Life doesn't run according to the rules of one's personality and it runs according to its natural rules.

Life does not run according to the rules of one's personality and it runs according to its natural rules. 
Many times in life it happens that we do not get the thing or achievement that we want with great desire. Then we try to get  forcefully. This is a big mistake of man, because by this effort we waste our precious time as well as our energy. In this way a person fills his mind with a lot of negativity. The clearer our understanding of this fact is, the better our life  will be  that we cannot have control over every aspect of nature. 
Sometimes nature🌿🍃 wants that there should be some emptiness in our life and mind so that when the right time comes, that emptiness can be filled by creating  suitable creation. 
Remember that the creation of a beautiful picture is possible only on an empty canvas. 


  1. Hermosas palabras, para ponerse a reflexionar... Me gustó mucho la frase del final del relato! Besos por ahí!!!

  2. Words to consider. We can get focused on the wrong things.

  3. Very profound. Good words :-D

  4. I know a saying: if you want to make God laugh then tell him about your plans.
    Unfortunately, but it's true that many of our dreams are only our dreams. They will never come true for various reasons.
    I salute you!

  5. This is my first time visiting your blog. this is very good, keep writing. I also wrote something on my blog. Thank Youuuuui

  6. Great, my friend. Inspired words.
    Abrazo hasta vos.

  7. Dear friend,
    When you insistently leave your words "great blog" or "please read my post" on my blog for five and more times and you can’t see your comments published, it’s because they went to the spam.
    Do not try to get the result by force...
    Please, read YOUR post here and thinking on! Sage words, but they are valid also for you.
    Thank you for reading.

  8. Sono d'accordo con il commento di Alice. Trovo che sia del tutto inutile e un po' mortificante per le persone cui fai visita ripetere sempre le 2 stesse frasi senza far nessun riferimento a quanto hai letto. Ma tu dei blog che visiti - leggi qualcosa o è solo un mezzo per avere sempre più persone da collezionare come lettori? Ciao, e spero di averti come lettrice...

  9. "quello che è destinato a te, troverà il modo di raggiungerti" e aggiungo io, quello che non è destinato a te, anche se continui a cercarlo non arriverà mai

  10. Creating a beautiful painting is only possible on an empty canvas, a beautiful canvas. That's what I strive for

  11. Querida amiga, preciosas palabras, para la reflexión.
    Abrazos y besos que tengas un bello día

  12. I would never try to forcefully get anything, I really feel that I am not a person in need.
    Take care, have a great day!

  13. Um belo lembrete de que precisamos abraçar tudo que acontece em nossa vida, sejam coisas boas, ou que pareçam vazias de início. Pois tudo tem um propósito maior.

  14. Ajustarnos a las leyes naturales, para enfrentar las dificultades sociales o de comunidad. Un abrazo. Carlos

  15. Así es Rajani, se nota que aprendes de tu propia experiencia.

  16. Passando para atualizar
    minha leitura e para

  17. Le riflessioni che provengono dal cuore sono emozione :)

  18. Belle parole con il cuore aperto!

  19. Buon a sera Rajani. Da noi si dice:- nn andare contro natura. Molto sideva all'educazione e capacità di essere menager di sé stessi. Sagge parole le tue

  20. Querida amiga, hermosas palabras, una delicia leerte.
    Cariños y besos


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