We have to make our heart big!

Nothing happens in life by escapism, unless the situation is changed.changing the place does not solve the problem.  Remember that our biggest enemy is our bad nature.  As soon as our nature becomes soft, we will get respect from everywhere, not contempt.  Changing the place does not make a crow a cuckoo.  Changing the school does not change the class.changing the class depends on our ability and eligibility and the studies of the whole year etc.  As soon as we face a difficult situation, we adopt an escapist attitude, but do not change our nature and nature.water is important, not well; the destination is important, not the path.  Similarly, in life, not only soft speech, but also appropriate language and self- conscious behaviour are important. We are often influenced by others. If someone praises us, we become happy. If we are called intelligent, we start considering ourselves clever. On the contrary, if we are called stubborn, angry, selfish and greedy, then

As a child, we jump with joy in small things!!

As a child, we jump with joy in small things. Life may seem difficult when we grow up, but our happy moments are as simple as that. A lot of our time and money is spent in search of happiness. It doesn't matter even if you get happiness by doing this. But the problem is that the more we run after happiness, the more we run after it.
Expectations are the root of unhappiness,so perhaps instead of expecting anything to make us happy all the time,we need to prioritize only the things that make us happy - even if they seem like wasting others'time. Are only then can we visit our happy places more often and stay where we want.


  1. I think that everyone of us would must to rember how everything was great during childhood and honestly try to enjoy little thing daily as adults!!!

  2. Un articolo interessante che ho molto apprezzato. Cari saluti,silvia

  3. That is so true! I agree :-D

  4. Mejor que buscar la felicidad deberíamos disfrutarla. Aprender de los niños, que nunca esperan el gran momento, sino que disfrutan de cada instante que les place.
    Un beso,

  5. It is true what you wrote because as children we were also happy with the little things in our life path. The little presents we recieves. Back then there was non things that make now many unhappy. One was satisfied with what one had and now will many sheet only power and money. But money can buy a lot but not everything. And I am grateful for what I may receive and grateful for the little moments. Happiness is also in the little things that may surround us all.

  6. I very much needed to read this today. Thank you.

  7. It's so true and so simple, but still people don't understand the essence!
    I pray that it's not too late for an awaken...
    Thank you for sharing these thoughts.
    Be well and inspired!

  8. Absolutely correct. That's so true. I agree. Have a wonderful day. Greetings.

  9. I have chosen to be childish in a creative way - this proves to be a great therapy as well,
    Huggs :)

  10. Wise reflection, that's right, we get tired of running and mcuhas times in vain, as most of the time in the things senvillas is.
    Happy weekend.
    Best regards.

  11. Life lived well moment by moment în its simple moments - I say it îs spiritual joy (or hapiness)👍...kisses ❤️

  12. I agree. It's true! Have a nice day!

  13. Jag är gammal nu - tyvärr måste jag erkänna det, men för bara några år sen så sa jag istället att jag var "lite äldre"! Men trots min ålder så är jag som ett barn i vissa sammanhang...

  14. Linda mensagem. Nossa infância é como uma caixinha que temos guardados com carinho em nossa memória. Amei o texto nos leva a lembrar de nossos momentos qdo criança. Bjs querida

  15. La felicità iniziamo a cercarla con il primo vestito alla nascita da luogo dove tutto c'era stato gratis il seno materno ad un mondo che dobbiamo conquistarci

  16. Forget what we learned as adults, to recover the wisdom and ingenuity of children. Learn to look at life through the eyes of children. That is the path that humanity must take if we want to hope again!

    Thank you for your visit, a pleasure to discover your blog...
    Also, what a coincidence! our blogs thousands of km away, saying the same thing

  17. Beautiful and wise reflection. It's no use running around trying to find happiness, it's so often in the little things of everyday life, we just need to know how to observe with our heart.
    Have a nice weekend

  18. De niños disfrutamos con cualquier cosas y en ocasiones compramos las cosas mas caras no solo para nosotros y luego nos hace feliz cualquier cosa.


  19. Beautiful and wise words. Happiness is right in front of us if we take a closer look. Thanks for reminding us and have a wonderful weekend.

  20. Cuánta verdad en tus palabras. La felicidad es para sentir el instante, para disfrutar de los pequeños detalles. Besos :D

  21. E' vero, questa situazione ha insegnato a molti di noi l'importanza delle piccole cose. Piccole cose insignificanti che invece significano spesso molto. Dobbiamo iniziare ad apprezzarle. Questo è un vecchio mantra ma sempre valido

  22. Dovremmo cercare di essere felici con le cose piccole. Saluti

  23. Money doesn't buy happiness or love and many other things. What you wrote is true..take care.

  24. Debemos aprovechar cada instante de felicidad que la vida nos regala, ella toca a la puerta y debemos estar despiertos a disfrutarla
    Buen spot Rahani
    Un abrazo

  25. Io sono come un bambino, si miei anni sono 66, ictus: afasia. Leggo, ma non è semplice per capire. Il mio carattere sempre con un sorriso e parlo miei nipotini e parlo, in Chiesa, i bambini!

