When we do not fulfill the promises made to ourselves, we start considering ourselves inferior and worthless.

When we do not fulfill the promises made to ourselves, we start considering ourselves inferior and worthless. On the other hand, when we fulfill the promises made to ourselves, even if those resolution are very small. then we establish a trusting relationship with ourselves.  Continuously strengthening faith in ourselves starts reflecting in every aspect of our daily life.  Understand your promises, intentions, write them down. By doing this, you will be able to achieve them. 

Life is like a book!!

Knowing our truth and accepting it is not our weakness. Always be ready to take responsibility for your words, your truth, even if others don't like those things. The good and bad in you are part of your own story. Living a life accepting of who you are can make you a hero to many people, In moments of  we feel that whatever happens next will be wrong. We are unable to see the situation getting better. Whereas life is like a book. Some of its pages are immersed in sadness and some are full of thrill. If we don't turn the pages, how will we know what's next? 


  1. It si absolutely true, life can be quiet, stressful,magic, hard and we must to try to live it fully

  2. Every day that passes is a page we turn in the book of life and every day that comes is a page we write. Let's take care to write it correctly, without doing injustice and harming anyone.

  3. Últimamente parece que todos nos disponemos a ser felices con nuestra vida, y eso es genial porque el pesimismo acarrea arrugas en la cara y en el alma. Un abrazo

  4. Comparar a vida a um livro parece-me bem. Quantas páginas de tristeza, quantas de emoção, quantas de alegria, quantas de apreensão pelo mundo que temos.
    Uma boa semana.
    Um beijo.

  5. When our truth is found in God, we are grounded in Him and can stand our ground in life.

  6. Magnífico razonamiento. Podría sumarme a tu pensamiento, es perfecto.

  7. My life is an open book for all to see and flick through full of laughter and happiness and the joy that comes with living and of course there is sadness but that is life

  8. Rajani, your words are true! I, today, agree with these words more than ever before!!!
    My friend, I salute you!

  9. Amen! May we own up to our actions and be ready to accept responsibility for our mistakes. Only then can we learn and be forgiven.

  10. Responsibility is essential to life. So is accepting the truth of who and what we are.
    Life is both joy and sadness , and we must learn to deal with both.

  11. Yes, life is like a book, and my favourite book is the Bible. I turn the page each day and the words in that book become a voice of wise instruction. God bless.

  12. Apreciei o seu texto, as suas palavras suscitam a minha reflexão. Obrigado.

  13. J'aime cette idée: La vie est bien comme un livre, il faut savoir tourner les pages pour en lire d'autres chapitres...
    Une vie c’est une trace
    Sur le bord d’un grand mystère
    Quand l’espérance l’enlace
    Vers un chemin de lumière…

  14. "Vivre une vie en acceptant qui vous êtes peut faire de vous un héros " voila un bien joli défi que je te souhaite de relever ! Vive la vie et son livre de merveilles !!

  15. True words! I like it! Greating, Rajani. With love and peace.

  16. Knowing and accepting each other, I like that thought and I hope to fill my own book with many pages. Greetings.

  17. True words worth remembering. Thank you, Rajani.

  18. The way of Life have surpresive moments too. Good and bad usually comes mixed. The best ever for a person is to select the positive way.

  19. Thanks to all of you kind words.

  20. I really like your post, it is full of truths.

  21. Rajani, You said my blog is beautiful … and I say yours is amazing! 😊 Thank you for sharing your thoughts … you are right on. John

  22. Yes, we must take responsibility for our words...the Bible tells us to always be ready to give an answer for what we believe. And therein is where we find THE Truth. Thank you for sharing our thoughts here, Rajani.

  23. yes very true. we just need to keep turning the pages.

  24. Truth is a fallacy of the mind. There is awareness, but the judgement of right and wrong are western concepts that interrupt the flow of awareness.

  25. Thought life is an adventure.
    Coffee is on.

  26. Thank you for visiting my blog. I appreciate it very much.

  27. Yes very true. Life is like a book. Greetings.

  28. Beautiful comparison, Rehana. But I think it's impossible don’t turn the pages forward. But we can read back in our life to understand , reflect, learn and so go forward better.
    Each book can be reread many times and give rise to different impressions as events fill... as we have changed our own minds and sentiments. No book is static. Life is change.
    Also, every person can read other people’s books and interpret them in many different ways.

