Satisfied your mind!

Our mind is filled with a lot of things. Most of us keep making our mind different with various tangled threads, from which it becomes difficult to wear a straight thread of choice. The mind is not an enemy.  All that is needed is to prevent the threads of ideas from bouncing. There is no place for idols,there is no place for thoughts either.  Layers of various thoughts accumulate in our mind. What we are hiding, what we feel, in which relationships we are entangled, which emotions we hold on to for a long time, everything remains recorded in the mind.  Gradually the mind becomes so full that there is no place left for any new thought Some important thoughts are buried very low,some important ones are entangled.    

Acknowledge your fears, doubts and anxieties!!

Acknowledge your fears, doubts and anxieties. Step up. Work on your goals until you achieve them. Along the way, you may encounter objections and ridicule. Those people are not necessarily bad, but the universe may have sent them to test you on how committed you are to your goals.


  1. Concordo na íntegra com o teor do texto. Foto deslumbrante
    Cumprimentos cordiais.
    Pensamentos e Devaneios Poéticos

  2. Incrível essa foto!

    Boa semana!

    O JOVEM JORNALISTA está no ar com muitos posts e novidades! Não deixe de conferir!

    Jovem Jornalista

    Até mais, Emerson Garcia

  3. So very true and well written :-D

  4. Interesting ideas, nice photo.

  5. Siempre me gusta leer tus consejos y reflexiones, son muy buenos. Besos :D

  6. Yes. You should have a goal and boldly strive for it. However, harmony and joy should not be forgotten. Nothing at all costs...

  7. A beautiful image and wise ideas. But I think there are not many people 'trained' to think that the Universe tests them. But if we pay attention, this truth is revealed to us and it's so good to find it!
    Thank you for your new post!
    All the best and a fine weekend!

  8. Thank you for the reminder.

  9. "𝐴𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑙𝑒𝑑𝑔𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑓𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠, 𝑑𝑜𝑢𝑏𝑡𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑥𝑖𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠. 𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑝 𝑢𝑝." - to know about it is a great awareness 😊 You write about very important matters 👌

  10. Thanks for the reminder. Great advice! :)

  11. Interesting and unique picture you have shared with your words. Have a peaceful Sunday.


  12. Beautiful! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a kind comment.

  13. Of course! with some courage and a lot of faith
    there will be nothing impossible to achieve.
    Many hugs and kisses, happy Sunday!

  14. Rajani Rehana; el autoconocimiento es pilar para encausarse en la vida. Sin él no tendremos claro a dónde vamos ni que queremos.
    La superación de los obstáculos es el continuo aprendizaje; es la vida.
    Hermosa fotografía acompaña vuestra reflexión.

  15. Hello my friend- hope you are well :)

  16. The universe takes care of everything.

  17. Really needed to read this today, and you're right, these things are all so simple

  18. Your words are very inspiring. Thank you for your visit.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. That's absoultely true, I loved the picture

  21. Thank you for your kind words.

  22. What a beautiful picture and beautiful words.
    Greetings Irma

  23. Good to be positive working on your goals...nice post.

  24. That is a real great picture -amazing- All the best, Violetta

  25. Interesting post and a lovely image. Take care, have a great day!

  26. It can be very difficult to acknowledge your anxieties.

  27. Yes, thats are very interesting and a great picture, wonderful!!


  28. Good point! I also find that sometimes people who doubt and criticize me actually give me the best motivation to achieve my goals and conquer my fears. I'll do anything to prove them wrong. Ha ha.

  29. Yes, that's right, we are maker of our own goals.

  30. Merci Rehana, je vais méditer sur ce sujet. Apaisement et sérénité au programme !

  31. Muito interessante o post, concordo!
    A foto está linda!

  32. Very true and real, how difficult it is to deal with some situations like this with those circumstances.
    Best regards.

  33. Good approach. The photo is great!
    Have a happy week!

  34. Beautiful thoughts and a look at reality.

  35. Determinação e persistência... estas são as chaves do sucesso! Meu abraço, boa semana.

  36. Great photo! Uplifting words. :)

  37. Its a good text.
    Have a nice day, my dear friend.

  38. Una buena reflexión siempre a tener en cuenta. Hermosa foto. Un abrazo.

  39. Verdadeiro. Obrigada pela visita ao meu blg.

  40. Interesting words written. There is ways to help self through struggles in life. Asking God for help in times in life is good as we keep on reminding self the good times in life. Good picture.

