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Only the ability to work harder than we desire can make us positive. 🤗🤗

Only the ability to work harder than we desire can make us positive.There is nothing that can not be changed. When we rise above selfishness and are ready to do something for others keeping our time in mind, we become positive. It is true that it is impossible that any work done by you does not yield results.  Everything depends on how you do the work.  We keep trying to know everyone. Who is doing what? Who brought what? We keep an eye on everyone, but what we do not know is where is our happiness? Look at others, but be loyal to yourself too. Our perspective should be positive. Staying on unwanted paths for a long time weakens the body and mind.  You can make life joyful by being rich in energy and positivity.  Always remain enthusiastic and keep yourself full of energy. This will give a new identity to your personality. Your self-confidence will increase, you will be able to climb the ladder of success in life very quickly. 

You will gradually open yourself, life will fill you with the same enthusiasm.

You will gradually open yourself, life will fill you with the same enthusiasm. Generally we see the world through our eyes. Depending on our satisfaction,we accept some completely, some partially, while some also give appreciation and encouragement. How do we view neglect?we see the world from a particular point of view, this is also important in you. Generally, people do not understand that they see the world from a particular point of view, whereas they do not lack anything else. This attitude can also be mental thinking.

You are the master of your life and the universe is obeying your every command.

You are the master of your life and the universe is obeying your every command. Your mind has the creative power to create  everything. Your ability to think is unlimited,so are the things you can think and bring into extence. When you truly know this, your mind becomes aware of its own unlimited nature. I have found in my life and in the lives of others that we do not think well of ourselves or love ourselves fully. When we do not love ourselves,we are actually pushing away the things we want. Everything we want is motivated by love.

We have to make our heart big!

Nothing happens in life by escapism, unless the situation is changed.changing the place does not solve the problem.  Remember that our biggest enemy is our bad nature.  As soon as our nature becomes soft, we will get respect from everywhere, not contempt.  Changing the place does not make a crow a cuckoo.  Changing the school does not change the class.changing the class depends on our ability and eligibility and the studies of the whole year etc.  As soon as we face a difficult situation, we adopt an escapist attitude, but do not change our nature and nature.water is important, not well; the destination is important, not the path.  Similarly, in life, not only soft speech, but also appropriate language and self- conscious behaviour are important. We are often influenced by others. If someone praises us, we become happy. If we are called intelligent, we start considering ourselves clever. On the contrary, if we are called stubborn, an...

Thoughts have so much power that they have the ability to change lives.

Thoughts have so much power that they have the ability to change lives. However, it depends on you what kind of thoughts you bring into your mind.  Positive thoughts sow the seeds of positivity in our mind and make us civilized and cultured, giving the right direction to our lives.while negative thoughts weaken our energy and mislead us.  Everything in this world starts with a thought.  Big things become bigger as more people contribute their thoughts to them after they appear.  If we take our mind off the bad thing and focus on love, that bad things can not exist. It will disappear.