  26. Yes, I think you're right, we are always trying to chase happiness, when most of the time it's right in front of us, the little things that come up and surface every day. It is our Thanksgiving this Thursday. I'm thankful for your special blog posts.


  27. También prefiero la felicidad de las cosas pequeñas de cada día. Muchas gracias por tu post, Rajani. Un abrazo.

  28. You have made a great point...very interesting post. Thanks for visiting our blog.

  29. I agree about expectations. Happiness comes more easily from living each moment.

  30. Totalmente de acuerdo. Un comentario muy acertado.
    Un abrazo.

  31. Parabéns pelo seu excelente trabalho. Uma ótima quarta-feira.

  32. I agree. Perfect reflection.
    Have a nice day.

  33. As an adult, I think finding joy/happiness in small, simple things. A hot cup of tea on a cold morning. Enjoy your day

  34. Hay que disfrutar el día a día como cuando éramos pequeños, la felicidad nos encuentra a nosotros.


  35. Hola Rajani , muy buen post es más es una buena reflexión en estos tiempo que vamos tan acelerados , tendríamos que pensar en que la felicidad no esta en lo material , y lo más importante es saber conformarse con lo que se tienen no crees ? me gusta mucho tú blog.
    Desde hoy te sigo , te deseo una feliz mañana besos de flor.

  36. A simplicidade conduz- nos as pequenas coisas que nos passam despercebidas e obriga- nos a reflexão do que é importante na vida.
    Muito belo!

  37. Beautiful and so true thanks for sharing!!!

  38. Bueno, a mi me gusta ver dibujos animados para niños, pero no cualquier dibujo animado, soy bastante selectivo: Anfibilandia y Lady Bug. Y luego lo convino con reportajes de Discovery Max de curiosidades de la tierra o extraterrestres.

  39. Da bambina ero felice con poco, però devo dire che, anche adesso mi accontento di poco. Saluti.

  40. Thanks for sharing.
    I invite you to visit my last post. Have a good week!

  41. Bardzo mądre i przemyślane sformułowanie. ;)

  42. Happiness comes from within.
    It is so often the simple things in life that can provide happiness.

    All the best Jan

  43. Prosím piš sem https://anime-asie.blogspot.com/2022/11/vzkazy-reklamy.html?m=0

  44. Yo creo que tendríamos que disfrutar más de las pequeñas cosas del día a día.
    Un saludo.

  45. You are completely right, I guess every adult experiences such nostalgic moments once in a while.

  46. how beautiful life was when we were little...

  47. Very interesting post. Thanks for sharing.


  48. Creo que todos llevamos ese niño dentro, y algunos lo ocultan, pero que sensación tan agradable recordar. Un abrazo.

  49. Yes, small things can make us happy. We have to set our minds to look and appreciate the small things as well as the big ones! Thank you for visiting my blog.

  50. Wise words. Happiness is yours if you want it.

  51. Inquestionavelmente sim, caríssima, Rajani.
    A expectativa futura em excesso prejudica,
    consideravelmente, o que podemos produzir no
    presente. Vivamos com simplicidade e gratos
    pela dádiva da vida.
    Aplausos e um cordial e fraterno abraço.

  52. Happiness is (sadly) based on circumstances. True joy however is rooted in a relationship with God. Thanks for visiting my blog and inviting me to look at yours. God bless you this CHristmas season

  53. Grazie per essere passato. Buona settimana.

  54. "we jump with joy in small things"...splendid! I think so. Most of the time in small things we find the most important experience of our life

  55. Yes, that's true. The older I get, the more I enjoy nature, animals and reading. Home is a great comfort.

  56. Muito lindo! beijos, tudo de bom,chica

  57. SO great post


  58. It's true. We live with unrealistic expectations. That's why we're so unhappy. We want the "Seventh Heaven", not the simple things. ;-)

  59. A infância é a melhor parte da vida onde a felicidade está presente e sempre damos pulos de alegria! Quem dera se na idade adulta tudo continuasse como na infância!!
    Adorei o post!!
    Linda e especial semana!!!

  60. Genial reflexion. Te mando un beso.

  61. It's so true. You've hit the nail on the head.

  62. A veces la felicidad la tenemos muy cerca de nosotros, pero no la vemos porque andamos ciegos buscándola, hay muchas y maravillosas cosas cada día que amanece, solo tenemos que verlas con los ojos del corazón.
    Te dejo mi abrazo fraterno y colmado de gratitud con mis mejores deseos de felicidad para ti.

