Only the ability to work harder than we desire can make us positive. 🤗🤗
Only the ability to work harder than we desire can make us positive.There is nothing that can not be changed. When we rise above selfishness and are ready to do something for others keeping our time in mind, we become positive. It is true that it is impossible that any work done by you does not yield results. Everything depends on how you do the work. We keep trying to know everyone. Who is doing what? Who brought what? We keep an eye on everyone, but what we do not know is where is our happiness? Look at others, but be loyal to yourself too. Our perspective should be positive. Staying on unwanted paths for a long time weakens the body and mind. You can make life joyful by being rich in energy and positivity. Always remain enthusiastic and keep yourself full of energy. This will give a new identity to your personality. Your self-confidence will increase, you will be able to climb the ladder of success in life very quickly.
Gracias por los buenos consejos, estoy contigo, es un trabajo nuestro, miremos por nosotros para ser felices y hacer felices a los demás. Feliz finde. Un abrazo
ReplyDeleteGreat Post
SOL da Esteva
Very fantastic thoughts related to our lives and relationship with other people. 😉👍
ReplyDeleteThe best wishes for you and have a nice day. Best regards 😘💖
Thank you for reading 🤗🤗
ReplyDeleteTime is gold, said the writer.
ReplyDeleteI come to wish you and yours a very happy Easter Party.
I couldn't agree more!
ReplyDeleteVery true and well written :-D
ReplyDeleteAsí debería ser, sólo fluir.
Profunda reflexion te mando un beso. Enamorada de las letras
ReplyDeleteUn contenuto intenso e molto interessante, che condivido nel suo profondo significato. Buona Pasqua,silvia
ReplyDeleteA veces gastamos nuestra energía en cosas innecesarias y cuando llega el momento de utilizarlas, en cosas que realmente merecen la pena, ya se han agotado las pilas para emprender esa buena tarea. Hay que saber dosificarlas y seleccionar en que emplearlas.
ReplyDeleteFeliz día de descanso.
Boa tarde!
ReplyDeleteUma Páscoa abençoada!
🐰👄🐰Megy Maia
Muito bom o texto, desajeitado uma boa Páscoa bjs.
ReplyDeleteSono d'accordo con te ! Felice settimana e saluti.
ReplyDeleteRajani, Buonasera e buona notte di Pasquetta sì buona spazio sera
ReplyDeleteBuona l'aggettivo che esprime una sensazione del cuore felice lungimirante dell'infinito incerto
Sera la fine di una giornata di tanti pensieri preoccupazioni e tante cose fatte
Bueno post!
Kisses ;*
Great blog please read my post.
ReplyDeleteAnd listen to my music:
Hay que actuar con mente y corazón. Saber elegir en qué emplear nuestro tiempo y hacerlo bien.
ReplyDeleteGracias por vuestra visita, amigos.
Mi abrazo y mi ánimo.
Thank you for reading🤗
ReplyDeletede bonnes ondes
ReplyDeletebonne journée
Excelente texto para reflexão.
ReplyDeleteGostei de ler.
Grato, pela visita.
Boa semana.
Mário Margaride
Unos consejos realmente espléndidos.
ReplyDeleteHi Rajani,
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with your thoughts and it is the way I intend to live the most I can. Thank you so much for visiting blog.
Kind Regards
Excelente blogue. Parabéns.
ReplyDeleteThis writing invites us to a great deal of reflection
ReplyDeleteWonderful quote and writing ~ such truths ~ namaste,
ReplyDeleteWishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Sehr schön 😊
ReplyDeleteÉ isso mesmo, devemos amar as pessoas, mas também devemos ter o cuidado de não anular a nós mesmos. Um abraço!
ReplyDeleteÉ bom ler textos
que nos inspiram e sermos
melhores a ca da dia.
Grata por ler no Espelhando.
Deep thought, as usual.I may say that most of the people are lived by their life, unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteFinding those friends with whom we resonate it's a must, but not all the time we understand this,
because the start should be understanding us, understanding our goal.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Rajani!😘❤️
Making good choices is a difficult task - as we often forget ourselves, and spend our energy on things that donnot deserve it.
Prazer em conhecê-la. Um beijo
ReplyDeletee muito obrigado.
Hi, Rajani!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful text! It that you wrote
is beautiful and true! I already
apply this to my life and it's the
Thank you for visit and
comment in my blog! Check
back often. 💐🎈
~Letters from Gleize. 💌💕
Thanks to all of you your kind words🤗
ReplyDeleteSo true.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful blog.
ReplyDeleteMuito bom o texto, é sempre maravilhoso conhecer pensamentos novos!
ReplyDeleteAproveito para desejar um excelente tempo pascal!!
Me alegra saluidarte
ReplyDeleteun abrazo
Hello!! amazing post, thanks for sharing.
Belo blog!
ReplyDeletesuch an enjoyable read...and this is so true!! thanks for visiting me!!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful blog 👍
ReplyDeleteJ'ai lu vos articles il y a quelques jour et je vous approuve :-)
ReplyDeleteAsí debe ser amar y enseñar al otro sin descuidarnos a nosotros mismos< solo así será `psobñe el cambio
ReplyDeleteUn gran placer leerte Rajani Rehana
Un abrazo
Eine wirklich weise Wahrheit, liebe Rajana!
ReplyDeleteWise and inspiring words! Wishing you a beautiful day. xx K
ReplyDeleteI loved the reflection. We should spend energy only on constructive things.
