When we do not fulfill the promises made to ourselves, we start considering ourselves inferior and worthless.

When we do not fulfill the promises made to ourselves, we start considering ourselves inferior and worthless. On the other hand, when we fulfill the promises made to ourselves, even if those resolution are very small. then we establish a trusting relationship with ourselves.  Continuously strengthening faith in ourselves starts reflecting in every aspect of our daily life.  Understand your promises, intentions, write them down. By doing this, you will be able to achieve them. 

Even closed doors open with love!❤️❤️

As long as we are in love ,we see beauty everywhere. As soon as we start getting smart, we start losing beauty. We teach people not to love, but to beware of it.
Whereas this love is the key to open the closed doors of life, of meeting the devine.
Every child is born with love, that's why every child seems lovely. But slowly something goes wrong somewhere.
Every child looks cute. Every child is beautiful. Have you seen any ugly child?
The beauty of a child does not seem to depend on its body, but on some inner potential. But as the child grows up, so will the love be lost. We help the love to be lost.
We don't teach him to love, we teach him to be careful with love.


  1. Buongiorno di neve, gli occhi dell'amore sono limpidi xke vedono insieme al cuore.
    La natura è sempre bella quello che ci dà, il brutto spesso nn è opportunamente guardato anche al cuore. Allarghiamo le braccia e scaldiamo col cuore ogni cosa

  2. Today's world understands love only between a boy & a girl, but it is much more than that. Artists love towards their art, mother love towards their child & much more. There is a great difference between love & attraction but only a little percent of population understands it & since majority of people thinks that the person to which they are attracted is their true love, but it is just an attraction and after few weeks or months breakup happens and most of the people become depressed. This is the reason why people teach everyone to be careful with love. My question to you di is did u have any experience of love or attraction and why we can't we teach him difference between love & attraction? Isn't it more beneficial?

  3. Sempre speciali e di bella lettura i tuoi testi, buona serata,silvia

  4. The child is the most beautiful and innocent being. It's full of goodness.
    Love is a very big concept. Love isn't only between a woman and a man.

  5. Publicação assertiva que muito gostei de ler. Não existem crianças feias é um fato verdadeiro

    Cumprimentos poéticos

  6. As crianças são tão puras!
    Porque é que essa pureza se vai perdendo?
    Beijinhos recheados de gratidão!
    🌼🌼🌼Megy Maia

  7. The adults forget everything is important for themselves: their inner child! This is the cause of many troubles in the world, unfortunately!
    You shared some beautiful thoughts! Thank you! ❤️

  8. Sadly , this is so true... I donnot understand why (maybe because it is easier to control people who lost true love, their inner child.).
    Thank you for this post! Hopefully it will save some.. love to be lost.

  9. Profunda reflexion, te mando un beso.

  10. Toda criança é linda, maravilhosa reflexão.

  11. El amor es el sentimiento más noble que una persona puede tener.
    Que tengas un feliz fin de semana.

  12. Absolutely yes! Every child looks cute. Every child is beautiful.

  13. Great article and inspirative quote

  14. Nasciamo con l'amore nel cuore ma poi, pian, piano, qualche cosa va storto, la vita ci mette alla prova. Bella riflessione. Saluti

  15. yup that's right, to love each other,,,

  16. I agree with you, Rajani. We should learn to live giving and receiving love, not to be careful with love, as if it were dangerous. I wish you a very Happy new year!

  17. Bom dia. gostei muito do que vi e li. (Toda criança é linda. Você já viu alguma criança feia?)
    Nós adultos deveríamos nos espelhar na inocência e na espontaneidade delas para sermos mais humanos nas decisões que tomamos, principalmente, em si tratando de vida a dois.

  18. Great post.
    Have a good week.

  19. Every child is beautiful! You're right!
    Nice post :-)

  20. Beautiful photo, and beautiful post.

  21. I'ts so hard to reconnect with our inner child as we grow older. Love is a mighty power. Thank you for sharing!

  22. Linda entrada, con mucho amor.


  23. Buena reflexión y muy sabia. Un abrazo

  24. Love is easy yet complicated feeling.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog.

  25. Love makes you think ... obviously. Yes, children are beautiful......

  26. Very beautiful thoughts, sadly so true. Thank you

  27. Very beautifully written.

  28. Interesting read.
    The world needs love and kindness.

    All the best Jan

  29. "El amor es el punto de apoyo de la palanca que mueve el mundo"

  30. Very true. We do not allow the innocence of childhood to remain, but it is necessary for them to learn some caution.

  31. Love and kindness are always welcome.

  32. Adorable y muy certera tu reflexion!
    Bisous ♥♥♥

  33. Lindo texto. Si encuentro cómo seguirte para irte leyendo lo haré.

    Un abrazo

  34. Well written and good post.
    Greetings Irma

  35. Bautiful photo, and beautiful post.

  36. Ciao complimenti per il blog e buona serata, un abbraccio Angelo.

  37. Una gran y acertada reflexión. Te aplaudo 👏👏👏

  38. Reflexiones más que oportunas.

    Un abrazo, Rajani

  39. Thanks to all of you for your kind compliments

  40. El amor es natural al ser humano, pero una cultura que lo considere irrelevante, puede generar su desapego. Mar es importante para el respeto por el otro y la diferencia. Un abrazo. carlos

  41. Molt bonica la teva reflexió.

  42. Un placer pasarme por aquí para leerte. Un saludo

    1. El amor y la paz son dos mandamientos necesario para todo ser humano, sin amor nada somos y este mundo en cual nos toca vivir, está sumamente necesitado de amor de paz y de cariño. ensañar a amar es una buena acción, es una forma de cuidar nuestro caminar por la vida. El desamor desafortunadamente, sobra.