  63. Inspirative story and good opinion. Support each other. Thx

  64. Gracias Rehani, por visitar mi blog cristiano....la verdad es que la felicidad completa no existe, sólo existen los momentos felices, y estos pueden venir acompañados de la presencia de Dios, que es una de las experiencas más lindas que yo he tenido y donde he hallado verdadera felicidad. Un abrazo para ti.

  65. La felicidad está en nosotros mismos, dentro de nuestra mente, no hay truco para ella es vivir el día día con ilusión.
    Hay cosas que las tenemos a nuestro alcance solo hay que tener los ojos y corazón dispuesto a ofrecer y saber recibir, en ello los más pequeños sin sabios en esa tarea.
    No dejemos de ser niños nunca.
    Un fuerte abrazo

  66. Grazie dei graditi commenti, buon fine settimana e un saluto,silvia

  67. Hola. Tenemos mucho que aprender de los niños. La felicidad no está en las cosas sino en las experiencias vividas. Gracias por visitar mi blog.

  68. Very good. Yes. If we don't do the things that make us happy now when we are going to do them. After twenty years?

  69. A mi parecer, la felicidad es un camino, no un destino. Saludos.

  70. Uma postagem digna de reflexão. Parabéns!

  71. Gracias !
    Importante disfrutar el dia a dia …. Buena reflexión.

  72. La felicidad. Un secreto gigante.
    Fuerte como roca, frágil como un ave.
    Somos los responsables de su estancia en nuestro corazón.
    Cómo conquistarla...
    Uf... es una tarea enorme. Para voluntades de hierro.

    Saludos, Rajani. Un gusto estar en tu blog 🖋

  73. Excelente!
    "Breve y bueno, dos veces bueno".

  74. It's true.
    It happened to me lots of times

  75. Very real. I agree with your words.
    Greetings from Poland!

  76. Olá!

    Concordo plenamente, a felicidade está nas pequenas coisas.
    Tenha uma semana repleta de luz
    Abraços Loiva

  77. Such a lovely post!! Thanks for sharing :)

    Ben | Infinitely Posh.

  78. I think that as an adult it is good to hang on to simple things that make us happy. Thus, we remain somewhat a curious child.

  79. thnaks for sharing that is so true

  80. Si algún dia el ser humano disfrutara de cuanto se nos dá, sin querer ambicionar tanto y seamos cercanos y solidarios a todos, teniendo la conciencia limpia....no tendriamos que correr tras la felicidad porque nos llegaria con la paz....
    Una preciosa entrada por la que te felicito
    Un abrazo

  81. I think that as adults we have to learn and enjoy every little thing our Life presents us, day by day!
    Thank you <3
    Daniela at ~ My little old world ~

  82. Thank you so much for your kind words

  83. Olá Rajani
    Linda postagem, a felicidade está nas pequenas coisas da vida, Jesus é alegria completa, um forte abraço.

  84. Beautiful and so true thanks for sharing :)

  85. This is a very good post, nicely written.

  86. Paso a saludarte y darte las buenas noches, felices sueños.

  87. Tomar la vida desde la descomplicación como la asume un niño es el camino. Un abrazo. Carlos

  88. 🍓✨ 🎅🏼🎄✨🍓🌲✨
    🍓✨ 🎅🏼🎄✨🍓🌲✨
    🍓✨ 🎅🏼🎄✨🍓🌲✨

  89. Beautiful text. Happiness is in small moments

  90. There is no need to search for happiness - it will find you out. It can be elusive.

  91. Olá!

    Que sua semana seja repleta de luz
    Abraços loiva

  92. ¡Hola preciosa!
    Bonita reflexión.

    ❀ Fantasy Violet ❀
    Besotes! 💋💋

  93. Interesting and wise reflection.
    High expectations do not always bring the results we would like. It's often the little things that happen in our day-to-day life that offer us true moments of happiness.
    Greetings and all the best

  94. Childhood is the most wonderful time in a person's life. Many of us can enjoy a carefree time, we don’t know the real world and its problems.
    It’s very sad, tragic that millions of children around the world cannot experience a happy childhood: wars, hard labor, exploitation by other people or alcohol and drugs by parents....

  95. São as expectativas que por vezes, deixam escapar bons e verdadeiros momentos, porque não os soubemos apreciar em toda a sua autenticidade!
    A felicidade encontra-se em tantas coisas simples, que será por isso que tanta vez nos passa despercebida!
    Excelente reflexão! Tudo de bom para 2023!

  96. Life is Life. But when to be children passed people have more opportunities too. You can read. https://tantrarktarot.blogspot.com Then perhaps you Will open the mind to new concepts and the best experiences of Life. Thank You.


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