Only the ability to work harder than we desire can make us positive. 🤗🤗
Only the ability to work harder than we desire can make us positive.There is nothing that can not be changed. When we rise above selfishness and are ready to do something for others keeping our time in mind, we become positive. It is true that it is impossible that any work done by you does not yield results. Everything depends on how you do the work. We keep trying to know everyone. Who is doing what? Who brought what? We keep an eye on everyone, but what we do not know is where is our happiness? Look at others, but be loyal to yourself too. Our perspective should be positive. Staying on unwanted paths for a long time weakens the body and mind. You can make life joyful by being rich in energy and positivity. Always remain enthusiastic and keep yourself full of energy. This will give a new identity to your personality. Your self-confidence will increase, you will be able to climb the ladder of success in life very quickly.
"[...]Quanto mais nos conectamos com nós mesmos, mais nossa inquietação diminui[...]. Eu acredito nas tuas palavras sublimemente escritas e pensadas.
ReplyDelete'[...] The more we connect with ourselves, the more our restlessness decreases [...]. I believe in your sublimely written and thought out words.
SOL da Esteva
Intento llevarme bien conmigo y lo voy consiguiendo. Buena reflexión la de hoy. Un abrazo
ReplyDeleteI think that i shall agree with you and your thoughts. Very beautiful post. Have a nice weekend.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading
ReplyDeleteBardzo ciekawe spostrzeżenia. Serdecznie pozdrawiam:)
ReplyDeleteWe all have the power to attract the things - that I need now/
ReplyDeleteHi. thanks for visit my blog :) You can observe me if you want :-)
ReplyDeleteSi creyésemos más en nosotros tendríamos una fuerza increíble. Besos y gracias por tan hermosa entrada. :D
ReplyDeleteI need to connect my desires
ReplyDeleteI need to believe in myself too
An interesting post.
ReplyDeleteI do think our five senses are/can be divided between our conscious and subconscious mind.
Sometimes it helps a situation to listen to our inner voice!
All the best Jan
Poucas pessoas conseguem, eu já tentei trabalhar esse lado em mim, mas não consigo.
So we should work our eyes+brains+Souls combination well! Very interesting article. It sounds good. Thanks. Greetings.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words.
ReplyDeleteCalm is influenced by civilization.
ReplyDeleteThe more people there are at one point, the lower the level of calm.
Thanks for sharing
ReplyDeletea nice, thought provoking post...i enjoyed reading your insight!!
ReplyDeleteTrue. We need to be open to both, I think.
ReplyDeleteCiao grazie della visita sul blog una buona settimana, Angelo.
ReplyDeleteInner calm never goes astray...
ReplyDeleteA very good insight, I agree. Thanks so much for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI think what you wrote is true.
ReplyDeleteJust beautiful:)
ReplyDeleteGreat post .Your words are true...
ReplyDeleteHi Rajani, Your thoughts are deep and show an exceptional understanding of humanity. I love the way you worded this post. We are all a part of the Universe. Peace be with you. John
ReplyDeleteI like how you resume important ideas.
ReplyDeleteBut, the great majority of people do not know about their powers.
But for each is a proper time!
Thank you for these ideas, Rajani! All the best in our world!
Interesting article! Thank you for visiting my blog.
ReplyDeleteGod bless!
Muy cierto, Rajani.
ReplyDeleteCuanto más estemos por nosotros mismos, podriamos creer en calma que llevaríamos en nuestro interior con otra energía.
Muy buena reflexión. Gracias por tu visita y lo que nos ofreces a todos.
Saludos y buenas noches.
Buena reflexion te mando un beso.
ReplyDeleteUma ótima reflexão!
ReplyDeleteTenha boa semana.
Yes, there are two worlds. One that is seen and one that is not seen. Interesting post.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words 😊
ReplyDeleteUn bel post!! Quanto è importante la calma interiore. Saluti. Ciao
ReplyDeleteEn cierta medida nuestras limitaciones, nos dejan siempre en la avidez de conocer algo más de nosotros mismos, de los demás y de nuestro entorno...
