friendship with our friends but we may separate from each other because of differences of opinion. I share that we want everyone to be with us but it does not happen.

  59. We can't please everyone, but if we please God, we will be richly rewarded!

  60. Muito pertinente a sua reflexão com o que concordo completamente.
    Só demonstra que se preocupa com o outro o que mostra que é uma pessoa maravilhosa

  61. Hay que aceptar que no podemos gustar a todo el mundo. Lo más importante es estar bien con uno mismo.
    Muy interesante tu reflexión.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Hi Rajani, as the scriptures say - 'There is a time to 'shake the dust off your feet.' Through following God's Word we will know when that time is relevant. God bless.

  64. Thanks to all of you for your kind compliments

  65. Vuelvo a releer tu reflexión amigo rajani
    Un abrazo

  66. Hay que decir ¡No! lo mismo que decimos sí...Gracias por tu visita Rajani. Feliz fin de semana

  67. Just to add Rajani, if we don't forgive others God will not forgive us. So, even though we can disassociate with some, forgiveness is still a good choice,, as what is in them is spiritual. God bless.

  68. Divine photo and post ~ such truth ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  69. Hi!

    At the beginning I want to thank you for visit my blog and to leave your comment in the post about Austrian cuisine.
    Because I am interested in psychology, I want to share with you my opinion nad reflection about this topic, which it refers this post. I agree with you in 100%. it is worth taking care of good relation with other people but we must to understand that we have no influence on other people and their behavior. Distance itself from toxic people and not absorb emotion from toxic people just surround yourself with positive people. Making sacrifices towards others and neglect yourself is not good for our lives. This all impact on our well-being.

    Best regards and I'm sending you mega positive energy 🖐🙂💕💖

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Perfeito, Rajani.
    As amizades que não nos acrescentam em nada não vale a pena ser cultivada, principalmente se se tiver como intuito apenas nos desvalorizar, e também, quem não aceta ser aconselhado não merece ser ajudado.
    Meus sinceros parabéns pelo belo pensar e um cordial e fraterno abraço.

  72. Una reflexión oportuna y bien razonada.

    Un abrazo

  73. Buena reflexión. Te mando un beso.

  74. Great Header, and true , clever words! Thanks.

  75. Uma excelente reflexão! Beijo

  76. Well written. Thanks for the visit :-D

  77. Creo en los amigos sinceros
    Buen jueves..

  78. Eu acredito na lealdade e na sinceridade de raras pessoas…

  79. It's not possible to get along with everybody. Dogs just ignore people they don't like. They have good instincts.

  80. Yo me centro más en la felicidad de mis seres queridos que en la mía propia, soy feliz sabiendo que ellos lo son

  81. Thank you for appreciation for my blog and comments.

    That is true. We must examinate and elimnate people who are not our friends.

    All the best.

  82. Magnífica reflexión.

    No es fácil tomar la determinación de alejarnos de aquellas personas a las que queremos, pero no nos aceptan como somos o no aceptamos como son. Pero es muy necesario aprender a hacerlo. Por su bien, pero sobre todo, por el nuestro propio.

    Un abrazo.

  83. I had already stopped by, but I enjoyed reading this incredible and wise reflection again. You're absolutely right, throughout life there are always people to whom we give everything but who distance themselves from us, we have to learn to have self-love and stop suffering for those who don't respect us and don't love us.
    Have a nice weekend

  84. Hola! Del blog "Viviendo". Gracias por tu visita.
    Buen artículo, cierto en todo lo que dice.


  85. Olá , Bonito texto! Gracias por tua visita!

  86. ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
    ⋯ 🌝 ⋯¨
    .* _Π_____˚ ☁️
    |田田|門|˚. 🙋
    •** Felices Pascuas!•***•*

  87. At nearly 81 years, I have learned this, and many other things. Thank you for being there for so many people.

  88. M'agrada el que dius, Rajani! Gràcies per compartir-ho! Seguiré passant per aquí.

  89. Yes that is right. But hard and painful to implement.
    Have a nice day :)

  90. encore une belle réflexion qui s'agrippe à ce que je vis...J'ai fait tant de choses pour être aimée, et me suis oublié quand on s'oublie nous ne sommes plus nous même et l'autre s'en va...Il faut que j'aprenne à vivre avec moi ! pas simple !


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