Satisfied your mind!
Our mind is filled with a lot of things. Most of us keep making our mind different with various tangled threads, from which it becomes difficult to wear a straight thread of choice. The mind is not an enemy. All that is needed is to prevent the threads of ideas from bouncing. There is no place for idols,there is no place for thoughts either. Layers of various thoughts accumulate in our mind. What we are hiding, what we feel, in which relationships we are entangled, which emotions we hold on to for a long time, everything remains recorded in the mind. Gradually the mind becomes so full that there is no place left for any new thought Some important thoughts are buried very low,some important ones are entangled.
Such great advice for the New Year.
ReplyDeleteHai proprio ragione, la prima persona verso cui avere rispetto è proprio se stessi.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWorthwhile thoughts!
ReplyDeleteDobbiamo rispettare noi stessi!
ReplyDeleteInteressante e apropriado: cada um deve responsabilizar-se nas suas acções e actos.
ReplyDeleteFeliz Ano.
SOL da Esteva
ReplyDeleteRajani, very good words! I try to keep my promises.
ReplyDeleteRajani, I give you best wishes for the New, 2025, Year!!!
Una promesa es relevante cumplirla , más cuando tiene que ver con nosotros. Cumplirlas es respetarnos. Un abrazo. Carlos
ReplyDeleteMuy cierto. Feliz año.
ReplyDeleteThanks, good advice. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteOlá, garota! 🤗
ReplyDeleteQue post maravilhoso! Realmente, o cumprimento das promessas que fazemos a nós mesmas é fundamental para construir nossa autoestima e autoconfiança. Pequenas vitórias diárias fazem uma grande diferença e refletem positivamente em todos os aspectos da nossa vida.
Adorei a reflexão e a motivação que trouxe com suas palavras. Obrigada por compartilhar! 🤩😘
Gostei muito da foto e das tuas palavras, bem cheias de sabedoria! beijos, feliz 25! chica
ReplyDeleteVery good to take into account among the challenges of the new year.
ReplyDeleteHappy new year
Best regards
Thank you for the comment on our last post,
ReplyDeleteDamn good advice
ReplyDeleteAchei muito interessante.
ReplyDeleteUm abraço
Certainly something to think about..Wishing you well.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree. Happy New Year.
ReplyDeleteMuito interessante!
Teresa Isabel Silva
Instagram | Pinterest | Linkedint
You are very wise. Happy New Year.
ReplyDeleteOlá, Rajani.
ReplyDeleteSão das mais interessantes e verdadeiras as
suas ponderações. O cumprimento das promessas
no afã de aperfeiçoamentos pessoais é o caminho
mais perto para a construção do que desejamos
Aplausos e tenha um Feliz 2025.
Merci pour ce partage.Amicalement*
ReplyDeleteInteresting and wise reflection.
ReplyDeleteFaith and trust in ourselves are really so important, as this clearly affects our lives.
ReplyDeleteMerci de votre passage
Passez une bonne soirée
bonne soirée
ReplyDeletecoucou merci pour la visite
ReplyDeletebonne soirée bisou tbérèse
Acho que precisamos cumprir as nossas promessas, Rajani: ao fraudá-las, fraudamos a nós mesmos! Meu abraço, boa semana; feliz Ano Novo!
ReplyDeleteI never thought of that, hmm.
ReplyDeleteAsh @ Essentially Ash
Want to follow me on Bookstagram, booktok, add my snapchat or check out my photography?
Merci pour les commentaires sur mon blog.
ReplyDeleteJe suis de cet avis, dans la limite de nos possibilités, il faut se tenir à ce que nous nous sommes promis.
Bonne journée.
I don't make promises. Never. I think we should live in the present moment.
ReplyDeleteWe should treat ourselves better ways
ReplyDeleteOlá Rajani! Obrigada pela visita em meu blog! Que 2025 seja repleto de Paz e Bem! Amei seu cantinho, bjs! Nice.
ReplyDeleteIt also helps me a lot to write down my promises / resolutions.
ReplyDeleteI wish you and everyone who is important to you a healthy, peaceful and happy New Year with many wonderful moments!
Best wishes, Traude
Thank you very much, a very interesting post and I would like to wish you a very happy 2025.
