
Showing posts from 2022

You are the master of your life and the universe is obeying your every command.

You are the master of your life and the universe is obeying your every command. Your mind has the creative power to create  everything. Your ability to think is unlimited,so are the things you can think and bring into extence. When you truly know this, your mind becomes aware of its own unlimited nature. I have found in my life and in the lives of others that we do not think well of ourselves or love ourselves fully. When we do not love ourselves,we are actually pushing away the things we want. Everything we want is motivated by love.

The more we blame others for our condition, the more we wallow in feelings of anger,fear, despair, or pain!

The more we blame others for our condition, the more we wallow in feelings of anger,fear, despair, or pain. Cursing others weakens that power, that energy, which is our own. When you get rid of the habit of blaming yourself, normally all the problems start getting resolved and you start moving forword in life. In fact, your needs are the energy that drives life forward. And when these needs are fulfilled, our body and life become energetic. So be gentle with yourself. It is possible that during this time you become emotional or start felling completely empty. But there is nothing to panic as this is a normal process. When you accept that you are not the only one responsible for the unpleasant things. that are happening in your life, then your power remains.

As a child, we jump with joy in small things!!

As a child, we jump with joy in small things. Life may seem difficult when we grow up, but our happy moments are as simple as that. A lot of our time and money is spent in search of happiness. It doesn't matter even if you get happiness by doing this. But the problem is that the more we run after happiness, the more we run after it. Expectations are the root of unhappiness,so perhaps instead of expecting anything to make us happy all the time,we need to prioritize only the things that make us happy - even if they seem like wasting others'time. Are only then can we visit our happy places more often and stay where we want.

When the mind starts running, it doesn't easily allow any other voice to dominate it. But, our life needs a balance of both heart and mind.😊😊🤗🤗

When the mind starts running, it doesn't easily allow any other voice to dominate it. But, our life needs a balance of both heart and mind. We must have the courage to listen to our heart. It is the voice that takes us to ourselves, to the truth and to a meaningful life. The mind is neither our enemy nor its role is less. Sometimes it becomes a little selfish in the pursuit of profit or to save us. With one argument he starts suppressing the voice of his heart. This is the reason that even after having all the logic, plans and facts of the mind,we are not completely happy. We have become so accustomed to the mind that we do not have time to listen to the voices of the heart. We find heart sounds childish and silly.

Prayer is the demand of the soul ❤️❤️

Prayer is the demand of the soul.☺️💗 God did not make us beggars. He made us as his reflection. It is declared in Hindu scriptures. If a beggar goes to the door of a rich man and begs, he only gets alms, but the son of the owner of that house can get whatever he asks from his rich father, so we should not behave like beggars. Asking is a form of prayer, but the biggest difference is in what form you are asking. Your prayer is a solicitation or authority. This authority feeling comes in a person When his will is strong. Have faith in the power of prayer in his heart. You may have been disappointed in the past not getting your prayers answered, but don't lose faith. To know whether prayers are successful or not, you must first have faith in the power of prayer.

Every one of us wants to see ourselves to be extraordinary!

Every one of us wants to see ourselves to be extraordinary. Let us do something out-of-the-box, that everyone is interested in us, this idea give us happiness. But, as time passes, we start to find our imagination absurd. It is not too late, start a special life from where it is. You can have a completely different version of the extraordinary, How to live an extraordinary life is completely up to you after all it is your life. The process itself is not as important as the intention behind it .

Acknowledge your fears, doubts and anxieties!!

Acknowledge your fears, doubts and anxieties. Step up. Work on your goals until you achieve them. Along the way, you may encounter objections and ridicule. Those people are not necessarily bad, but the universe may have sent them to test you on how committed you are to your goals.

We work, but we don't do work with pleasure!!

We work, but we don't do work with pleasure. When works becomes fun ,then what we do,we do it by drowning. Just as the time is not known while playing, the fun of work also doesn't let us get tried.

When your heart and mind are truly open,then you will get everything easily without any effort!!

When your heart and mind are truly open,then you will get everything easily without any effort. Stress and anxiety are becoming a part of life. The way we deal with our anxiety tells us how creative and satisfying our lives are. Medicines to reduce anxiety are being consumed all over the world. But medicines are not a permanent solution. The restlessness returns once the medication is stopped. More than drugs, we need to be free from our inner fears.

Expectations increase dissatisfaction !!

You must have often heard someone around you saying that such a person did not live up to their expectations or he is very disappointed with such a thing. There are some people who start expecting from themselves beyond their capabilities and then when they are not able to fulfill expectations then they start being unhappy with themselves. It means to say that the heavy burden of expectations snatches away the happiness of human beings. Whether those expectations are from someone else or from yourself. But when we set our expectations with reality in mind , disappointment is rarely encountered. In fact , the happiness that suddenly happens when something good happens,it doesn't meet the expected things, because on the occasion of sudden happiness, you would not have set your expectations. Don't expect impractical things from anyone.

We have two worlds .one that we see with our eyes.second, which we can not see with our eyes.

We have two worlds.One that we see with our eyes. Second , which we can not see with our eyes.The world that we see with our eyes is bigger than that which we can not see with our eyes. Both these worlds have an effect on our desires, our decisions, our development . They get confused that they are not able to connect with themselves. Our desires , our thoughts are not fully realized in our mind. We all are capable of much more than we think ourselves to be . We know very little about the conscious and subconscious level of the world,its extent and strength. We all have the power to attract the things we need or desire .It is necessary to connect with ourselves to identify and fulfill our desires. The more we connect with ourselves, the more our restlessness subsides. We are able to remain calm from within.

Seeing the achievements of people of our age, we feel that we are far behind!!

Seeing the achievements of people of our age,we feel that we are far behind.Till this age ,we could not achieve all that we wanted. Although it doesn't matter.we do not need someone else's stamp to understand our value or usefulness. It is said that we should live life to the fullest without worrying about age. No one's intelligence is known by numbers and one's intelligence is not known by age.

There is great power in desires!!

There is great power in desires. Every steps of life is taking us towards what we want. Many obstacles and fears can arise in this path, which need to be heard and understood. Don't turn away from your fear, work on it. Every obstacle crossed will take you closer to your destination. We can move forward only when we learn to face the discomfort that comes in the way of trying something new.