      Un cordial saludo y mi gratitud.

  43. M'agraden molt aquestes fotos d'infants, a veure si el teu traductor va més bé que el meu. L'amor és molt bonic i ens fa veure el món millor del què és, jo que sóc mestra, sempre els dic al meus alumnes que és important ser bonics per fora, però sobretot , bonics per dins . Petonets.

  44. Hello :=) Lovely post and quite profound. Can't have too much love and Kindness!

  45. El amor es lo único capaz de conseguir aquello que parece imposible.

  46. I believe love comes from what is on the inside, not what is on the outside. What is on the outside changes with time, but what is on the inside can remain the same forever. God bless.

  47. Praise God that He loved us before we even loved Him. He who loves not, knows not God, for God is love.

  48. Every child is beautiful, Ranjani. I'm so thankful my career was spent teaching young children. I had to laugh when I saw the Hermès scarves on your post. My post Friday is about Hermè scarves. Have a great February.

  49. Bonjour Ranjani, vous avez si bien décrit ce mystère qu'est la vie, le sentiment d'être et l'existence incroyable qui eut naitre de tout cela . Oui , l'amour est la clé pour ouvrir les portes fermées de la vie, de la rencontre avec le divin , c'est une évidence qui fait du bien au cœur comme un baume.

  50. When people fully embrace the love of Christ, love remains. it's the only thing that does my dear. Children learn to love unconditionally IF their parents/care givers love unconditionally. but as adults we do put conditions on that don't we?? only God loves unconditionally.

  51. Hello! Very inspiring and interesting post :)
    You look amazing, your bag is beautiful :)
    Greetings from Poland!

  52. I like it a lot, it's life itself, real reflections.
    Best regards.

  53. Sono d'accordo sul fatto che Bellezza e Amore siano la strada che ci collega al divino-
    I bambini ne sono ricchi: facciamo in modo che non disperdano questo prezioso patrimonio...

  54. Los niños son ángeles vivientes. Sí!
    Se vivirá con amor en tanto se crezca y se cultive en él.
    Como ley de vida; siempre habrá excepciones.
    El ser humano es una unidad muy compleja.
    Por eso el humano podrá ser bueno o podrá ser malvado.
    Bendito quienes lleven al amor como estandarte de vida.
    Gracias Rahani.

  55. Gracias por llegar a mi espacio y traerme al tuyo. Me han venido muy bien tus palabras. Un abrazo

  56. I believe it is the many disappointments and hurts that a person experiences throughout life that turn a bright, happy child into a cautious or suspicious adult. I think it's important to keep at least a little bit of childish joy.
    ALL THE BEST from Austria

  57. El amor es muy bonito, pero tambien te hace sufrir.
    Un abrazo

  58. Que bella reflexión. Comparto que debemos cultivar el amor y cuidarlo. El amor da sentido a nuestra vida. Un abrazo

  59. I agree with the content of your precious message.
    Have a week full of love, attentions and cuddles.
    All good for you....

  60. Una reflexión preciosa. Y llevas mucha razón, un niño nace sabiendo amar. Besos :)

  61. C'est triste mais malheureusement il en est ainsi.

  62. A beautiful post, my friend. Children are special little people. If only we could behave and love like they do. I have been thinking about this lately, that people do not have enough love. Thank you for this gentle reminder to always remain in love. It makes everything better in life.


  63. El amor todo lo puede, de hecho esta demostrado que enfermedades duras , si tienes amor , son más llevaderas. Como todo en la vida . amar es dar sin pedir.

  64. Interessante post di profonda riflessione.
    Un caro saluto

  65. Amiga mía, gracias por tus letras, aunque mencionan una utopía, son una tierna reflexión.

  66. Olá Rajani Rehana
    Adorei ler o texto conjugado com uma maravilhosa imagem.
    Passei por outras publicações tão interessantes que dá gosto!
    Mas... sendo um blogue que na essência é tão bom de ler nos seus vários artigos, é uma pena que esteja carregado de publicidade onde quase me perco para encontrar o resto de cada artigo para ler e até difícil encontrar onde se faz o comentário. TAlvez seja um problema somente meu, que me desculpes.

  67. Ya sabemos, el amor es el motor que mueve el mundo. Saludos.
    Gracias por pasar por mi blog.

  68. Many crazy things, crimes included, have been done in the name of love and therefore we should be cautious with love and avoid both being harmed or harm others.

  69. Linda postagem! Adoro crianças.

    Votos de um bom Domingo

  70. Profundo y bello. ¡Feliz domingo!

  71. Merhaba, sevgi çok güçlü bir duygu. Paylaşım için teşekkürler :)

  72. É preciso preservar o amor de uma criança para que ele jamais pereça!!
    Lindo conto, adorei!
    Tenha uma ótima semana!

  73. Reflexión a tener en cuenta siempre amigo Rajani, por tercera ve dejo un mensaje (no se si quedará o no)
    Un abrazo

  74. Belle immagini...molto in linea con il blog.

  75. Un escrito muy cierto, me encanto, saludos:D

  76. Not ever It happens. Not ever LOVE open all Doors. Its unfortunatelly but IS the reality. There are too various forms of LOVE:
    Psicological love, Emotional love, Romantical love, Physical love, Be Inloved love, Fraternal love, and more. I recommend to read the https://tantrarktarot.blogspot.com because people can change positively his mind to good things. Because there are a complete new world in front of your eyes. Thank You.


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