En total acuerdo contigo Rajani.
ReplyDeleteUn abrazo.
Muito bom!
Thanks to all of you🙏
ReplyDeleteI 100% agree with this!!
ReplyDeleteIt seems you've got a vast life experience, as your words and ideas really make sense.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful....and energy is a big thing. You realize it when your energy seems to slip away....
ReplyDeleteIf only t was that simple. Have a good day Diane
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAunque suene como oxímoron, sí; absolutamente. Pero sin ser egoísta.
ReplyDeleteThe thing you wrote in a caption is so true.
ReplyDeletegood post my broo
ReplyDeleteThanks to all of you ☺️
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Hugs and blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteGreat reflection.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your words.
Have a nice day.
Awesome post, thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteWeise Gedanken breitest du vor deinen Besuchern aus, besinnlich und interessant, danke.
ReplyDeleteSende einen lieben Gruß in deinen Tag, Karin Lissi
Welcome. You can share at
ReplyDeleteMosaicMonday, if you like.
ReplyDeleteThank you
ReplyDeleteYour wisdom shines through on every post. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteAmo la sencillez y humildad
ReplyDeletede quienes saben llenar cada día
con el aroma y armonía de la alegría.
Muy profundo y lleno de sabiduría
un gusto leerte.
Un cordial saludo.
Es verdad, a veces gastamos muchas energias procurando cambiar personas o situaciones que no cambiaran, cuando en realidad tenemos que enfocarnos en nosotros, en nuestros propositos y en ser felices. Saludos y gracias por visitar mis espacios.
ReplyDeleteBuenos consejos nos compartes, rajani.
ReplyDeleteEl tiempo es tan importante que debemos cuidar de no malgastar, al igual que la energía.
Gracias, también por tu amabilidad en visitarme.
Saludos! 🌸
Bom dia, Rajani
ReplyDeleteLinda postagem, como é gratificante encontrar pessoas que gostam da nossa companhia, é um verdadeiro presente de Deus, obrigada pelas felicitações no meu blog, gostei muito, abraços.
Il cuore da solo muore e raffredda nei sentimenti fino a divenire insensibile e egoista e egocentrista. Meglio un sorriso anche ad uno sconosciuto che ci suscita libertà
ReplyDeleteProfunda reflexión te mando un beso.
ReplyDeleteUn post genial, me gusto mucho. Besos
ReplyDeletenice posting....
ReplyDeletegood blog
Very nice, thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteBuona serata.
I totally agree with your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to interact with people who don't like me.
I speak from experience, we have not had contact with them for 5 years and that gives a lot of peace.
Greetings Irma
Es verdad no debemos emplear nuestra energía en cosas que no merecen la pena, muy de acuerdo con tus palabras. Un abrazo.
ReplyDeletevery nice and clever thoughts. Thank you for sharing them.
Sono dello stesso parere :) Se hai letto alcuni articoli sul mio blog, avrai notato che siamo in sintonia.
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting me. I enjoyed reading your wise words.
ReplyDeleteOh, yes! you have said a truth as huge as a temple! This is how we must try to live, surround ourselves with people like us; toxic people, outside. We want to be at peace.
ReplyDeleteGreetings dear friend! ♥
Wonderful thoughts.
ReplyDeleteMany greetings
Hello! thanks for visit muy blog. I agreed with you on how important it is to spend time with the right people.
ReplyDeleteInteresting post, thanks!
ReplyDeleteMuy buena reflexión. Un beso
ReplyDeleteOh this post about energy is everything
ReplyDeleteThank you so much
Muy buenos consejos, muy interesante, saludos.
ReplyDeletePATRICIA F.
Beautiful blog.
ReplyDeleteLo intentaré.
ReplyDeleteUn saludo
At the present time I can't make my life like a heaven because of the War with NATO.
ReplyDeleteMuy buen consejo, seria excelente dirigir nuestros pasos hacia ese paraíso. Si, somos artífices de nuestro destino, dentro de nuestras limitaciones como humanos. Un abrazo Rajani
ReplyDeletepost interessante.
ReplyDeleteRelendo. Muito bom.
SOL da Esteva
Es muy cierto
Very true! Great post! :)
ReplyDeleteI love your positive message!
ReplyDeleteMe encantan tus reflexiones y ese darnos cuenta de que queremos y qué somos autores en nuestras vidas. Gracias
ReplyDeleteIt is true.
ReplyDeleteGreat words. Thanks for sharing.
Your suggestion is great !
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to spend time with people who understand us, who we can relate to, who we connect with. The pictures you share with your words are magical.
ReplyDeleteHappy May!
Circondarsi di persone che ci fanno star bene è importante, contribuisce alla nostra felicità di ogni giorno!
ReplyDeleteCondivido pienamente... Non perdere tempo ed energia con chi non lo merita!
ReplyDeleteThe universe will return the love we place in our loved ones. Your post contains a beautiful message. Greetings from Buenos Aires.
Lovely thought!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing these wise words! This text is well written.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. Indeed this post is so wise.
ReplyDeleteThat's true!
Warm May greetings!
Thank you so much😊😊
ReplyDeleteInteresting posts. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteBuenísimo e interesante texto. Un abrazo
ReplyDeleteyes you are right. Time is limited and energy is more limited than that! We should spend our energy on the right people and the right things! Thank you for posted! ♥
ReplyDeleteYou're right. We only have a certain amount of energy to spend....and we should spend it where it matters most.