ReplyDeletepetit bonjour chez toi, belle photo de coucher de soleil, il pleut sur notre région mais le froid est annoncé pour le weekend passe un bon jeudi amitiés
ReplyDeleteBjr cet en ce jeudi que je te souhaite une bonne journée après
ReplyDeletela pluie le soleil et froid mais 6°seulement ♥gros bisous chouchouetsesdélires♥
ReplyDeleteMerci de votre passage
Passer une excellente journée
Merci Rehana de partager tes écrits,merci de passer et laisser un petit mot.Bonne journée.Amicalement*
ReplyDeleteBonjour nous ne sommes pas du même pays, donc lorsque tu passes chez moi c'est la nuit je dors et je ne peux pas te répondre immédiatement.
ReplyDeleteMerci de tes trois visites.
Bon week-end et bon vendredi.
Thank you for these words. It is worth considering your goals. Why we want to achieve them. Then everything takes on a completely different meaning, these are no longer "popular New Year's resolutions" but changes coming straight from our hearts. Great post. I will visit here often 😊😊
ReplyDeleteAll the best in 2025.
beau couché de soleil
ReplyDeletepasse une agréable soirée
Bonjour et merci pour ta visite.
ReplyDeleteBon week-end.
Bisou amical.
Cierto, Rajani
ReplyDeleteBuen recordatorio 😊 🏙
Happy 2025 !
ReplyDeleteBonsoir, c'est un très beau couché de soleil, merci de votre visite, A bientôt, M@rie
ReplyDeleteNice post. Thanks.✋️
ReplyDeleteHello Rehana . Thanks for your visit on my blog. Till soon.
ReplyDeleteNice post, thank you ^^
ReplyDelete☘️Bonjour ☘️@mie
ReplyDeleteDésolée pour mon absence d'hier mais :trop fatiguée !
Je viens voir ton bel univers
Pour te souhaiter une @gréable journée
(\__/) .♫Un bon dimanche,@vec du ☀️ au ❤️
(>'.'<) * Car ça caille bien
(")_(") *.De fortes rafales de vent
Plein de bisous je t'envoie
@mitié. ❤️ *Shirley*
I absolutely agree with you. Happy new year!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post :) Regards...
ReplyDeleteDepuis hier, il fait plus froid chez nous. - 12° ce matin et maintenant -6°.
J'ai une pensée pour les sans abris, il y en a toujours autant, que se soit un gouvernement ou un autre.
A part ça, j'espère que comme nous tu as passé un bon week-end et que tu vas bien et ton petit monde aussi.
Voila une nouvelle semaine qui commence, je te la souhaite agréable.
Bisous de nous deux.
Ure probably right about that
P'tit passage pour te dire
ReplyDeleteBonne soirée,bonne nuit ☆
Doux bisous de ❤️*Shirley*
Thanks for your post.
ReplyDeleteI loved it, thanks for the reflection and without a doubt very true, greetings
ReplyDeleteOlá! sou Liliane do Blog paulamar.blogspot.
ReplyDeleteNão faço promessas. Beijo,
A foto que Blog está linda. Moro num Bairro de Praia. A Praia de Boa Viagem. Beijo,
ReplyDeleteHello! thank you for your visit to me blog
ReplyDeleteyour friend Gwladyse
yes I read your messages
ReplyDeleteAdorei! Obrigada pela visita e siga_ me no blog. Eu a seguirei também. Beijos, Donetzka
ReplyDeleteA very interesting and positive article. So nice, and wonderful opinión.
ReplyDeleteOlá, estamos numa época bem boa para refletir sobre este assunto e levá-lo muito a sério. Prometer é fácil, difícil é cumprir com a palavra. Beijos
ReplyDeleteFalar é fácil.mas concretizar,mas vezes é difícil.
ReplyDeleteAgree. We should all treat ourselves better ways
ReplyDeleteHello Rehana
ReplyDeleteMe voici , ce matin prise de sang ! (tôt)
Mais fatiguée ensuite ....sommeil
Il fait meilleur qu'hier un beau ciel
Passe un bon jeudi prend bien soin de toi
Bisous de moi ❤️*Shirley*
ReplyDeleteLe vrai bonheur est dans le calme
De l'esprit et du coeur
Bonne soirée,belle nuit
Gros bisous
petit bonjour chez toi en cette fin de semaine sa passe vite , ce matin il fait moins froid mais il ya du brouillard , je te souhaite une belle journée de Vendredi et un bon weekend
ReplyDeleteGood advice
Dobra rada
ReplyDeletePozdrawiam serdecznie
Bonne et belle soirée
Remplie de tendresse
Mes amies et amis
Doux bisous du coeur
Thank you everyone for visiting my blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my blog! I agree with your post! I like writing down short-term goals. It increases my chance of success and build my confidence in acheiving what comes next! Be well!
