
Showing posts from September, 2021

Only the ability to work harder than we desire can make us positive. 🤗🤗

Only the ability to work harder than we desire can make us positive.There is nothing that can not be changed. When we rise above selfishness and are ready to do something for others keeping our time in mind, we become positive. It is true that it is impossible that any work done by you does not yield results.  Everything depends on how you do the work.  We keep trying to know everyone. Who is doing what? Who brought what? We keep an eye on everyone, but what we do not know is where is our happiness? Look at others, but be loyal to yourself too. Our perspective should be positive. Staying on unwanted paths for a long time weakens the body and mind.  You can make life joyful by being rich in energy and positivity.  Always remain enthusiastic and keep yourself full of energy. This will give a new identity to your personality. Your self-confidence will increase, you will be able to climb the ladder of success in life very quickly. 

You have to make efforts to fulfill your desires!!

You have to make efforts to fulfill your desires. But it's not good to be restless to get only one thing. Balance has to be maintained. You have to move ahead by explaining your mind. Then many times even after doing everything, the hands are left is said that whatever is made for us will reach us, even if it is buried under two mountains. What is not for us, even if it is buried between your lips,is left behind.

As long as there is breath, everyone is alive!!

As long as there is breath, everyone is alive. But, when some of our dreams, our desires, our voice and style are associated with living,then our life becomes something else. Then in that life no one else,we have our own glimpse. My aim is not only to survive,I also have to be successful. And I would love to do it with some  passion, compassion, some humor and in my own style.