ReplyDeleteUn abrazo
Very inteeresting and inspiring, thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeletehave a great week,
Uno es bien visible a nuestr vista y otro es más dificíl de descubrir.
ReplyDelete...a wonderful thought.
ReplyDelete"capable of much more", "connect with ourselves"
ReplyDeleteBeautifully said!
Creio que temos mesmo o mundo que conseguimos entender e o que não conseguimos compreender...
ReplyDeleteUma boa semana com muita saúde.
Um beijo.
Subscrevo o que aqui escreveste. Temos um mundo cruel, onde dificilmente os povos e nações se entendem.
ReplyDeleteBoa semana.
Conectar nuestro mundo exterior con el interior, sin uno le haga daño al otro...Trataremos de encontrar el equilibrio. Mi abrazo entrañable y agradecido.
ReplyDeleteVery thought-provoking!
ReplyDeleteI came over to visit your post:) Very thoughtful and very true.
ReplyDeleteUm texto para refletir abraços.
Gracias por visitar mi blog y comentar, pero no sé inglés y no entiendo lo que publicas, lo siento.
ReplyDeleteUn saludo
Nice thoughtful post!
ReplyDeleteInteresting post. Thank you for visiting my blog.
ReplyDeleteA great post today :)!
ReplyDeleteVery good
ReplyDeleteThe secret is to master the mind, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Spain
Beautifull post. Than you very much for your visit.
ReplyDeleteHello, :=) Inner peace comes from being one with the universe. Thank you for this lovely post.
ReplyDeleteI like this and know this is true.
ReplyDeleteGracias Rajani, por recordarnos que en nuestro interior reside la fuerza, un abrazo de luz!
ReplyDeleteI was going to make a wiseguy remark, but this is such a powerful, well-written piece that I thought otherwise.
ReplyDeleteVery thought provoking. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteGreat post
ReplyDeleteAmazing post
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
We can say that everyone sees as much as they understand. it will be good, it will be bad .... I don't know exactly! :)
ReplyDeleteThat's so true!
Remaining calm from within is such a good thing to do. Thanks for the gentle reminder.
ReplyDeleteHope you are enjoying these March days, my friend.
Conectar con nuestro interior, buscar la paz y el silencio, es la única manera de saber quienes somos.
Beautiful. I definitely need to connect my worlds more.
ReplyDeletei believe that the world imaginary, the invisible is more interesting than the world real. I desiree more the absctrat than real. Other dimension is very beautiful
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post!
ReplyDeleteBoa semana!
O JOVEM JORNALISTA está de volta com muitos posts e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!
Jovem Jornalista
Até mais, Emerson Garcia
Hello!! A really interesting post, thanks for sharing it.
Molto gradito,e piaciuto il tuo articolo
ReplyDeleteUn caro saluto,silvia
Excellent text.
ReplyDeleteI like to read it.
Have a nice day.
Intresting post. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI especially like those last two sentences. Too many people are trying to be who they are not and so they come off as fake and insincere. When we're at peace with who we are, it definitely shows! I don't know about you, but I definitely prefer people who are authentic and real.
ReplyDeleteAmazing ❤
ReplyDeleteI agree. Very good 'post'... It´s a pleasure to read. 🌼💚
mUCHÍSIMAS Gracias por pasar por nuestro blog. Me gustó mucho lo que posteaste. Gracias por invitarnos a pasar. Abrazo gigante desde Argentina.
ReplyDeleteDe acuerdo contigo. Un gusto leerte. Saludos.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words.
ReplyDeletedesejo um feliz fim de semana bjs saude
ReplyDeleteBelíssimo blog, pensamento verdadeiro e real, adorei!!
ReplyDeleteQuando pensamos tudo podemos!!
Tenha um feliz final de semana!!
"We all are capable of much more than we think ourselves to be ." That's very true!
ReplyDeleteyes indeed. very important to work ourselves out first before we can help anyone else.
ReplyDeleteAprendemos até morrer e morremos sem saber. Daí que me pareça que o desconhecido é mais incomensurável do que o que nos é dado conhecer.
ReplyDeleteAbraço amigo.