Bonne soirée
Suivie d'une belle nuit
Ainsi que de beaux rêves
Pour chacun(e) de vous
Mille bisous ... Rita
Yes! Agree, very nice post. Have a beautiful new year. ❤️
ReplyDeleteSo true! Best wishes for the new year
ReplyDeleteGracias por el post.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree, have a nice day
ReplyDeleteGreat blog.
ReplyDeleteje te souhaite un très lundi;
aussi une bonne new semaine.
Ici le temps se réchauffe, avec un petit soleil.
C'est bien pour la ferme et les animaux l'eau n'est plus gelée.
Et laprès midi je reste au bureau bien au chaud.
Aussi j'espère tout vas bien par chez vous.
Gros bisous
ton amie Scarleen
Me gusto mucho el post. Besos
ReplyDeleteGood thoughts x
ReplyDeleteOh thank you for this good piece of advice!
ReplyDeleteUn consejo muy bueno.
ReplyDeleteUn saludo.
As vezes quebramos nossas promessas internas... Realmente, dá uma sensação de fraqueza.
ReplyDeleteUm abraço! Obrigado pela visita em meu blog.
Hello Rehana
ReplyDeleteUne bonne et belle soirée
💋 *Shirley*
Don't promise what you can't fulfill. Have a good day!
ReplyDeleteGreat blog!
ReplyDeleteYou are right.
ReplyDeleteBueno, hay que cumplir tus promesas para sentirte bien contigo mismo y luego ver como los políticos dejan de cumplir las mismas promesas que has cumplido tú.
ReplyDeleteA good reflection. It makes us feel good when we willingly commit to our goals, although sometimes we cannot achieve them, knowing that we made the effort is also comforting.. Un abrazo, besitos
ReplyDeleteThank you =)
ReplyDeleteGreat post. Wish you a happy new year
Ótimas dicas.
ReplyDeleteAbraço e bom fim de semana!
Mário Margaride
Great blog :)
ReplyDeleteMy two intentions for this new year were to walk every day and blog every day. So far so good.
ReplyDeleteMe too
DeleteExcellent Post.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks.
La imagen es preciosa, el texto para reflexionar con calma. Abrazo
ReplyDeleteMuy interesante, lo que
Besitos dulces
Hello, I'm back to work on the blog.
ReplyDeleteI agree with everything you say!
Very true! Great advice. :)
ReplyDeleteMeu abraço, Rajani; boa semana. Aguardo o próximo post.
ReplyDeleteBonjour de très bons conseils pour cette nouvelle année - bonne fin de semaine amitiés Annick50
ReplyDeleteI love writing little goals for myself throughout the year!
ReplyDeletegood words..
Si no somos fieles a nosotros mismos ¿con quién lo seremos?
ReplyDeleteBuen pensamiento el que nos dejas
Un abrazo
Zgadzam się :)
ReplyDeleteè importante mantenere le promesse, sopratutto con se stessi. Interessante post.
Un abbraccio 🥰
Good post!
ReplyDeleteQuerida amiga, sabios consejos, me encantó
ReplyDeleteAbrazos y te dejo un besitos
Que tengas un feliz día, lleno de amor y felicidad
ReplyDeleteAbrazos y te dejo un besito
You are so right. Thanks for reminding us. Big kiss.
ReplyDeleteEn la condición humana somos muy dados a no cumplir con las promesas que nos hacemos
ReplyDeletePor eso no respondemos a ellas, porque las tomamos con ese mismo espíritu que mentimos. Y, si faltamos a nuestras propias promesas cómo será las que hacemos a los otros. Una oersonalidas tesponsable moralmente empieza, por el respeto a nuestras propias promesas. Un abrazo. Carlos
Querida amiga, importante y cierto lo que que dices.
ReplyDeleteUna delicia visitarte.
Te dejo todo mi cariño y besos
Me parece un buen consejo escribir nuestras promesas, intenciones, propósitos... Ponerlos por escrito, los hace más reales y nos ayuda a mantener el enfoque, el compromiso.(Pequeños pasitos también ayudan... =D)
ReplyDelete¡Qué tengas un gran día!
Good advice.
ReplyDeleteHugs and Blessings
Yes, it's very important! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat and beautiful words. All the best dear Rajani.