    The images that you put on your posts are always amazing and so evocative.

  29. I love that! Life indeed is like a book!

  30. Cierto y verdadero. Varias reflexiones nacen de tu pensamiento. Aceptarse es quererse. Es estar centrado y en paz. Exquisita tu publicación.

  31. La vida (la personal de cada uno) encierra como bien dices lo bueno y lo malo, alegrias y tristeza, risas y lágrimas, mientras la pasamos podemos ser heroes o demonios....hemos de aprender mucho todavía , me ha gustado como siempre leerte Rajani
    Un abrazo

  32. Defender nuestra verdad, sin pretensión alguna más que la de poder expresarse, a veces es muy complicado. Me alegra mucho leer que defiendes ese derecho al que creo que no deberíamos renunciar.

    Un beso Rehana!!

  33. Wise and brilliant reflection.
    It is important to know ourselves and understand that life is made of joys and sadness, of happy and difficult moments, in short, there is a constant duality throughout our journey and just like a book, we have to change the page and move on.

  34. Me encanto tu pensamiento, de nosotros depende nuestra propia vida.
    Yo deseo que mi libro sea positivo y que pueda llegar a los demás dejando esperanza, amor y sobre todo aprender a querernos y aceptarnos como somos.
    si uno no se ama y acepta no puede dar lo que no tiene.
    Cariños, te deseo un bello día

  35. Los malos momentos de la vida, la tristeza, la dureza del camino, son tan importantes o más que la alegría, la felicidad... ¡Cómo saborear estas dos últimas, como distinguirlas si no conoces las primeras!...

  36. I like the image and your message. Life indeed is a book. We've got to keep turning pages.

  37. You write very wise words, I will be reading your posts. xoxo

  38. Hola guapísima, muy buena reflexión. Un abrazo

  39. It is very beautifully written.

  40. oh i enjoyed this, truer words have never been spoken!!

  41. Good words you've shared here.

    All the best Jan

  42. Gostei imenso da postagem. Bem reflexiva .Beijos.

  43. Fantástico, gracias por compartir. Saludos desde el norte de España.

  44. Hello, Rajani!
    Nice post. Yes, life is just like a book.
    Thank you for visiting my blog.

  45. True words, nice blog! Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

  46. I absolutely agree with this. Thanks for your visit to my blog. I am sorry your comments went into spam and didn't publish. Sorted now. Happy Sunday xx

  47. Very true! If we don't turn the page, how will we know what's next?

  48. That’s right, we are weaving our own story on the blank pages which becomes our life-story. Thank you for your visit.

  49. Thanks for sharing.
    I invite you to visit my last post. Have a good week!

  50. Hermoso post, estoy de acuerdo hay que vivir la vida a pleno, sabio pensamiento.
    Un placer visitarte.

  51. La verdad no es propiedad de uno. Es propiedad de todos. Por eso hay que escuchar al otro. Un abrazo

  52. hello: you have left me several comments on my blog to "please read my post". I'm sorry but i've deleted those comments since they had absolutely nothing to do with MY post. You are wecome to comment on the content i've written or the pics I've posted. But I don't accept comments that have nothing to do with what I've written. thanks for understanding. You can always check out the comment direction that should pop up when you comment on my blog. Your pic is so pretty!!

  53. Thank you =)

    Really nice post and you're right, life is a book =)

  54. Preciosa la fotografía y el texto. Un saludo.

  55. Totalmente de acuerdo! Bonita imagen :)

  56. Very nicely written.
    That's true, that life is like a book. Some of its pages are immersed in sadness and some are full of thrill. Alone true. Regards

  57. Hola Guapa, nos dejas un texto llenos de bellos y humanos sentimientos. Es verdad cada vida es un libro abierto compuesto de páginas, unas bonitas y otras amargas, la vida es eso, se compone de risas y lágrimas. A llevarla lo mejor que podamos.
    Me ha gustado leerte, gracias por compartir tus sentimientos.
    Te dejo besos y mi gratitud por tu huella.