Juvenal Nunes
Good reflexion!! really
ReplyDeleteTrue. There is so much inside our minds and hearts.
ReplyDeleteGreat profound words, thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteSo beautifully put! The world that we cannot see is so intriguing
ReplyDeleteDeberíamos confiar más en nosotros mismos.
Muy interesante, si nos sabemos ver y reconocer a nostros mismos os ayuda a vivir mejor. Un abrazo
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your thought-provoking words and for visiting my blog last week.
ReplyDeleteAre your muscle cramps worsening every day, and you don’t see any right treatment to cure it? Buy Soma 500 mg online Are all the medicines failing to treat your muscle cramps?
ReplyDeleteIf so, then you shall try a muscle relaxant medication.
Nice post. Hughes!
That's a great remark
ReplyDeleteYes, agree. And as the Little Prince said, what is essential is invisible to the eye. :)
ReplyDeleteLux - About Life and Love blog
Love the philosophy! Keep writing, you are doing great. 💜
ReplyDelete🌸 Kiara Era BLOG 🌸
Kiara Era
Magnifica reflexión Rajani. Gracias.
Thank you for your kind comments to my blog, I pray you and your loved ones remain well.
ReplyDeleteOlá Rajani
ReplyDeletePostagem muito reflexiva. Temos dois mundos, o interior e o outro exterior. O interior Deus preenche e oferece paz. Um forte abraço.
Very interesting your reflection, how difficult is that conjunction between them and more between us, to agree our mind, our personal self.
ReplyDeleteBest regards
Is the "world" we see bigger? In terms of physical dimension, I suppose that's true. We see stars which are millions of light years away. But that which we can only imagine surely extends beyond that. And fills in quite a lot of the space in between.
ReplyDeleteOur selves are small. But in the end, that's all we have. And maybe that's what you mean.
I can understand you only through songs, but I can. A hug, Yaya´.
ReplyDeleteİnteresting blog..Thanks Rajana..😊
ReplyDeleteCalmness is the ultimate desire for pur being in the world we cannot see. Wonderful!!
I loved so much your post. Living consciously is the key. Thank you for sharing ^.^.
ReplyDeleteThank you for bringing me to your blog, I like it a lot, but since you visit my blog, if you really like it, please follow me. Thank you.
ReplyDeletehello, interesting post :) .. yes, we have 2 worlds, one we see with our own eyes, and the other is our world of ideas, dreams, desires, our world of magic!
ReplyDelete- greetings!
Um post muito interessante. Na verdade se não nos conhecemos a nós mesmos não podemos viver em paz connosco nem com os outros.
ReplyDeleteAbraço e saúde
Bonito texto dedicado a la búsqueda de la conexión emocional con nosotros mismos.
ReplyDeleteSaludos desde España, Rajani.
Thanks for sharing)
ReplyDeleteI loved the reflection. We must see the world with our soul.
a very interesting blog, with texts that make us think
ReplyDeleteCredo ti riferisca al buon senso, che ci fa comprendere la nostra limitatezza rispetto all'illimitatezza del mondo. Basterebbe quello per vivere sereni con ciò che abbiamo (e che sprechiamo..)
ReplyDeleteAlways love reading your thoughts xXx
ReplyDeleteThat's very interesting. Have a nice weekend!
Gostei de ler. Suas mensagens são filosóficas!
ReplyDeleteBeijos! :-*
You're so right! There's so much more to ourselves that we don't see but if we reach within ourselves as well as try new things we can discover that hidden world.
ReplyDeleteHi, Rajani!! No wonder they say that man is at the center of the universe. In addition to the whole universe outside, we have a universe inside us!
Being with oneself is as essential as breathing. Knowing oneself is fundamental.
ReplyDeleteThought is the builder of our destiny.
"Think and it will be given to you".
I've missed your publications.
The more we connect with ourselves, the more our restlessness subsides. These are wise words.
ReplyDeleteMe ha gustado mucho tu artículo, Rajani. Muchas gracias por compartirlo. La última frase tiene mucha fuerza: Somos capaces de mantener la calma desde dentro. Buen fin de semana!
ReplyDeletePara reflexionar, un placer leerte.