  41. Great read today. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  42. Bom restinho de semana!
    Beijos! 😘🌼

  43. as you always write: "awesome post" :-) :-) :-)

  44. Thank you so much for reading ☺️

  45. Bellissima foto e parole significative!

  46. I start my new job on Wednesday just now!

  47. This is so profound! Spoke to me today! Fabulous photo!

  48. Thank you, dear friend! Your advice is wonderful!

  49. Me ha encantado pasar por tu blog querida Rajani, sobre todo porque escribes muy bien en español.
    Un abrazo desde Madrid (España).

  50. I agree. Only by acknowledging your fears and realizing that the road of life is often unpaved can you begin to get a grip on them.

  51. Carissima, la prego di non lasciare i suoi commenti. Ci sono delle regole da rispettare. Non si può scrivere bel post, vieni a leggere il mio. I suoi sono solo modi per avere tante visite.

  52. Buonasera Rajani gli obiettivi sono indispensabili per condurre una vita sana,
    è bene però porsi qualcosa che ne valga la pena
    È sufficiente desiderare essere un buon cittadino e mantenere la parola non è semplice ci aiuta la nostra preparazione, cultura e intraprendenza non dimentichiamo però la forza che dà la preghiera

  53. Le paure e le ansie, così come gli errori e le ansie fanno parte della vita

  54. Always with the tests, Universe! But in all seriousness, wise words to go with a breathtaking picture. 🧡

  55. Autoconhecimento é fundamental para um bom relacionamento com os outros e a vida.

    Um abraço. Tudo de bom.
    APON NA ARTE DA VIDA 💗 Textos para sentir e pensar & Nossos Vídeos no Youtube.

  56. Es una especie de conocerse así para obrar positivamente. Nada que ataje el hacer como el miedo y las dudas. Un abrazo. Carlos

  57. Ragani, Did you know there is a different and much better version of Abraham Lincolns Gettysburg Address from 1855 that is often unfairly overlooked, allow me to quote it here: "I promise you all that i shall find a way to travel forward in time by 130 years to 1985 and when i arrive there i will immediately locate the quite astonishing 17 year-old mega-titted beauty called Pauline Hickey, and, as God is my witness, i shall then proceed to spend 1000 years having my willy squashed and squeezed between the birds mind-bogglingly unbelievable tits, 24 hours-a-day, non-stop, uninterrupted, for the entire millennium (and jizz literally a gallon of spunk all over the birds amazingly perfect knockers every 10 minutes during the whole 1000 year period, obviously ! ! !). This i do for you the people. For America will gain in strength and power every time my willy unloads another massive wad of spunk all over THE most stunningly perfect tits in the entire history of the universe". Now, i think you`ll all agree Rajani, that 'REAL' and 'TRUE' Gettysburg Address is much more preferable to the ludicrously false and phoney one we`ve been reading for the last 167 years ! ! !.

  58. Olá Rajani!
    Tem um ditado que diz:
    Todos que passam por nós deixam um pouco de sí e levam um pouco de nós.
    Amei sua frase.
    Tenha uma semana repleta de luz
    Abraços Loiva

  59. What an inspiring post, it’s very powerful. Thank you so much for sharing this. It is very insightful! Wishing you well, Have a wonderful week!

  60. Thank you for the encouragement!

  61. This is true. Web need to acknowledge our fears, doubts and anxieties, to know ourselves better. Thank you very much for your advices, Rajani Rehana.

  62. Fantástica foto! Concordo plenamente com o texto .
    Obrigada pela partilha

  63. Uma imagem espetacular. Texto bom pra refletir. Lindo seu cantinho. Bjs


    Buena reflexión.


  65. Thank you for your kind comments 😊

  66. Dear friend.

    I believe that happiness is in the journey.

    Have a great weekend.

  67. Um texto verdadeiramente inspirador! Às vezes o universo, coloca-nos à prova... e todas as dificuldades nos proporcionam aprendizagem.
    E também adorei a imagem!!! Beijinhos! Continuação de uma excelente semana!

  68. La majorité d'entre nous ne fait pas d'effort pour regarder autour d'elle pour voir de plus près cet univers que nous feignons de voir en face en vérité car il est plus facile de vivre au quotidien sans s'encombrer de ce qui risque de nous mettre en face des réalités que l'on préfère ignorer. Ignorer donc, est plus facile pour beaucoup. Merci pour votre visite. Zika.


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