  58. merci pour les commentaires sur mon blog

  59. Beautiful thougths. Lets continue passing the pages of our lives and discovering what they are offering to us.
    Thanks for your visit.
    Be happy!

  60. Hola Rajani. En primer lugar agradecerte tu paso por mi blog.
    Tu texto desprende optimismo ante la vida y coincide con mis pensamientos al respecto,la clave está en conocerse a sí mismo y aceptarse tal cual eres.Si eso es así, la vida será mucho más llevadera.
    me encantó la comparación con un libro,nunca lo había pensado.Y es cierto,tras páginas tristes y trágicas siempre puede haber otras luminosas y alegres.de hecho,son muchos los libros que tienen un final feliz.
    Saludos cordiales desde España.

  61. Desde la realidad que a cada cual nos atañe Rajani, hemos de florecer y tratar de ser nosotros mismos, con el mejor de los reflejos con los cuales abrazar lo cotidiano.
    Un abrazo

  62. I'm usually a regular reader of your posts.
    I like those reflections.
    Best regards.

  63. Amiga, pase a saludarte, que pases un bello fin de semana.

  64. What makes me read a book starts from the cover and this cbook cover is lovely.
    I just shared a new post and would love for you to check it out. Thanks a bunch!

  65. Very contemplative and informative article you wrote so well ~ thanks.

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  66. Very beautiful and nice blog. :)

  67. Siento decirte que yo soy más bien pesimista, aunque casi siempre estoy contenta.
    Un fuerte abrazo.

  68. Bardzo ładnie napisane 😊


  69. Bonjour Rehana, The good and bad in you are part of your own story, voila juste une expérience humaine à faire et qui s'avère exacte !

  70. I've been reading my life book for quite a long time and find it quite exciting :-)
    All the best, Traude

  71. Beautiful message. While I understand you are trying to drive traffic to your blog but leaving the SAME message on ALL of the other blogs to get us here, it sure doesn't feel sincere. I mean you say the same thing about a beautiful blog and then asking us to come here. If you generally don't wish to read me that is okay. Please stop coming by and soliciting for more readers. My commenters have picked up on this and have left not so positive comments regarding this so I am now having to delete your repeated comment. Thank you and have a beautiful holiday season.

  72. the truth is true and unchangeable independently of our acceptance... but our truth is changeable, but is it true truth in such case?...
    best regards, as always, very warmly :)

  73. Muy cierto lo que dices.
    Debemos haceptarnos, tal como somos.
    Feliz día.

  74. Bellissime parole che fanno riflettere.
    Grazie di essere passata a trovarmi
    Un saluto 😘

  75. Post molto interessante, lo condivido ! Ciao

  76. Un post molto bello. Grazie.

  77. Interesante. Sigamos caminando y pasando las páginas de nuestra vida.
    Buena semana.

  78. Molto, molto belle le tue pagine. Un caro saluto

  79. Siempre hay que tratar de conocer nuestra personalidad. Desgraciadamente en muchas ocasiones no se asume la responsabilidad de lo que se ha dicho o escrito. La vida está llena de momentos alegres y de tristes, estos últimos hay que desecharlos y quedarnos con los alegres, pero no siempre sucede así.

  80. sabias palabras
    muy cierto lo que dices

  81. Happy to visit your blog - very good thoughts. My hope is in the Lord, and I am happy to trust my life to His care, blessings to you!

  82. Hi, Rajani!
    Perfect text!
    Merry Christmas! 🎄🎁🎋💐🎈⭐✨

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  83. Such a truth, all of us should follow this!

  84. Cada día es un aprendizaje.
    Por tanto, sí; un libro abierto, una nueva experiencia.

  85. Gros bisous, dear friend!

  86. Ciao.
    E' richiesto un tuo intervento ( parere ) sul blog POESIEINTORNOALFUOCO a proposito della poesia d' amore indiana ,,,( sul testo AMAMI ).
    Grazie se vorrai partecipare.


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