ReplyDeleteGracias por tu visita y comentario
Feliz fin de semana.
Un abrazo
Obrigada pela visita.
ReplyDeleteJá estou lhe seguindo
The internal and the external world.
ReplyDeleteAmazing post.
Thanks a lot.
ReplyDeleteA mi també m'agrada el teu blog! Aquesta entrada fa pensar.
ReplyDeleteWhat matters are not the things which are temporal and seen, but the things which are eternal and believed rather than seen. Thanks for the great post and God bless!
ReplyDeleteFood for thought, God Bless
ReplyDeleteSi. A veces es como que hay que cerrar los ojos para poder observar y comprender mas lo que pasa en nuestro interior. Lugar que muchas veces no le prestamos la debida atencion. Buena entrada. Saludos!
ReplyDeleteThat's true - take care.
ReplyDeleteMuy cierto, conectarse con uno mismo es la clave. Un abrazo.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. Thanks a lot👏👏👏👍😊🤚
ReplyDeleteAcredito muito nessa possibilidade, Rajani.
ReplyDeleteSegundo o filósofo George Berkeley: "percebemos
apenas o que vemos, mas o que não vemos
existe e tem influência sobre tudo o que existe".
Quanto mais procurarmos refletir sobre nós
mesmos, mais potencializa os nossos propósitos.
Meus sinceros parabéns pelo belo e reflexivo
pensar e um terno abraço.
Positiva y edificante entrada, gracias.
ReplyDeleteUn abrazo.
That is so true and through meditation I try to connect both worlds as much as possible.
ReplyDeleteexcellent post. Good Job.
ReplyDelete¡Holaa, buenos días!
ReplyDeleteBellísimas perseidas, si, estamos conectados con el cosmos, para bien y mal.
Gracias por tu visita.
Se feliz cada día que amanece.
Ola Rajani
ReplyDeleteobrigada por ter passado no Parapeito.
Bonita esta reflexão
brisas doces *
¡Muy bonito!
ReplyDeleteMil besos,
Celia | 1000 LIBROS blog.
Truly beautiful , Heart touching 💕
ReplyDeleteThank you for appreciate
ReplyDeleteLlegar al otro reside en conocer lo que somos desde nuestro adentro. UN abrazo. carlos
ReplyDeleteTeşekkürler güzel yazı için :)
ReplyDeleteInteresting post. The world within our subconscious is so much more complex. :)
ReplyDeleteO mundo vive momentos complicados. Guerra, fome, desunião, ganância pelo poder, pobreza de uns, riqueza desmesurada de outros. Sem dúvida que existem mesmo dois mundos, infelizmente.
Cumprimentos cordiais
Pensamentos e Devaneios Poéticos
Muito interessante!
Good post❤ Very interesting!
Gracias por la visita.
ReplyDeleteUn saludo.
Thanks for your visit to my blog. Yours is a good thought but difficult to get.
That's how it is.
ReplyDeleteMuy interesante todo lo que has dicho, pero yo me quedo con el mundo que conozco.
ReplyDeleteUn saludo
I think that is a very interesting and good thought. I like it. <3
ReplyDeleteYou have an interesting and beautiful blog. <3
ReplyDeleteThis conception of our essence is so beautiful. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteWise and true.
There are thousands of worlds, but no one of them are the true, the really world is beyond all another worlds.
Beautiful post!
ReplyDeleteletras para la reflexión. La meta de la Vida es encontrarnos y conectar con nuestra esencia divina. Cuando nos encontramos y conectamos con nuestro Ser es cuando la vida fluye.
Thank you so much for your kind words ☺️
ReplyDeleteConnecting to ourselves is so important!
ReplyDeletebelle parole incoraggianti, grazie!
ReplyDeleteQué interesante. Un saludo Rajani Rehana.
ReplyDeleteTotalmente de acordo, Rajani. Acredito que seremos capazes de tudo, quando conseguirmos a conexão com o nosso verdadeiro Eu. Belo post! Meu abraço, boa semana.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading ☺️
ReplyDeleteGreat post!!
ReplyDeleteThat's true..nice post.